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France (France) 358 0 Browse Search
Rhine 174 0 Browse Search
Treviri (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) 84 0 Browse Search
Great Britain (United Kingdom) 50 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 48 0 Browse Search
Senones (France) 36 0 Browse Search
Rhone 34 0 Browse Search
Bourges (France) 26 0 Browse Search
Gergovia (France) 26 0 Browse Search
Alesia (France) 24 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War. Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

Kent (United Kingdom) (search for this): book 5, chapter 14
The most civilized of all these nations are they who inhabit Kent , which is entirely a maritime district, nor do they differ much from the Gallic customs. Most of the inland inhabitants do not sow corn, but live on milk and flesh, and are clad with skins. All the Britains, indeed, dye themselves with wood, which occasions a bluish color, and thereby have a more terrible appearance in fight. They wear their hair long, and have every part of their body shaved except their head and upper lip. Ten and even twelve have wives common to them, and particularly brothers among brothers, and parents among their children; but if there be any issue by these wives, they are reputed to be the children of those by whom respectively each was first espoused when a virgin.