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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Tullius Cicero, On the Responses of the Haruspices (ed. C. D. Yonge). Search the whole document.

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front of the temple, in the very sight of the mighty Mother, on the day of the Megalesia?The Megalesia were the great festivals in honour of Cybele, celebrated in April, on the anniversary of the day when her statue was brought from Pessenus. They lasted six days, and were among the most important of all the festivities of the sort which were held at Rome. Vide Smith, Dict. Ant. v. Megalesia. which are in their institution and in the manner in which they are celebrated, above all other games chaste, solemn, and holy; in which games that great man Publius Africanus the elder, in his second consulship, gave for the first time the senate a place in front of the seats belonging to the people. Why need I tell how that foul pestile
She, then, she it is, who has displayed to the Roman people these tokens of wickedness, and revealed to them these indications of danger. For why should I speak of those games which our ancestors ordered to be performed and celebrated on the Palatine Hill, in front of the temple, in the very sight of the mighty Mother, on the day of the Megalesia?The Megalesia were the great festivals in honour of Cybele, celebrated in April, on the anniversary of the day when her statue was brought from Pessenus. They lasted six days, and were among the most important of all the festivities of the sort which were held at Rome. Vide Smith, Dict. Ant. v. Megalesia. which are in their institution and in the manner in which they are celebrated, ab