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Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard) 6 0 Browse Search
Plato, Laws 2 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard). You can also browse the collection for Seest (Denmark) or search for Seest (Denmark) in all documents.

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Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard), BOOK II, line 184 (search)
he more we press with main and toil, the more The water vomits up and flings them back, That, more than half their length, they there emerge, Rebounding. Yet we never doubt, meseems, That all the weight within them downward bears Through empty void. Well, in like manner, flames Ought also to be able, when pressed out, Through winds of air to rise aloft, even though The weight within them strive to draw them down. Hast thou not seen, sweeping so far and high, The meteors, midnight flambeaus of the sky, How after them they draw long trails of flame Wherever Nature gives a thoroughfare? How stars and constellations drop to earth, Seest not? Nay, too, the sun from peak of heaven Sheds round to every quarter its large heat, And sows the new-ploughed intervales with light: Thus also sun's heat downward tends to earth. Athwart the rain thou seest the lightning fly; Now here, now there, bursting from out the clouds, The fires dash zig-zag- and that flaming power Falls likewise down to earth.
Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard), BOOK IV, line 110 (search)
ch less E'en than those objects which begin to grow Too small for eyes to note, learn now in few How nice are the beginnings of all things- That this, too, I may yet confirm in proof: First, living creatures are sometimes so small That even their third part can nowise be seen; Judge, then, the size of any inward organ- What of their sphered heart, their eyes, their limbs, The skeleton?- How tiny thus they are! And what besides of those first particles Whence soul and mind must fashioned be?- Seest not How nice and how minute? Besides, whatever Exhales from out its body a sharp smell- The nauseous absinth, or the panacea, Strong southernwood, or bitter centaury- If never so lightly with thy [fingers] twain Perchance [thou touch] a one of them . . . . . . Then why not rather know that images Flit hither and thither, many, in many modes, Bodiless and invisible? But lest Haply thou holdest that those images Which come from obje
Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard), BOOK VI, line 1090 (search)
many things to us Life-giving, and that, contrariwise, there must Fly many round bringing disease and death. When these have, haply, chanced to collect And to derange the atmosphere of earth, The air becometh baneful. And, lo, all That Influence of bane, that pestilence, Or from Beyond down through our atmosphere, Like clouds and mists, descends, or else collects From earth herself and rises, when, a-soak And beat by rains unseasonable and suns, Our earth hath then contracted stench and rot. Seest thou not, also, that whoso arrive In region far from fatherland and home Are by the strangeness of the clime and waters Distempered?- since conditions vary much. For in what else may we suppose the clime Among the Britons to differ from Aegypt's own (Where totters awry the axis of the world), Or in what else to differ Pontic clime From Gades' and from climes adown the south, On to black generations of strong men With sun-baked skins? Even as we thus do see Four climes diverse under the four