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ght, however, possibly mean singing and music combined, similar to the performance of Arion, mentioned at the end of the Chapter. and more especially by the notes of the water-organ.The organ was so called by the ancients, from the resemblance borne by its pipes to "hydraula," or water-pipes, and from the fact of the bellows being acted on by the pressure of water. According to an author quoted by Athcnaus, B. iv. c. 75, the first organist was Ctesibius of Alexandria, who lived about B. C. 200. It is not improbable that Pliny refers to this invention in B. vii. c. 38. The pipes of the organ of Ctesibius were partly of bronze and partly of reed, and Tertullian describes it as a very complicated instrument. He does not dread man, as though a stranger to him, but comes to meet ships, leaps and bounds to and fro, vies with them in swiftness, and passes them even when in full sail. In the reignÆlian, Hist. Anim. B. vi. c. 15, tells this story as well, and Aulus Gellius, B. vii. c. 8, re