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Found 12 total hits in 4 results.

Savoy (France) (search for this): narrative 187
mall of every kind. Buttons greater and smaller, with moulds of leather and not of wood, and such as be durable of double silke, and that of sundry colours. Boxes with weights for gold, and of every kind of the coine of gold, good and bad, to shew that the people here use weight and measure, which is a certaine shew of wisedom, and of certaine government setled here. All the severall silver coynes of our English monies, to be caried with you to be shewed to the governours at Cambalu, which is a thing that shall in silence speake to wise men more then you imagine. Locks and keyes, hinges, bolts, haspes, &c. great and small of excellent workemanship, whereof if vent may be, hereafter we shall set our subjects in worke, which you must have in great regard. For in finding ample vent of any thing that is to be wrought in this realme, is more woorth to our people besides the gaine of the merchant, then Christchurch , Bridewell, the Savoy , and all the Hospitals of England.
ities to be made. KARSIES of all orient colours, specially of stamell, broadcloth of orient colours also. Frizadoes, Motlies, Bristow friezes, Spanish blankets, Baies of al colours, specially with Stamel, Worsteds, Carels, Saies, Woadmols, Flanels, Rash, &c. Felts of divers colours. Taffeta hats. Deepe caps for Mariners coloured in Stamel, whereof if ample vent may be found, it would turne to an infinite commoditie of the common poore people by knitting. Quilted caps of Levant taffeta of divers colours, for the night. Knit stocks of silke of orient colours. Knit stocks of Jerzie yarne of orient colours, whereof if ample vent might folow the poore multitude should be set in worke. Stocks of karsie of divers colours for men and for women. Garters of silke of severall kinds, and of colours divers. Girdles of Buffe and all other leather, with gilt and ungilt buckles, specially waste girdles, waste girdles of velvet. Gloves of all sorts knit, an
Christchurch (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 187
all of every kind. Buttons greater and smaller, with moulds of leather and not of wood, and such as be durable of double silke, and that of sundry colours. Boxes with weights for gold, and of every kind of the coine of gold, good and bad, to shew that the people here use weight and measure, which is a certaine shew of wisedom, and of certaine government setled here. All the severall silver coynes of our English monies, to be caried with you to be shewed to the governours at Cambalu, which is a thing that shall in silence speake to wise men more then you imagine. Locks and keyes, hinges, bolts, haspes, &c. great and small of excellent workemanship, whereof if vent may be, hereafter we shall set our subjects in worke, which you must have in great regard. For in finding ample vent of any thing that is to be wrought in this realme, is more woorth to our people besides the gaine of the merchant, then Christchurch , Bridewell, the Savoy , and all the Hospitals of England.
Venice (Italy) (search for this): narrative 187
, and leather, of all maner of colours. Shooes of Spanish leather of divers colours, of divers length, cut and uncut. Shooes of other leather. Velvet shooes and pantophles. These shooes and pantophles to be sent this time, rather for a shew then for any other cause. Purses knit, and of leather. Nightcaps knit, and other. A garnish of pewter for a shew of a vent of that English commoditie, bottles, flagons, spoones, &c. of that mettall. Glasses of English making. Venice glasses. Looking glasses for women, great and faire. Small dials a few for proofe, although there they will not hold the order they do here. Spectacles of the common sort. Others of Christall trimmed with silver, and otherwise. Hower glasses. Combes of Ivorie. Combes of boxe. Combes of horne. Linnen of divers sorts. Handkerchiefs with silke of severall colours wrought. Glazen eyes to ride with against dust. Knives in sheaths both single and