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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. Search the whole document.

Found 9 total hits in 3 results.

The travailes of Hubert Walter bishop of Sarisburie. HUBERT WALTER bishop of Sarisburie, a vertuous man, and famous for his good wit and piety, was one of the chiefest of them that followed king Richard into Syria going against the Saracens. As he returned from Palaestina and came in his journey into Sicilia , he there heard of the ill fortune of the king being fallen into his enemies handes, and thereupon leaving his journey homewards, he went presently and in all haste to the place where the king was captived, whom the king immediatly upon his comming sent into England, that by the authority of the councell, a tribute might be collected for his redemption: which this Hubert performed with great diligence, and delivered the king. After this he was made Archbishop of Canterburie, and after the death of king Richard he shewed the like dueties of fidelitie and trust to his brother John that succeeded him. For by a long oration he perswaded the whole nation of the English men, that
Syria (Syria) (search for this): narrative 306
The travailes of Hubert Walter bishop of Sarisburie. HUBERT WALTER bishop of Sarisburie, a vertuous man, and famous for his good wit and piety, was one of the chiefest of them that followed king Richard into Syria going against the Saracens. As he returned from Palaestina and came in his journey into Sicilia , he there heard of the ill fortune of the king being fallen into his enemies handes, and thereupon leaving his journey homewards, he went presently and in all haste to the place where the king was captived, whom the king immediatly upon his comming sent into England, that by the authority of the councell, a tribute might be collected for his redemption: which this Hubert performed with great diligence, and delivered the king. After this he was made Archbishop of Canterburie, and after the death of king Richard he shewed the like dueties of fidelitie and trust to his brother John that succeeded him. For by a long oration he perswaded the whole nation of the English men, that h
Sicily (Italy) (search for this): narrative 306
The travailes of Hubert Walter bishop of Sarisburie. HUBERT WALTER bishop of Sarisburie, a vertuous man, and famous for his good wit and piety, was one of the chiefest of them that followed king Richard into Syria going against the Saracens. As he returned from Palaestina and came in his journey into Sicilia , he there heard of the ill fortune of the king being fallen into his enemies handes, and thereupon leaving his journey homewards, he went presently and in all haste to the place where the king was captived, whom the king immediatly upon his comming sent into England, that by the authority of the councell, a tribute might be collected for his redemption: which this Hubert performed with great diligence, and delivered the king. After this he was made Archbishop of Canterburie, and after the death of king Richard he shewed the like dueties of fidelitie and trust to his brother John that succeeded him. For by a long oration he perswaded the whole nation of the English men, that h