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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. Search the whole document.

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Malta (Malta) (search for this): narrative 350
e of artillerie against one of the said gallies, and because she would not strike amaine her sayle, according to the will of the saide worshipfull John Keele, and David Fillie master, the said ship was brought backe again unto the present port of Malta , according to the order of the reverend generall of the said gallies : and in being there, maister Inquisitor staid it by authoritie of the holy office, and in that behalfe by the holinesse of our Lord pope Gregorie the thirteenth, in the end wasey hold, and repute the said worshipfull John Keele in the name as abovesaid, the ship, mariners, and marchandize, without let in the same their voyage, or in any other place, that they be not molested, nor in any wise hindered, but that in all their causes and businesse they be of you holpen, and furthered continually. In witnesse whereof, our seale of government is impressed to these presents in blacke waxe. Given at Malta in our Convent, the twelfth of the moneth of July, in the yeere 1582.
to them: yet, with the conditions hereunder written. viz. That every time the said marchants of the said ship, or with any other, shall not bring such marchandize as is forbidden, and that by sufficient proofe and letters testimoniall it appeareth that they are free from the infections of the plague, they may victuall themselves with all necessarie victuals, and traffike with us, and in this Iland and dominion, and afterwarde may depart and follow their voyage whither they will into the Levant or else where, as all other vessels, and especially of France and other nations do, and sell and buy whatsoever marchandize they shal thinke good. Item, that they may bring powder for cannon and harquebush, saltpeeter, cole of Newcastle , plates of lattin, tinne, steele, yron, common karsies white, course canvas to make saile for the gallies, balles of yron for shot, fine milstones, trees & masts for gallies, litle and others, and in conclusion, having seene that they for the time of the
Newcastle (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 350
it appeareth that they are free from the infections of the plague, they may victuall themselves with all necessarie victuals, and traffike with us, and in this Iland and dominion, and afterwarde may depart and follow their voyage whither they will into the Levant or else where, as all other vessels, and especially of France and other nations do, and sell and buy whatsoever marchandize they shal thinke good. Item, that they may bring powder for cannon and harquebush, saltpeeter, cole of Newcastle , plates of lattin, tinne, steele, yron, common karsies white, course canvas to make saile for the gallies, balles of yron for shot, fine milstones, trees & masts for gallies, litle and others, and in conclusion, having seene that they for the time of their abode here, did behave themselves like faithfull and catholike Christians, & that his holines hath allowed the safeconduct of the great Turke to them granted for feare of the Turkish armie, and other vessels of the enemie, submitting our
The passeport made by the great Maister of Malta unto the Englishmen in the barke Raynolds. 1582. FRIER HUGO of Loubeux Verdala, by the grace of God, master of the holy house, the hospital of S. John at Jerusalem, and an humble keeper of the poore of Jesus Christ, to all & every prince ecclesiastical & secular, archbishops, bishops, Dukes, Marqueses, Barons, Capteines, Vicelords, Maiors, Castellanes, Admirals, and whatsoever patrons of Gallies, or other greater shippes, and governors of cities, ey hold, and repute the said worshipfull John Keele in the name as abovesaid, the ship, mariners, and marchandize, without let in the same their voyage, or in any other place, that they be not molested, nor in any wise hindered, but that in all their causes and businesse they be of you holpen, and furthered continually. In witnesse whereof, our seale of government is impressed to these presents in blacke waxe. Given at Malta in our Convent, the twelfth of the moneth of July, in the yeere 1582.