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Found 17 total hits in 6 results.

Syria (Syria) (search for this): narrative 361
M. William Hareborne the English Ambassadour, to Richard Forster, authorising him Consul of the English nation in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, &c. I WILLIAM HARBORNE, her Majesties Ambassadour, Ligier with the Grand Signior, for the affaires of the Levant doe in her Majesties name confirme and appoint Richard Forster Gentleman, my Deputie and Consull in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, and all other ports whatsoever in the provinces of Syria , Palestina , and Jurie, to execute the office of Consull over all our Nation her Majesties subjects, of what estate or quality soever: giving him hereby full power to defend, protect, and maintaine all such her Majesties subjects as to him shall be obedient, in all honest and just causes whatsoever: and in like case no lesse power to imprison, punish, and correct any and all such as he shall finde disobedient to him in the like causes, even in such order as I my selfe might doe by vertue of
Damascus (Syria) (search for this): narrative 361
Commission given by M. William Hareborne the English Ambassadour, to Richard Forster, authorising him Consul of the English nation in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, &c. I WILLIAM HARBORNE, her Majesties Ambassadour, Ligier with the Grand Signior, for the affaires of the Levant doe in her Majesties name confirme and appoint Richard Forster Gentleman, my Deputie and Consull in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, and all other ports whatsoever in Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, and all other ports whatsoever in the provinces of Syria , Palestina , and Jurie, to execute the office of Consull over all our Nation her Majesties subjects, of what estate or quality soever: giving him hereby full power to defend, protect, and maintaine all such her Majesties subjects as to him shall be obedient, in all honest and just causes whatsoever: and in like case no lesse power to imprison, punish, and correct any and all such as he shall finde disobedient to him in the like causes, even in such order as I my selfe mig
m Hareborne the English Ambassadour, to Richard Forster, authorising him Consul of the English nation in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, &c. I WILLIAM HARBORNE, her Majesties Ambassadour, Ligier with the Grand Signior, for the affaires of the Levant doe in her Majesties name confirme and appoint Richard Forster Gentleman, my Deputie and Consull in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, and all other ports whatsoever in the provinces of Syria , Palestina , and Jurie, to execute the office of Consull over all our Nation her Majesties subjects, of what estate or quality soever: giving him hereby full power to defend, protect, and maintaine all such her Majesties subjects as to him shall be obedient, in all honest and just causes whatsoever: and in like case no lesse power to imprison, punish, and correct any and all such as he shall finde disobedient to him in the like causes, even in such order as I my selfe might doe by vertue of her Majest
Commission given by M. William Hareborne the English Ambassadour, to Richard Forster, authorising him Consul of the English nation in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, &c. I WILLIAM HARBORNE, her Majesties Ambassadour, Ligier with the Grand Signior, for the affaires of the Levant doe in her Majesties name confirme and appoint Richard Forster Gentleman, my Deputie and Consull in the parts of Alepo, Damasco , Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, and all other ports whatsoever in the provinces of Syria , Palestina , and Jurie, to execute the office of Consull over all our Nation her Majesties subjects, of what estate or quality soever: giving him hereby full power to defend, protect, and maintaine all such her Majesties subjects as to him shall be obedient, in all honest and just causes whatsoever: and in like case no lesse power to imprison, punish, and correct any and all such as he shall finde disobedient to him in the like causes, even in such order as I my selfe mi
June, 1583 AD (search for this): narrative 361
r to defend, protect, and maintaine all such her Majesties subjects as to him shall be obedient, in all honest and just causes whatsoever: and in like case no lesse power to imprison, punish, and correct any and all such as he shall finde disobedient to him in the like causes, even in such order as I my selfe might doe by vertue of her Majesties Commission given me the 26 of November 1582, the copie whereof I have annexed to this present under her Majesties Seale delivered me to that use. Straightly charging and commanding all her Majesties subjects in those parts, as they will avoid her Highnesse displeasure and their owne harmes, to honour his authoritie, and have due respect unto the same, aiding and assisting him there with their persons and goods in any cause requisit to her Majesties good service, and commoditie of her dominions. In witnesse whereof I have confirmed and sealed these presents at Rapamat my mansion house by Pera over against Constantinople, the 20 of June 1583.
November, 1582 AD (search for this): narrative 361
f Consull over all our Nation her Majesties subjects, of what estate or quality soever: giving him hereby full power to defend, protect, and maintaine all such her Majesties subjects as to him shall be obedient, in all honest and just causes whatsoever: and in like case no lesse power to imprison, punish, and correct any and all such as he shall finde disobedient to him in the like causes, even in such order as I my selfe might doe by vertue of her Majesties Commission given me the 26 of November 1582, the copie whereof I have annexed to this present under her Majesties Seale delivered me to that use. Straightly charging and commanding all her Majesties subjects in those parts, as they will avoid her Highnesse displeasure and their owne harmes, to honour his authoritie, and have due respect unto the same, aiding and assisting him there with their persons and goods in any cause requisit to her Majesties good service, and commoditie of her dominions. In witnesse whereof I have confirmed