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Bridgewater (Canada) (search for this): narrative 607
ld us of the Gabriel, who having got thorow from the backside, and Western point of the Queenes foreland, into Frobishers straights, fell into their company about the cape of Good hope. And upon the seven and twentieth of July, the ship of Bridgewater got out of the yce and met with the Fleete which lay off and on under Hattons Hedland. They reported of their marvellous accidents and dangers, declaring their ship to be so leake that they must of necessitie seeke harborow, having their sey might recover their shippes. But in the morning following it was much worse, for the storme continued greater, the Sea being more swollen, and the Fleete gone quite out of sight. So that now their doubts began to grow great: for the ship of Bridgewater which was of greatest receit, and whereof they had best hope and made most account, roade so farre to leeward of the harborowes mouth, that they were not able for the rockes (that lay betweene the wind and them) to lead it out to Sea with a sa
Leicester (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 607
erve their turnes, then had they so great a fogge and darke miste therewith, that eyther they could not discerne way thorow the yce, or els the yce lay so thicke together, that it was impossible for them to passe. And on the other side, when it was calme, the Tydes had force to bring the yce so suddenly about them, that commonly then they were most therewith distressed, having no Winde to cary them from the danger thereof. And by the sixt of August being with much adoe got up as high as Leicester point, they had good hope to finde the Souther shore cleare, and so to passe up towardes their Port. But being there becalmed and lying a hull openly upon the great Bay which commeth out of the mistaken streights before spoken of, they were so suddenly compassed with yce round about by meanes of the swift Tydes which run in that place, that they were never afore so hardly beset as now. And in seeking to avoyde these dangers in the darke weather, the Anne Francis lost sight of the other
Cornwall (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 607
argument to prove the heat in Summer there to be great, that was able to thaw so monstrous mountaines of ice. As for continuall snow on tops of mountaines, it is there no otherwise then is in the hotest part of the middle Zone, where also lieth great snow all the Summer long upon tops of mountaines, because there is not sufficient space for the Sunnes reflection, whereby the snow should be molten. Touching the colde stormy winds and the barrennesse of the country, it is there as it is in Cornwall and Devonshire in England , which parts though we know to be fruitfull and fertile, yet on the North side thereof all alongst the coast within seven or eight miles off the sea there can neither hedge nor tree grow, although they be diligently by arte husbanded and seene unto: and the cause thereof are the Northerne driving winds, which comming from the sea are so bitter and sharpe that they kill all the yoong & tender plants, and suffer scarse any thing to grow; and so is it in the Island
Sicily (Italy) (search for this): narrative 607
ursed, dry, sandy, and unfruitfull ground, fit for such a generation to inhabite in. Thus you see, that the cause of the Ethiopians blacknesse is the curse and naturall infection of blood, and not the distemperature of the Climate; Which also may bee prooved by this example, that these blacke men are found in allparts of Africa , as well without the Tropickes, as within, even unto Capo de buona Speranza Southward, where, by reason of the Sphere, should be the same temperature that is in Sicilia , Morea and Candie, where al be of very good complexions. Wherefore I conclude, that the blacknesse proceedeth not of the hotenesse of the Clime, but as I saide, of the infection of blood, and therefore this their argument gathered of the Africans blacknesse is not able to destroy the temperature of the middle Zone. Wee may therefore very well bee assertained, that under the Equinoctiall is the most pleasant and delectable place of the worlde to dwell in; where although the Sunne for two ho
Fenton (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 607
ouragement, and gracious countenance. Her highnesse besides other good gifts, and greater promises, bestowed on the Generall a faire chaine of golde, and the rest of the Captaines kissed her hand, tooke their leave, and departed every man towards their charge. The names of the ships with their severall Captaines. 1 In the Aide being Amirall, was the Generall Captain Frobisher. 2 In the Thomas Allen Viceadmirall Yorke. 3 In the Judith Lieutenant generall Fenton . 4 In the Anne Francis Best. 5 In the Hopewell Carew. 6 In the Beare Filpot. 7 In the Thomas of Ipswich Tanfield 8 In the Emmanuel of Exceter Courtney. 9 In the Francis of Foy Moyles. 10 In the Moone Upcot. 11 In the Emmanuel of Bridgewater Newton . 12 In the Salomon of Weymo
Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): narrative 607
eutenant generall Fenton . 4 In the Anne Francis Best. 5 In the Hopewell Carew. 6 In the Beare Filpot. 7 In the Thomas of Ipswich Tanfield 8 In the Emmanuel of Exceter Courtney. 9 In the Francis of Foy Moyles. 10 In the Moone Upcot. 11 In the Emmanuel of Bridgewater Newton . 12 In the Salomon of Weymouth Randal. 13 In the Barke Dennis Kendal . 14 In the Gabriel Harvey . 15 In the Michael Kinnersley. The sayd fifteene saile of ships arrived and met together at Harwich , the seven and twentieth day of May Anno 1578, where the Generall and the other Captaines made view, and mustred their companies. And every several Captaine received from the
Padstow (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 607
e to double the pointe with a South and by East way, but were faine to make another boord, the wind being at Southwest and by West, and yet could not double the point to come cleere of the lands end, to beare along the channel: and the weather cleered up when we were hard aboord the shore, and we made the lands end perfit, and so put up along Saint Georges chanel. And the weather being very foule at sea, we coveted some harborough, because our steerage was broken, and so came to ancor in Padstow road in Cornewall. But riding there a very dangerous roade, we were advised by the countrey, to put to Sea againe, and of the two evils, to choose the lesse, for there was nothing but present perill where we roade: whereupon we plyed along the channell to get to Londy, from whence we were againe driven, being but an open roade, where our Anker came home, and with force of weather put to Seas againe, and about the three and twentieth of September, arrived at Milford Haven in Wales, which bei
Canada (Canada) (search for this): narrative 607
ve but little haire on their faces, and very thinne beards. For their common drinke, they eate yce to quench their thirst withall. Their earth yeeldeth no graine or fruit of sustenance for man, or almost for beast to live upon: and the people will eate grasse and shrubs of the ground, even as our kine doe. They have no wood growing in their Countrey thereabouts, and yet wee find they have some timber among them, which we thinke doth growe farre off to the Southwards of this place, about Canada , or some other part of New found land: for there belike, the trees standing on the cliffes of the sea side, by the waight of yce and snow in Winter overcharging them with waight, when the Sommers thaw commeth above, and also the Sea underfretting them beneath, which winneth dayly of the land, they are undermined and fall downe from those cliffes into the Sea, and with the tydes and currents are driven to and fro upon the coastes further off, and by conjecture are taken up here by these Coun
ine an alteration of the colde aire: but if the same man had come at the beginning of Sommer, and so afterward by little and little by certaine degrees, had felt and acquainted himselfe with the frost of Autumne, it would have seemed by degrees to harden him, and so to make it farre more tollerable, and by use after one yeere or two, the aire would seeme to him more temperate. It was compted a great matter in the olde time, that there was a brasse pot broken in sunder with frosen water in Pontus , which after was brought and shewed in Delphis, in token of a miraculous colde region and winter, and therefore consecrated to the Temple of Apollo. This effect being wrought in the Parallel of fouretie three degrees in Latitude, it was presently counted a place very hardly and uneasily to be inhabited for the great colde. And how then can such men define upon other Regions very farre without that Parallel, whether they were inhabited or not, seeing that in so neere a place they so gro
Rome (Italy) (search for this): narrative 607
f the second or third climat, though they may live, yet will they never ingender or bring forth yong. Also we see the like in many kinds of plants and herbs; for example, the Orange trees, although in Naples they bring forth fruit abundantly, in Rome and Florence they will beare onely faire greene leaves, but not any fruit: and translated into England , they will hardly beare either flowers, fruit, or leaves, but are the next Winter pinched and withered with colde: yet it followeth not for this, that England , Rome , and Florence should not be habitable. In the proving of these colde regions habitable, I shalbe very short, because the same reasons serve for this purpose, which were alleged before in the proving the middle Zone to be temperate, especially seeing all heat and colde proceed from the Sunne, by the meanes either of the Angle which his beames do make with the Horizon, or els by the long or short continuance of the Suns presence above ground: so that if the Sunnes be
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