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ships in their Canowes, and did traffique with us; we also the same day landed and entered their Towne from whence we returned the same day aboord without any resistance of the Salvages; or any offence done to them. The 2 of May our Admirall and our Pinnesse departed from Dominica leaving the John our Vice-admirall playing off and on about Dominica , hoping to take some Spaniard outwardes bound to the Indies; the same night we had sight of three smal Ilands called Los Santos, leaving Guadalupe and them on our starboord. The 3 we had sight of S. Christophers Iland, bearing Northeast and by East off us. On the 4 we sayled by the Virgines, which are many broken Ilands, lying at the East ende of S. Johns Iland: and the same day towards evening we landed upon one of them called Blanca, where we killed an incredible number of foules: here we stayed but three houres, & from thence stood into the shore Northwest, and having brought this Iland Southeast off us, we put towards nig
l our state, ranne from us to the Spaniards. On the 9 we departed from Yaguana. The 13 we landed on an Iland called Mona , whereon were 10 or 12 houses inhabited of the Spaniards; these we burned & took from them a Pinnesse, which they had dand; but they hid them in caves, hollow rockes, and bushes, so that we could not find them. On the 14 we departed from Mona , and the next day after wee came to an Iland called Saona, about 5 leagues distant from Mona , lying on the Southside of Mona , lying on the Southside of Hispaniola neere the East end: betweene these two Ilands we lay off and on 4 or 5 dayes, hoping to take some of the Domingo fleete doubling this Island, as a neerer way to Spaine then by Cape Tyburon, or by Cape S. Anthony. On Thursday being the us at Saona, with whom we left a Spanish Frigate, and appointed him to lie off and on other five daies betweene Saona and Mona to the ende aforesaid; then we departed from them at Saona for Cape Tyburon. Here I was enformed that our men of the Vice
Dominica (Dominica) (search for this): narrative 707
ges; or any offence done to them. The 2 of May our Admirall and our Pinnesse departed from Dominica leaving the John our Vice-admirall playing off and on about Dominica , hoping to take some SpaDominica , hoping to take some Spaniard outwardes bound to the Indies; the same night we had sight of three smal Ilands called Los Santos, leaving Guadalupe and them on our starboord. The 3 we had sight of S. Christophers Iland, or by Cape S. Anthony. On Thursday being the 19 our Viceadmirall, from whom we departed at Dominica , came to us at Saona, with whom we left a Spanish Frigate, and appointed him to lie off and onor Cape Tyburon. Here I was enformed that our men of the Viceadmirall, at their departure from Dominica brought away two young Salvages, which were the chiefe Casiques sonnes of that Countrey and part of Dominica , but they shortly after ran away from them at Santa Cruz Iland, where the Viceadmirall landed to take in ballast. On the 2 the Admirall came to the Cape Tyburon, where we found