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Cumana (Sucre, Venezuela) (search for this): narrative 859
Port townes of the Province of Venezuela, as Cumana , Coro and S. Iago (whereof Coro and S. Iago yland, that Berreo had sent to Margarita and Cumana for souldiers, meaning to have given mee a caperate companions. From thence he went to Cumana , and there slew the governour, and dealt in aiana , had two or three yeeres before bene at Cumana and at Margarita, in the West Indies, with grmoneths, in which time one Vides governour of Cumana wanne him to be his conductour into Guiana , uide them in any sort; for Vides governour of Cumana , and Berreo, were become mortall enemies, aswrritories of the Saima, and Wikiri, recovered Cumana , where hee thought himselfe very safe, with V Sayma, and that the same levell reached to Cumana , and Caracas in the West Indies, which are athinke to make the report. When I came to Cumana in the West Indies afterwards by chance I spalled Areo, which riseth on Paria side towards Cumana , and that river is inhabited with the Wikiri,[4 more...]
Calais (France) (search for this): narrative 859
tlemen and officers my selfe had captaine Thin, my cousin John Greenvile, my nephew John Gilbert, captaine Whiddon, captaine Keymis, Edward Handcocke, captaine Clarke, lieutenant Hewes, Thomas Upton, captaine Facy, Jerome Ferrar, Anthony Welles, William Connocke, and above fifty more. We could not learne of Berreo any other way to enter but in branches, so farre to wind-ward, as it was impossible for us to recover: for wee had as much sea to crosse over in our wheries, as betweene Dover and Calais , and in a great billow, the winde and current being both very strong, so as we were driven to goe in those small boats directly before the winde into the bottome of the bay of Guanipa, and from thence to enter the mouth of some one of those rivers which John Dowglas had last discovered, and had with us for pilot an Indian of Barema, a river to the South of Orenoque, betweene that and Amazones, whose canoas we had formerly taken as hee was going from the sayd Barema, laden with Cassavibrea
in the provinces of Topago, and their chiefest strengths and retracts are in the Islands situate on the South side of the entrance some 60 leagues within the mouth of the sayd river. The memories of the like women are very ancient aswell in Africa as in Asia : In Africa those that had Medusa for queene: others in Scithia nere the rivers of Tanais and Thermodon: we finde also that Lampedo & Marthesia were queenes of the Amazones: in many histories they are verified to have bene, and in dAfrica those that had Medusa for queene: others in Scithia nere the rivers of Tanais and Thermodon: we finde also that Lampedo & Marthesia were queenes of the Amazones: in many histories they are verified to have bene, and in divers ages and provinces: but they which are not far from Guiana doe accompany with men but once in a yere, and for the time of one moneth, which I gather by their relation, to be in April: and that time all kings of the borders assemble, and queenes of the Amazones; and after the queenes have chosen, the rest cast lots for their Valentines. This one moneth, they feast, dance, and drinke of their wines in abundance; and the Moone being done, they all depart to their owne provinces. If they con
Cali (Colombia) (search for this): narrative 859
o, the great Cities of Pamplon S. Fe de Bogota, Tunxa and Mozo where the Esmeralds are found, the townes and Cities of Marequita, Velez, la Villa de Leva, Palma, Unda, Angustura, the great citie of Timana, Tocaima, S. Aguila, Pasto , Juago, the great Citie of Popaian it selfe, Los Remedios, and the rest. If we take the Ports and villages within the Bay of Uraba, in the kingdom or rivers of Dariene, and Caribana, the Cities and townes of S. Juan de Roydas, of Cassaris, of Antiocha, Caramanta, Cali , and Anserma have gold enough to pay the kings part, and are not easily invaded by the way of the Ocean: or if Nombre de Dios and Panama be taken in the Province of Castilla del oro, and the villages upon the rivers of Cenu & Chagre; Peru hath besides those & besides the magnificent cities of Quito & Lima so many ylands, ports, cities, and mines, as if I should name them with the rest, it would seem incredible to the reader: of all which, because I have written a particular treatise of th
Pasto (Colombia) (search for this): narrative 859
ing of Spaine, any one ducat: and if we sacke the river of Hacha, S. Marta, and Cartagena , which are the Portes of Nuevo reyno, and Popayan ; there are besides within the land, which are indeed riche and populous, the townes and Cities of Merida, Lagrita, S. Christophoro, the great Cities of Pamplon S. Fe de Bogota, Tunxa and Mozo where the Esmeralds are found, the townes and Cities of Marequita, Velez, la Villa de Leva, Palma, Unda, Angustura, the great citie of Timana, Tocaima, S. Aguila, Pasto , Juago, the great Citie of Popaian it selfe, Los Remedios, and the rest. If we take the Ports and villages within the Bay of Uraba, in the kingdom or rivers of Dariene, and Caribana, the Cities and townes of S. Juan de Roydas, of Cassaris, of Antiocha, Caramanta, Cali , and Anserma have gold enough to pay the kings part, and are not easily invaded by the way of the Ocean: or if Nombre de Dios and Panama be taken in the Province of Castilla del oro, and the villages upon the rivers of Cenu &
Thames (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 859
by-branch which ran within the land to the Eastward, and that he thought by it we might fall into Capuri, and so returne in foure dayes. John Dowglas searched those rivers, and found foure goodly entrances, whereof the least was as bigge as the Thames at Woolwich ; but in the bay thitherward it was shoald, and but sixe foot water: so as we were now without hope of any ship or barke to passe over, and therefore resolved to go on with the boats, and the bottom of the Galego, in which we thrust wee came to enter with our barge and whirries thinking to have gone up some fourtie miles to the nations of the Cassipagotos, wee were not able with a barge of eight oares to row one stones cast in an houre, and yet the River is as broad as the Thames at Wolwich, and wee tried both sides, and the middle, and every part of the River, so as we incamped upon the bankes adjoyning, and sent off our Orenoquepone (which came with us from Morequito) to give knowledge to the nations upon the River of
Trinidad (Trinidad and Tobago) (search for this): narrative 859
pon the same enterprize, leaving my ships at Trinidad , at the Port called Curiapan, I wandred 400 is true that while we abode at the yland of Trinidad , I was informed, by an Indian, that not far which we framed in hast for that purpose at Trinidad , and those little boats had 9. or 10. men a not, we departed and directed our course for Trinidad with mine owne ship, and a small barke of cacame with us from Plimmouth :) we arrived at Trinidad the 22. of March, casting ancker at point Cuspannolles or Conquerabia . This yland of Trinidad hath the forme of a sheep-hooke, and is but eke the Edward Bonaventure, which arrived at Trinidad the day before from the East Indies: in whosrswaded that he should have come too late to Trinidad to have found us there (for the moneth was ehee fell downe from the river of Orenoque to Trinidad , and from thence to Margarita, and also to Se bottome of the bay, lying directly against Trinidad , a nation of inhumaine Canibals, which inhab
Venezuela (Venezuela) (search for this): narrative 859
of his party, and tooke with him certeine Simerones, and other desperate companions. From thence he went to Cumana , and there slew the governour, and dealt in all as at Margarita: hee spoiled all the coast of Caracas , and the province of Venezuela , and of Rio de la hacha; and as I remember, it was the same yere that sir John Hawkins sailed to Saint Juan de Ullua in the Jesus of Lubeck: for himselfe tolde me that he met with such a one upon the coast that rebelled, and had sailed downe alit falles into the sea betweene Marannon and Trinidad in two degrees and a halfe: all which your Honours shall better perceive in the general description of Guiana , Peru , Nuevo reyno, the kingdome of Popayan , and Roidas, with the province of Venezuela , to the bay of Uraba, behind Cartagena Westward; and to Amazones Southward. While we lay at ankor on the coast of Canuri, and had taken knowledge of all the nations upon the head and branches of this river, and had found out so many several peo
Guiana (Guyana) (search for this): narrative 859
W. R. The discoverie of Guiana . ON Thursday the 6. of February in the yere 1eere before to get what knowledge he could of Guiana , and the end of my journey at this time was ts, and 30 horse, who arriving on the coast of Guiana , was slaine in a mutiny, with the most part o Pedro de Osua a knight of Navarre attempted Guiana , taking his way from Peru , and built his bri as they are situate) have plates of golde of Guiana . And upon the river of Amazones, Thevet write golde (as both Berreo confessed and those of Guiana with whom I had most conference) and is situathen to Carapana, which he called the port of Guiana : but from thence by the helpe of Carapana he abited Macureguarai the first civill towne of Guiana , of the subjects of Inga the Emperour. Upone, we weyed ankor, and coasted the river on Guiana side, because wee came upon the North side, be us safe to our shippes, it is time to leave Guiana to the Sunne, whom they worshippe, and steare[97 more...]
Tanais (Russia) (search for this): narrative 859
casique or lord of people, that told me he had bene in the river, and beyond it also. The nations of these women are on the South side of the river in the provinces of Topago, and their chiefest strengths and retracts are in the Islands situate on the South side of the entrance some 60 leagues within the mouth of the sayd river. The memories of the like women are very ancient aswell in Africa as in Asia : In Africa those that had Medusa for queene: others in Scithia nere the rivers of Tanais and Thermodon: we finde also that Lampedo & Marthesia were queenes of the Amazones: in many histories they are verified to have bene, and in divers ages and provinces: but they which are not far from Guiana doe accompany with men but once in a yere, and for the time of one moneth, which I gather by their relation, to be in April: and that time all kings of the borders assemble, and queenes of the Amazones; and after the queenes have chosen, the rest cast lots for their Valentines. This one
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