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Waini (Guyana) (search for this): narrative 874
amma, Uracco, Mawara, Mawarparo, Amonna, Marawini, Oncowi, Wiawiami, Aramatappo, Camaiwini, Shurinama, Shurama, Cupanamma, Inana, Guritini, Winitwara, Berbice, Wapari, Maicaiwini, Mahawaica, Wappari, Lemdrare, Dessekebe, Caopui, Pawrooma, Moruga, Waini , Barima, Amacur, Aratoori, Raleana. From Cape Cecyl to Raleana, the coast trendeth two hundred leagues next hand Westnorthwest. In this varietie of goodly rivers, Amonna among the rest powreth himselfe into the sea in a large and deepe chanell : Names of poysoned hearbes. Ourari. Apareepo. Carassi. Parapara. 48 Moruga. g.Piara.Chaimeragoro. Iaos.Arwaccas. Cooparoore. g.Awiapari.Topoo. Manarecowa.Iarwarema. Hearbes good against poyson. Turara. Wapo. Cutarapama. Macatto. 49 Waini . g. Charibes. Tocoopoima. g. Parana .   50 Barima. g.Caitooma.Arooca. Charibes.Arwaccas. Pekwa. g.Arwakima. Anawra.Aparwa.Arracurri. The 29. day of June we arrived in Portland roade, having spent five moneths in going, staying, and returning.
then ours is unto us? Their Peruleri, who going bare & empty out of Spaine, do againe within 3. or 4. yeres returne from Peru , rich and in good estate, doe apparently disprove all such conceits of them. Shall wee say that they have more spare melpe to put a bitte in the mouth of the unbrideled Spaniard; the onely way to enter into his treasurie of Nuevo Reyno, and Peru ; the onely meanes to animate the wronged Indians with our assistance to seeke revenge for the extreme murthers and crueltime have possessed it. But if they consider that the Spanish nation hath already conquered the two empires of Mexico and Peru , with so many other kingdoms and provinces: wee may very well answere, that his power is not infinite, and that hee hat: yet doe their owne writings in effect testifie, that without the ayde of the Indians divided among themselves, Mexico , Peru , and the rest, had never beene Spanish. Lastly. I can impute it to no cause so rightly, as immediatly to the divine pr
Santiago (Cape Verde) (search for this): narrative 874
he Indian dwellings. They were not of Anthonie de Berreo his companie, that followed this chase, but were the Spaniards of Margarita, and the Caraccas, with whom Santiago forsaking his governour Berreo joyned himselfe. For which fact he now lyeth in fetters at Trinidad , every day expecting sentence of death. The occasion hereof gg the countrey, others in purveying of victuals out of the rivers that doe lie Eastward, of which number these were, that entred into Moruga with twentie Canoas. Santiago passed up into Topiawaries countrey, and there tooke Francis Sparrowe sir George Gifford his man prisoner, who with plentie of gold ransomed his life, and is nowe, they all returned to Trinidad , and beganne to builde their towne there, when unhappily to their small comfort the eight and twentie sayles arrived, and tooke Santiago prisoner. The other Actors in this Enterlude vanished, and in Canoas recovered Margarita and Cumana againe. Eighteene of the said ships leaving all things in go
Burley (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): narrative 874
ce, Wapari, Maicaiwini, Mahawaica, Wappari, Lemdrare, Dessekebe, Caopui, Pawrooma, Moruga, Waini , Barima, Amacur, Aratoori, Raleana. From Cape Cecyl to Raleana, the coast trendeth two hundred leagues next hand Westnorthwest. In this varietie of goodly rivers, Amonna among the rest powreth himselfe into the sea in a large and deepe chanell : his swiftnesse suffereth no barre, nor refuseth any shipping of what burthen soever they be: within his mouth for good and hopefull respectes is port Burley placed. The inhabitants that dwell Eastward, doe never passe lower then Berbice to trade. Above Curitini in the woods they gather great quantities of hony. Farther to the Eastward then Dessekebe, no Spaniard ever travelled. In which respect, and that no sea-card that I have seene at any time, doth in any sort neere a trueth, describe this coast: I thought the libertie of imposing English names to certaine places of note, of right to belong unto our labours; the rather because occasion there
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 874
terpreter had perswaded them the contrarie, and that wee came from England , they without farther speech or delay, brought us to Wareo their Cs betwixt hope and feare, have earnestly expected our returne from England these foure or five moneths. When I had answered him, that at our e. When he had sometime conversed with our Indians, that went from England with us, hee became willing to see our countrey. His sufficiencie,r, our Pinnesse, the Discoverer, whome wee lost neere the coast of England , came unto us. Shee fell with this land somewhat to the Southwardeours, and giving out false intelligences of preparations to invade England , thereby to keepe us at home; or else of hyring and suborning some for brevities sake, I doe propose onely this bare assertion: that England and Guiana conjoyned, are stronger, and more easily defended, then if England alone should repose her selfe on her owne force, and powerfulnesse. The reasons that might bee inferred to prove this neede no r
Goa (Goa, India) (search for this): narrative 874
prise hath bene produced for a discouragement: it were a dull conceite of strange weakenes in our selves, to distrust our own power so much, or at least, our owne hearts and courages; as valewing the Spanish nation to be omnipotent; or yeelding that the poore Portugal hath that mastering spirit and conquering industrie, above us; as to bee able to seate himselfe amongst the many mightie princes of the East Indies, to frontire China , to holde in subjection the Philippinas, Zeilan, Calecut, Goa, Ormus, Mozambique , and the rest; the navigation being so tedious and full of perill: to suffer our selves to bee put backe for worthlesse cyphers, out of place, without account. All which Regions being nowe also by the late conquest of Portugall, entituled to the Spanish king: to whom the Colonies of those parts doe yet generally refuse to sweare fealtie and allegiance: and the care depending on him, not onely in governing them in the East, so farre off; but also of ordering and strengtheni
y great.   21. Neere the head of this river, Capeleppo falleth out of the plaines, and runneth into the Sea with Curitini. Some of the Guianians live in this river. 22 Marawini. g. Paracuttos.       23 Owcowi.         24 Wiawiami.         25 Aramatappo.         26 Wiapo.         27 Macuruma.         28 Carapi.         29 Uraca.         30 Chaimawimini great. Carepini.Charib.   Caponaiarie.   31 Ecrowto. Upotommas.       32 Pawro.   Maripomma.     33 Shurinama g. Arwaccas.Carepini.Chari .       34 Shurama g. Carepini. Cupari.     35 Northumbria or Cupanamavery g. Char.Arwaccas.       36 Wioma.         37 Cushwini. Neekeari. Tawrooromene. Neperwari.   38 Inana. g.   Owaripoore.     39 Curitini. g. Carepini.Arwaccas.Parawianni. Mawronama.   39. This river, as also most of the rest, is not navigable above sixe dayes journey by reason of rockes. It is tenne dayes journey to the head, where the Guianians do dwel: hony, yar
Caracas (Venezuela) (search for this): narrative 874
mapagotos have images of gold of incredible bignesse, and great store of unmanned horses of the Caracas breed: and they dwell five dayes journey up the River about Caroli. Wee with our fleete of Canonnot bee thought that either it was senselesse madnesse in the governours of Margarita, and the Caracas , to bring their states and lives in question, by seeking, contrarie to their kings order, to eneo with his followers: or else the abundance of pearle in Margarita, and the golde mines in the Caracas , seeming matters of small account: Guiana onely was in their judgement, rich, plentifull, and ppeare to be foure, Nuevo reyno, the mouth of Amazones or Orellana, Cubagua or the coast of the Caracas , and Trinidad. 1 From Moiobamba, where Orellana hath his headspring, to his mouth, the Spaner of great difficultie, by reason that the Indian nations inhabiting betweene the coast of The Caracas and Guiana , being wearied and harried with the daily incursions of the Spaniards, have now tur
Portugal (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 874
e all intimated in the onely example of Spaine it selfe; which without the Indies is but a purse without money, or a painted sheath without a dagger. In summe: it seemeth unto me, that whereas the difficultie of performing this enterprise hath bene produced for a discouragement: it were a dull conceite of strange weakenes in our selves, to distrust our own power so much, or at least, our owne hearts and courages; as valewing the Spanish nation to be omnipotent; or yeelding that the poore Portugal hath that mastering spirit and conquering industrie, above us; as to bee able to seate himselfe amongst the many mightie princes of the East Indies, to frontire China , to holde in subjection the Philippinas, Zeilan, Calecut, Goa, Ormus, Mozambique , and the rest; the navigation being so tedious and full of perill: to suffer our selves to bee put backe for worthlesse cyphers, out of place, without account. All which Regions being nowe also by the late conquest of Portugall, entituled to th
Dominica (Dominica) (search for this): narrative 874
with all kindnesse: so are they impatient of such a wrong, as to have any of their people perforce taken from them, and will doubtlesse seeke revenge. The example of the like practise upon the coast of Guinie, in the yeere, 1566, and againe at Dominica , where Alderman Wats his shippe hardly escaped being taken, may serve for our warning in like case to looke for no good, before they bee satisfied for this injury. When wee had taken aboorde us such victuals as were in the Pinnesse: wee setre to come unto us. To sit downe on their lowe stooles, when they by offering such ease, will seeme to shewe curtesie, abodeth death to strangers, that shall trust them. At Matalino or Martinino we found not any inhabitants. Lastly, wee came to Dominica , where we could get no good Tabaco. But having intelligence of a Spanish shippe, that was taking in of fresh water, at the Northwest side of the Island, wee wayed ancor to seeke him. Hee discrying us, stole away by night. The Indians of this pl
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