Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. You can also browse the collection for Hungary (Hungary) or search for Hungary (Hungary) in all documents.

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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of the Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington, brother by the mothers side to King Richard the second, to Jerusalem and Saint Katherins mount. (search)
The voyage of the Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington, brother by the mothers side to King Richard the second, to Jerusalem and Saint Katherins mount. THE Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington, was as then on his way to Jerusalem, and to Saint Katherins mount, and purposed to returne by the Realme of Hungarie. For as he passed through France (where he had great cheere of the king, and of his brother and uncles) hee heard how the king of Hungary and the great Turke should have battell together: therefore he thought surely to be at that journey.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A description of a Voiage to Constantinople and Syria , begun the 21. of March 1593. and ended the 9. of August, 1595. wherein is shewed the order of delivering the second Present by Master Edward Barton her majesties Ambassador, which was sent from her Majestie to Sultan Murad Can, Emperour of Turkie. (search)
nus than to Mars, he stayed at home. Yet a great army was dispatched this yere; who, as they came out of Asia to goe for Hungary , did so pester the streets of Constantinople for the space of two moneths in the spring time, as scarse either Christianise and godly a prince professing the true religion of Christ. The number of souldiours which went to the warres of Hungary this yere were 470000, as by the particulars given by the Admirall to the Ambassadour hereunder doe appeare. Although al the way thither left their Captaines and stole away. The number of Turkish souldiers which were appointed to goe into Hungary against the Christian Emperour. May 1594. SINAN Bassa generall, with the Sanjacke masould, that is, out of office, witht the great Turke maketh warre with no small numbers. And in anno 1597, when Sultan Mahomet himselfe went in person into Hungary , if a man may beleeve reports, he had an army of 600000. For the city of Constantinople you shall understand that i