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300 AD - 399 AD | 90 | 90 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Search the whole document.
Found 11 total hits in 10 results.
121 BC (search for this): entry concordia-aedes-templum
367 BC (search for this): entry concordia-aedes-templum
(Act. Arv. LVI, Plin. NH xxxiv. 73, 80, 89, 90;
xxxvi. 196, Serv. Aen. ii. 116, Notitia), delubrum (Plin. xxxv. 66; xxxvii.
a temple at the north-west corner of the forum, said to have been
vowed by L. Furius Camillus in 367 B.C. during the disturbances that
took place over the passage of the Licinian laws. Its erection was voted
by the people immediately after their enactment (Ov. Fast. i. 641-644;
Plut. Cam. 42). It stood between the Volcanal and the foot of the
Capitoline (Ov. cit. 637-638; Act. Arv. passim; Serv. Aen. ii. 116; Stat.
Silv. i. I. 31; Plut. Cam. 42; Varro, LL v. 148, 156), and the space around
it was called area Concordiae, which is mentioned only in connection with
prodigia of 183 and 181 B.C. (Liv. xxxix. 56. 6; xl. 19. 2; Obseq. 4).
The date of the actual erection of the temple is not known; the day of
its dedication was probably 22nd July (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 103),
while that of the later structure was 16th January (Ov. Fast.
211 BC (search for this): entry concordia-aedes-templum
181 BC (search for this): entry concordia-aedes-templum
727 AD - 795 AD (search for this): entry concordia-aedes-templum