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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Search the whole document.
Found 2 total hits in 2 results.
(aedicula ? new/s, nao/s, you= *geni/ou tou= dh/mou Cass.
Dio) :
(1)a shrine dedicated to the Genius of the Roman people, near the
temple of Concord in the forum, mentioned twice in connection with
prodigies in the years 43 and 32 B.C. (Cass. Dio xlvii. 2. 3; 1. 8. 2), and on
an inscription (CIL vi. 248) found between the clivus Capitolinus and
the basilica Iulia. Aurelian ' genium populi Romani aureum in rostris
posuit ' (Chron. 148 ; cf. Becker, Top. 320), which probably means that
the shrine was close to the rostra, and this agrees with the order in
Not. (Reg. VIII; see Jord. i. 2. 377; DE iii. 467-468; RE vii. I 66).
(2) According to the calendars (Fast. Amit. Arval. ad vii Id. Oct.,
CIL i². p. 245,214, 331) sacrifices were offered on 9th October to the Genius
populi Romani, Felicitas and Venus Victrix in Capitolio, and therefore
there was probably a shrine or altar of this Genius on the Capitol also.
Whether it was dedicated to the Genius alone, or to th
(aedicula ? new/s, nao/s, you= *geni/ou tou= dh/mou Cass.
Dio) :
(1)a shrine dedicated to the Genius of the Roman people, near the
temple of Concord in the forum, mentioned twice in connection with
prodigies in the years 43 and 32 B.C. (Cass. Dio xlvii. 2. 3; 1. 8. 2), and on
an inscription (CIL vi. 248) found between the clivus Capitolinus and
the basilica Iulia. Aurelian ' genium populi Romani aureum in rostris
posuit ' (Chron. 148 ; cf. Becker, Top. 320), which probably means that
the shrine was close to the rostra, and this agrees with the order in
Not. (Reg. VIII; see Jord. i. 2. 377; DE iii. 467-468; RE vii. I 66).
(2) According to the calendars (Fast. Amit. Arval. ad vii Id. Oct.,
CIL i². p. 245,214, 331) sacrifices were offered on 9th October to the Genius
populi Romani, Felicitas and Venus Victrix in Capitolio, and therefore
there was probably a shrine or altar of this Genius on the Capitol also.
Whether it was dedicated to the Genius alone, or to the