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300 AD - 399 AD | 90 | 90 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Search the whole document.
Found 5 total hits in 5 results.
144 BC (search for this): entry horrea-galbae
warehouses in the district known as PRAEDIA GALBANA
(q.v.) between the south-west side of the Aventine and the Tiber. Here
was the tomb of Ser. Sulpicius Galba, consul in 144 or 108 B.C. (CIL i².
695=vi. 31617; cf. NS 1885, 527; BC 1885, 165; Mitt. 1886, 62),
and about that time, or before the end of the republic, the horrea were
built and called Sulpicia (Hor. Carm. iv. 12. 18) or Galbae (Porphyr. ad loc.;
Chron. p. 146; CIL vi. 9801, 33743; xiv. 20; cf. Galbeses, vi.
30901; Galbienses, vi. 710=30817; Not. Reg. XIII: Galbes, 33886;
IG xiv. 956 A. 29: e)pi\ tw=| *ga/lbh| ). Other forms of the name are horrea
Galbana (Not. dign. occ. iv. 15 Seeck; CIL vi. 338=30740) and Galbiana
(vi. 236, 30855, 33906). They were enlarged or restored by the Emperor
Galba and therefore, in later times, their erection seems to have been
ascribed to him (Chron. 146: (Galba) domum suum deposuit et horrea
Galbae instituit (cf. CIL vi. 8680=33743 [Bonae Deae Cf. ib. 30855, a dedication
108 BC (search for this): entry horrea-galbae
warehouses in the district known as PRAEDIA GALBANA
(q.v.) between the south-west side of the Aventine and the Tiber. Here
was the tomb of Ser. Sulpicius Galba, consul in 144 or 108 B.C. (CIL i².
695=vi. 31617; cf. NS 1885, 527; BC 1885, 165; Mitt. 1886, 62),
and about that time, or before the end of the republic, the horrea were
built and called Sulpicia (Hor. Carm. iv. 12. 18) or Galbae (Porphyr. ad loc.;
Chron. p. 146; CIL vi. 9801, 33743; xiv. 20; cf. Galbeses, vi.
30901; Galbienses, vi. 710=30817; Not. Reg. XIII: Galbes, 33886;
IG xiv. 956 A. 29: e)pi\ tw=| *ga/lbh| ). Other forms of the name are horrea
Galbana (Not. dign. occ. iv. 15 Seeck; CIL vi. 338=30740) and Galbiana
(vi. 236, 30855, 33906). They were enlarged or restored by the Emperor
Galba and therefore, in later times, their erection seems to have been
ascribed to him (Chron. 146: (Galba) domum suum deposuit et horrea
Galbae instituit (cf. CIL vi. 8680=33743 [Bonae Deae Cf. ib. 30855, a dedication t
1500 AD - 1599 AD (search for this): entry horrea-galbae
1100 AD - 1199 AD (search for this): entry horrea-galbae
149 AD - 268 AD (search for this): entry horrea-galbae