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The entities that appear most frequently in this document are shown below.
Entity | Max. Freq | Min. Freq | ||
300 AD - 399 AD | 90 | 90 | Browse | Search |
1500 AD - 1599 AD | 58 | 58 | Browse | Search |
100 AD - 199 AD | 31 | 31 | Browse | Search |
500 AD - 599 AD | 30 | 30 | Browse | Search |
200 AD - 299 AD | 24 | 24 | Browse | Search |
179 BC | 20 | 20 | Browse | Search |
1400 AD - 1499 AD | 19 | 19 | Browse | Search |
400 AD - 499 AD | 19 | 19 | Browse | Search |
1100 AD - 1199 AD | 17 | 17 | Browse | Search |
700 AD - 799 AD | 15 | 15 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Search the whole document.
Found 1 total hit in 1 results.
300 AD - 399 AD (search for this): entry horti-pallantiani
gardens on the Esquiline mentioned three times
by Frontinus (de aq. 19, 20, 69), existing in the fourth century (Not. Reg.
V; cf. FUR 57 ?), and supposed to have been laid out by Pallas, the
rich freedman of Claudius. According to Frontinus the point where
the rivus Herculaneus branched off from the aqua Marcia, about 175
metres south of the porta Tiburtina, and the end of the Claudia and Anio
novus, about 250 metres north of the porta Praenestina, were behind
these gardens. They must, therefore, have occupied a site very near the
middle of the triangle formed by the via Tiburtina vetus, the via Praenestina-Labicana, and the line of the aqua Marcia, i.e. somewhat south
of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (cf. BC 1874, 53-54; LA 248; HJ 358).