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Browsing named entities in Paul Shorey, Commentary on Horace, Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Saeculare.

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lines, its apparent frequency in Pindar was a stumbling-block to French critics. audiet . . . iuventus: note position. Our sons will marvel at the crime and folly of this generation. Cf. 1. 35. 35; Epode 7. 1; 16. 1-9. civis: emphatic, but the ellipsis of in civis (against their fellow-citizens) is harsh. The reference is to the civil war by which the state had been so long distracted. graves: formidable; cf. 3. 5. 4. So baru/s.—Persae: the empire of the East was Parthian from B.C. 250 to A.D. 226. But Horace uses Oriental names freely, and to a student of Greek literature Eastern was Persian, or Mede.—melius perirent: would better have perished; cf. 3. 14. 27; 4. 6. 16. For the general thought in this passage, cf. Lucan, cited on Epode 7. 5. vitio: gives cause of rara. rara: thinned; the thought is rhetorically amplified by Lucan, 7. 398, crimen civile videmus, | tot vacuas urbes. Cf. ibid. 535 sqq. 1. 25 sqq.; Verg. G. 1. 507. divum: gen. plur.; only a god can save. Ten years ear