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43 BC 170 170 Browse Search
44 BC 146 146 Browse Search
49 BC 140 140 Browse Search
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46 BC 119 119 Browse Search
63 BC 109 109 Browse Search
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59 BC 90 90 Browse Search
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Florus, L. Aqui'llius a triumvir of the mint under Augustus, whose name occurs on several coins, which are figured below. The obverse of the first represents the head of Augustus, and the reverse a flower. The second and third refer to the conquest of Armenia and the recovery of the Roman standards from the Parthians in B. C. 20. The obverse of the second has on it a helmeted head of a female, and the reverse Armenia as a suppliant, kneeling down with outstretched hands, with the legend CAESAR DIVI F. ARME. CAPT. The obverse of the third has a head of the sun, and the reverse a Parthian on his knees, presenting a standard, with the legend CAESAR AVGVSTVS SIGN. RECE. The obverse of the fourth coin is the same as the second; the reverse, from the elephants, seems to refer to the same conquests in the East. (Eckhel, vol. v. pp. 142, 143, vol. vi. pp. 94-99.)