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asure had the effect of completing the alienation of Masinissa, prince of the Massylians, to whom Sophonisba had been previously promised. Hasdrubal, however, did not regard his enmity in comparison with the friendship of Syphax, whom he not long after instigated to invade the territories of Masinissa, and expel that prince from the whole of his hereditary dominions. (Liv. 29.23, 31; Appian, App. Pun. 10-12; Zonar. 9.11, 12.) Such was the state of affairs when Scipio landed in Africa, in B. C. 204. Hasdrubal, who was at this time regarded as one of the chief citizens in his native state, was immediately placed at the head of the Carthaginian land forces, and succeeded in levying an army of 30,000 foot and 3000 horse, which was quickly joined by Syphax with a force of 50,000 foot and 10,000 horse. The approach of these two powerful armies compelled Scipio to raise the siege of Utica, and establish his camp in a strong position on a projecting headland, while Hasdrubal and Syphax form
escaped, to tell the tale of this fearful massacre. Among these, however, was Hasdrubal himself, who hastened from the scene of the disaster to Carthage, where he succeeded in persuading the senate once more to try the fortune of war. Syphax had also escaped, and was soon able to raise another army of Numidians, with which he again joined Hasdrubal. But their united forces were a second time overthrown by Scipio; and while Syphax fled once more into Numidia, Hasdrubal returned to Carthage, B. C. 203. (Plb. 14.1-8; Liv. 29.35, 30.3-8; Appian, App. Pun. 13-23; Zonar. 9.12.) This is the last notice of him that occurs in Polybius or Livy; according to Appian, on the contrary, he avoided returning to Carthage, from apprehension of the popular fury, and assembled a force of mercenary and Numidian troops, with which he kept the field on his own account, having been condemned to death for his ill success by the Carthaginian government. Notwithstanding this, he continued to concert measures, a
Hasdrubal 10. Son of Gisco. one of the Carthaginian generals in Spain during the Second Punic War. He is first mentioned as arriving in that country, with a considerable army, in B. C. 214, and as cooperating with Hasdrubal and Mago, the two sons of Hamilcar, in the campaign of that year. But, notwithstanding the union of their three armies, they were able to effect nothing decisive. The outline of the events which marked the Spanish war from this year until the departure of Hasdrubal the son of Hamilcar to Italy, has been already given in the life of the latter [No. 6], and it seems unnecessary to recapitulate it, in order to point out the share which the son of Gisco took in the successes or reverses of the Carthaginian arms. From an early period of the war, dissensions arose between the three generals, which doubtless contributed not a little to the fluctuations of its success, and which appear to have risen to a still greater height after the defeat and death of the two Scipios (
milcar to Italy, has been already given in the life of the latter [No. 6], and it seems unnecessary to recapitulate it, in order to point out the share which the son of Gisco took in the successes or reverses of the Carthaginian arms. From an early period of the war, dissensions arose between the three generals, which doubtless contributed not a little to the fluctuations of its success, and which appear to have risen to a still greater height after the defeat and death of the two Scipios (B. C. 212) had left them apparently undisputed masters of Spain. The particular part which the son of Gisco took in these is nowhere mentioned, but it is difficult to avoid the conjecture that they were in great part owing to his jealousy of the sons of Hamilcar; and Polybius expressly charges him (9.11, 10.35, 36) with alienating the minds of the Spaniards by his arrogance and rapacity, among others that of Indibilis, one of the chiefs who had been most faithfully attached to the Carthaginian cause
Gisco took in these is nowhere mentioned, but it is difficult to avoid the conjecture that they were in great part owing to his jealousy of the sons of Hamilcar; and Polybius expressly charges him (9.11, 10.35, 36) with alienating the minds of the Spaniards by his arrogance and rapacity, among others that of Indibilis, one of the chiefs who had been most faithfully attached to the Carthaginian cause. [INDIBILIS.] When Hasdrubal the son of Hamilcar, after his defeat at Baecula by Scipio (B. C. 209), moved northwards across the Tagus, he was joined by his two colleagues, and, at the council of war held by them, it was agreed, that while the son of Hamilcar should prosecute his march to Italy, the son of Gisco should confine himself to the defence of Lusitania and the western provinces of Spain, taking care to avoid a battle with Scipio. (Liv. 27.20.) This accounts for his inaction during the following year. In the summer of 207 we hear of him in the extreme south, near Gades, where