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natas. The threatened attack, however, passed over with little injury. Antiochus actually invaded Bithynia, but withdrew again without risking a battle. It was apparently as much against his revolted subjects as his foreign enemies that Nicomedes now called in the assistance of more powerful auxiliaries, and entered into an alliance with the Gauls, who, under Leonnorius and Lutarius, were arrived on the opposite side of the Bosporus, and were at this time engaged in the siege of Byzantium, B. C. 277. Having furnished them with the means of crossing over into Asia, he first turned the arms of his new auxiliaries against his brother, Zipoetes, whom he defeated and put to death, and thus reunited the whole of Bithvnia under his dominion. (Memonon, 100.16, 18, 1.); Liv. 38.16; Just. 25.2.) Of the events that followed we have little information; it is probable that the Gauls subsequently assisted Nicomedes against Antiochus (Trog. Pomp. prol. xxv; comp. Droysen, Hellenism. vol. ii. p. 178)
of a new capital, and the site which he chose, in the immediate neighbourhood of the Megarian colony of Astacus, was so judiciously selected that the city of Nicomedeia continued for more than six centuries to be one of the richest and most flourishing in Asia. (Memnon, 100.20; Strab. xii. p.563; Steph. Byz. v. *Nikomh/deia, who erroneously calls Nicomedes son of Zeilas Euseb. Chron. Ol. 129. 1; Paus. 5.12.7; Tzetz. Chil. 3.950.) The foundation of Nicomedeia is placed by Eusebius (l.c.) in B. C. 264. The duration of the reign of Nicomedes himself after this event is unknown, but his death is assigned with much probability by the Abbé Sevin (Mém. de l'Acad. des inscr. tom. xv. p. 34) to about the year B. C. 250. He had been twice married; by his first wife, Ditizela, a Phrygian by birth (who had been accidentally killed by a favourite dog belonging to the king), he had two sons, Prusias and ZIELAS, and a daughter, Lysandra; but his second wife, Etazeta, persuaded him to set aside his c
e of the richest and most flourishing in Asia. (Memnon, 100.20; Strab. xii. p.563; Steph. Byz. v. *Nikomh/deia, who erroneously calls Nicomedes son of Zeilas Euseb. Chron. Ol. 129. 1; Paus. 5.12.7; Tzetz. Chil. 3.950.) The foundation of Nicomedeia is placed by Eusebius (l.c.) in B. C. 264. The duration of the reign of Nicomedes himself after this event is unknown, but his death is assigned with much probability by the Abbé Sevin (Mém. de l'Acad. des inscr. tom. xv. p. 34) to about the year B. C. 250. He had been twice married; by his first wife, Ditizela, a Phrygian by birth (who had been accidentally killed by a favourite dog belonging to the king), he had two sons, Prusias and ZIELAS, and a daughter, Lysandra; but his second wife, Etazeta, persuaded him to set aside his children by this former marriage, and leave his crown to her offspring. The latter were still infants at the time of his death, on which account he confided their guardianship by his will to the two kings, Antigonus