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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The flanking column at Wilson's Creek. (search)
emselves up to plundering the camp, became scattered, and were for this reason surprised by the returning enemy. When we had taken our position on the plateau near Sharp's, a cannonade was opened by me against a part of the enemy's troops, evidently forming the left of their line, confronting Lyon, as we could observe from the struggle going on in that direction. The firing lasted about 30 minutes. Colonel Graves, commanding the First Brigade, Mo. State Guards, says in his report: Colonel Rosser, commanding the 1st Regiment and Fourth Battalion, with Captain Bledsoe's artillery, being stationed on the extreme left, was attacked by Colonel Sigel's battery, and his men exposed to a deadly fire for thirty minutes.--F. S. Suddenly the firing on the enemy's side ceased, and it seemed as if we had directed our own fire against Lyon's forces. I therefore ordered the pieces to cease firing. Just at this time — it was between 9 and 10 o'clock--there was a lull in the fight on the n
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Pea Ridge, Ark. (search)
hn Q. Burbridge; 2d Infantry, Col. Benjamin A. Rives (m w), Lieut.-Col. J. A. Pritchard; 1st Battery, Capt. William Wade; 2d Battery, Capt. S. Churchill Clark (k), Lieut. James L. Farris. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William Y. Slack (m w), Col. Thomas H. Rosser: Battalion Infantry, Col. John T. Hughes; Battalion Infantry, Major R. S. Bevier; Battalion Infantry, Col. Thomas H. Rosser; Battalion Cavalry, Col. G. W. Riggins; Light Battery, Capt. Wm. Lucas.. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 37--42. Third BrigCol. Thomas H. Rosser; Battalion Cavalry, Col. G. W. Riggins; Light Battery, Capt. Wm. Lucas.. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 37--42. Third Brigade, Col. Colton Greene. Brigade loss: k, 6; w, 59 = 65. State troops, Second Division, Brig.-Gen. Martin E. Green. Third Division, Col. John B. Clark, Jr.: 1st Infantry, Major Rucker (w); 2d Infantry, Col. Congreve Jackson; 3d Infantry, Major Hutchinson; 4th and 5th Infantry (consolidated), Col. J. A. Poindexter (w); 6th Infantry, Lieut.-Col. Peacher. Division loss: k, 11; w, 101; m, 35 = 147. Fifth Division, Col. James P. Saunders: detachments of infantry, cavalry, and Kelly's battery of a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Composition and losses of the Confederate army. (search)
hn Q. Burbridge; 2d Infantry, Col. Benjamin A. Rives (m w), Lieut.-Col. J. A. Pritchard; 1st Battery, Capt. William Wade; 2d Battery, Capt. S. Churchill Clark (k), Lieut. James L. Farris. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William Y. Slack (m w), Col. Thomas H. Rosser: Battalion Infantry, Col. John T. Hughes; Battalion Infantry, Major R. S. Bevier; Battalion Infantry, Col. Thomas H. Rosser; Battalion Cavalry, Col. G. W. Riggins; Light Battery, Capt. Wm. Lucas.. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 37--42. Third BrigCol. Thomas H. Rosser; Battalion Cavalry, Col. G. W. Riggins; Light Battery, Capt. Wm. Lucas.. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 37--42. Third Brigade, Col. Colton Greene. Brigade loss: k, 6; w, 59 = 65. State troops, Second Division, Brig.-Gen. Martin E. Green. Third Division, Col. John B. Clark, Jr.: 1st Infantry, Major Rucker (w); 2d Infantry, Col. Congreve Jackson; 3d Infantry, Major Hutchinson; 4th and 5th Infantry (consolidated), Col. J. A. Poindexter (w); 6th Infantry, Lieut.-Col. Peacher. Division loss: k, 11; w, 101; m, 35 = 147. Fifth Division, Col. James P. Saunders: detachments of infantry, cavalry, and Kelly's battery of a