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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 1: the situation. (search)
the form of the soldi (from the Latin solidus ), the real money, the piece of solid metal, represented to-day in the French sou. But no one can despise such soldiers who remember the conduct of the Swiss Guard of Louis XVI. of France, cowardly forsaken by his own; but these loyal spirits, for the manhood that was in them and not for pay, stood by him to the last living man of them, whose heroism the proud citizens of their native home have fittingly commemorated in Thorwaldson's Lion of Lucerne. And we certainly held our regulars dear, from long association, and could only speak their name with honor when we thought of the desperate charge down from the Round Tops of Gettysburg into the maelstrom of death swirling around the Devil's Den, from which but half their numbers emerged, and these so wrought upon that they were soon after released from service in the field to recover strength. These veterans of ours were the equals of regulars even if they received a nominal pay;