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Lexington (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
himself, were seated for twelve hours on a clay-bank during a violent storm, but the interest was so intense, that the time passed like three hours. This was the occasion when they telegraphed such a quan- tity of nonsense to the Yankee general, receiving valuable infor- mation in return, and such necessary stores by train as Morgan was in need of. General Polk's son, a young artillery lieutenant, told me this evening that Stonewall Jackson was a professor at the military school at Lexington, in which he was a cadet. Old Jack was considered a persevering but rather dull master, and was often made a butt of by cheeky cadets, whose great ambition it was to irritate him, but, however insolent they were, he never took the slightest notice of their impertinence at the time, although he always had them punished for it afterwards. At the outbreak of the war, he was called upon by the cadets to make a speech, and these were his words: Soldiers make short speeches: be slow to draw th
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
tly very vain- The country through which we passed was a dense pine forest, sandy soil, and quite desolate, very uninviting to an invading army. We travelled all night. 27th may, 1863 (Wednesday). Arrived at Montgomery, the capital of Alabama, at daylight, and left it by another railroad at 5.30 A. M. All State capitals appear to resemble one another, and look like bits cut off from great cities. One or two streets have a good deal of pretension about them; and the inevitable Ca exasperation with which every South. I had to change cars at West Point and at Atlanta. At the latter place I was crammed into a desperately crowded train for Chattanooga. This country, Georgia, is much more inhabited and cultivated than Alabama. I travelled again all night. 28th may, 1863 (Thursday). I arrived at Chattanooga (Tennessee) at 4.30 A. M., and fell in with Captain Brown again; his negro recognized me, and immediately rushed up to shake hands. After breakfasting a
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
uge in Texas, after having abandoned their plantations in Louisiana on the approach of Banks. One of them had as many as sixcrammed into another stage. Crossed the frontier into Louisiana at 11 A. M. I have therefore been nearly a month getting dwindled away. I was introduced to Governor Moore, of Louisiana, to the Lieutenant-governor Hyams, and also to the exiledoctor), an old man from Matagorda, buying slaves cheap in Louisiana, a wounded officer, and a wounded soldier. The soldieing creole. The descendants of the French colonists in Louisiana are called creoles; most of them talk French, and I have of the way of the Yankees, and they were now returning to Louisiana. At 2 P. M. a wounded soldier gave us the deplorable unded men, who had been captured and paroled by Banks, in Louisiana; they confirmed every thing about the fall of Jackson, whimagined. Lieutenant-general Leonidas Polk, Bishop of Louisiana, who commands the other corps d'armee, is a good-looking,
Helena, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
be much regretted, as it appears he was always ready to neglect his military duties for an assignation. In the South it is not considered necessary to put yourself on an equality with a man in such a case as Van Dorn's by calling him out. His life belongs to the aggrieved husband, and shooting down is universally esteemed the correct thing, even if it takes place after a lapse of time, as in the affair between General Van Dorn and Dr. Peters. News arrived this evening of the capture of Helena by the Confederates, and of the hanging of a negro regiment with forty Yankee officers. Every one expressed sorrow for the blacks, but applauded the destruction of their officers. This afterwards turned out to be untrue. I slept in General Polk's tent, he occupying a room in the house adjoining. Before going to bed, General Polk told me an affecting story of a poor widow in humble circumstances, whose three sons had fallen in battle one after the other, until she had only one left,
Virginia Point (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ged in the slave trade; but he escaped. At the beginning of this war he was captured by the Yankees, when he was in command of the Confederate States steamer Royal Yacht, and taken to New York in chains, where he was condemned to be hung as a pirate; but he was eventually exchanged. I was afterwards told that the slave-trading escapade of which he was accused consisted in his having hired a colored crew at Boston, and then coolly selling them at Galveston. At 1 P. M., we arrived at Virginia Point, a tetede-pont at the extremity of the mainland. Here Bates's battalion was encamped-called also the swamp angels, on account of the marshy nature of their quarters, and of their predatory and irregular habits. The railroad then traverses a shallow lagoon (called Galveston Bay) on a trestle-bridge two miles long; this leads to another tete-de-pont on Galveston island, and in a few minutes the city is reached. In the train I had received the following message by telegraph from C
San Antonio (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
(Friday). I nearly slept round the clock after yesterday's exertions. Mr. Douglas and I crossed the father of rivers and landed on the Mississippi bank at 9 A. M. Natchez is a pretty little town, and ought to contain about 6,000 inhabitants. It is built on the top of a high bluff overlooking the Mississippi river, which is about three quarters of a mile broad at this point. When I reached Natchez I hired a carriage, and, with a letter of introduction which I had brought from San Antonio, I drove to the house of Mr. Haller Nutt, distant from the town about two miles. The scenery about Natchez is extremely pretty, and the ground is hilly, with plenty of fine trees. Mr. Nutt's place reminded me very much of an English gentleman's country seat, except that the house itself is rather like a pagoda, but it is beautifully furnished. Mr. Nutt was extremely civil, and was most anxious that I should remain at Natchez for a few days; but now that I was thoroughly wound up
Fort Point (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
fortunate surrender of the Harriet Lane to the cotton-boat Bayou City, and the extraordinary conduct of Commodore Renshaw, converted a Confederate disaster into the recapture of Galveston. General Magruder certainly deserves immense credit for his boldness in attacking a heavily armed naval squadron with a few field-pieces and two river steamers protected with cotton bales and manned with Texan cavalry soldiers. I rode with Colonel Debray to examine Forts Scurry, Magruder, Bankhead, and Point. These works have been ingeniously designed by Colonel Sulokowski (formerly in the Austrian army), and they were being very well constructed by one hundred and fifty whites and six hundred blacks under that officer's superintendence, the blacks being lent by the neighboring planters. Although the blockaders can easily approach to within three miles of the works, and although one shell will always stampede the negroes, yet they have not thrown any for a long time. Such a stampede did
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
hen I was there. General Loring's force, cut off from Pemberton, was near Crystal Springs. General Johnston, with about 6,000 men, was supposed to be near Canton. General Gist's troops, about 5,500 strong, were close by, having arrived from South Carolina and Georgia, just too late to defend Jackson. The enemy, under General Grant, in vastly superior force, was pressing Vicksburg very hard, and had now completely invested that fortress. The great object of the Confederates must, of cousians, under General McNair. General Gist had twelve goodlooking Napoleon guns with him (twelve-pounders). The horses were fine animals, and were in wonderful good condition, considering that they had been ten days on the railroad coming from South Carolina. The troops were roughly but efficiently clothed; their boots were in good order, and all were armed with Enfield rifles. The weather was very hot, and we were halted to bivouac for the night, at a spot about seventeen miles from Jack
Rusk, Cherokee County, Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ot generally very successful. The same sort of country as yesterday, viz.-large forests of pines and postroaks, and occasional Indiancorn fields, the trees having been killed by cutting a circle near the roots. At 3 P. M., we took in four more passengers. One of them was a Major , brother-in-law to ----- , who hanged Mongomery at Brownsville. He spoke of the exploit of his relative with some pride. Ie told me that his three brothers had lost an arm apiece in the war. We arrived at Rusk at 6.30 P. m., and spent a few hours there; but notwithstanding the boasted splendor of the beds at the Cherokee Hotel, and although by Major ----‘s influence I got one to myself, yet I did not consider its aspect sufficiently inviting to induce me to remove my clothes. 7th may, 1863 (Thursday). -We started again at 1.30 A. M. in a smaller coach, but luckily with reduced numbers,--viz., the Louisianian Judge (who is also a legislator), a Mississippi planter, the boatswain, the governme
Crystal Springs (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
seemed extremely probable. At 9 A. M. I seated myself, in company with about twenty soldiers, on the engine, and we started towards Jackson. On reaching Crystal Springs, half-way to Jackson, we found General Loring's division crossing the railroad and marching east. It had been defeated, with the loss of most of its artilleral Maxey's brigade, about 5,000 strong, was near Brookhaven, and was marching east when I was there. General Loring's force, cut off from Pemberton, was near Crystal Springs. General Johnston, with about 6,000 men, was supposed to be near Canton. General Gist's troops, about 5,500 strong, were close by, having arrived from South ch exhausted, at 9.30 A. M. General Loring came and reported himself soon after. He is a stout man with one arm. His division had arrived at Jackson from Crystal Springs about 6,000 strong; Evans's brigade, about 3,000, had also arrived from Charleston; and Maxey's brigade was in the act of marching into Jackson. I calculate,
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