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Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, May, 1863. (search)
trip, I overheard General Maury soliloquizing over a Yankee flag, and saying, Well, I never should have believed that I could have lived to see the day in which I should detest that old flag. He is cousin to Lieutenant Maury, who has distinguished himself so much by his writings, on physical geography especially. The family seems to be a very military one. His brother is captain of the Confederate steamer Georgia. After landing, I partook of a hasty dinner with General Maury and Major Cummins. I was then mounted on the General's horse, and was sent to gallop round the land defences with Brigadier-general Slaughter and his Staff. By great good fortune this was the evening of General Slaughter's weekly inspection, and all the redoubts were manned by their respective garrisons, consisting half of soldiers and half of armed citizens who had been exempted from the conscription either by their age or nationality, or had purchased substitutes. One of the forts was defended by a b