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ed to do until Monday, at which time I was taken to Columbus, Mississippi. We had only one meal of victuals during the forty-eight hours we remained in the prison, and there were quite a number of men there who did not get anything to eat. But for this we had some apology, in the fact that the armies were fighting very near us, and about all these rebels could do was to lie and boast about their success on the previous evening. They brought us the news that our whole army had been captured, that they had got between our forces and the river, and had taken twenty-seven thousand prisoners, and that the remainder of the army had been driven to the gunboats. So incredible and exaggerated were their reports, that when they afterward informed us of the capture of Prentiss and his division, we placed no confidence whatever in the story. On Sunday, at three o'clock, the Texan Rangers came in greatly decimated, themselves declaring that they had been cut to pieces by our sharpshooters.
we thought it very fine indeed. We lay down till morning, and when we arose, we found ourselves in company with General Prentiss and General Crittenden, togegether with two hundred and sixteen other officers of various grades. Here also I met wnant-Colonel Adams, Majors Crockett, Chandler, McCormick and Studman. I soon formed an agreeable acquaintance with General Prentiss, who was taken prisoner on Sunday, April 6th, 1862, at Shiloh. It had generally been reported that the General had justice; for on that bloody field he displayed coolness and heroism seldom equalled, and never excelled. I found General Prentiss not one of your half-hearted war men, who fight conditionally, but a whole-souled patriot, who would destroy the insuffrages at every election, without exception, have been exclusively confined to a candidate of their own caste. General Prentiss was kind and affable to all around him, and among fifteen hundred men of his command with whom I freely conversed,
night of our final attempt, and then, unfortunately, one of our companions was taken ill. This was the first disappointment. The next wet night that came, we were all well, and started; but, just as we were about to accomplish our purpose, General Prentiss, with several others, made a like attempt, unknown however, to us. Of course, an alarm was immediately raised, and the guards were on the qui vive. The General's party, headed by him, dashed back, and hid themselves in the cellar where we us A short time afterward, they were brought back into the room in which we were, amid the jokes and laughs of the rest of the prisoners at their non-success. A few hours after daylight, a guard of fifteen or twenty men marched in and took General Prentiss, Captain Gaddus, Major Ward, and several others into custody. Where they took them we did not know; but, a few days subsequently, I heard through Dolph, the black boy, that they were put into a common jail, and chained to the floor. From
Chapter 19: Just Judgment General Prentiss in close confinement Northern peace men bear story in the hospital old Aunt Susie sold children without bread, and satisfied what our fathe deeds she has committed during this war. What renders the offence against the noble General Prentiss so much more aggravating, is the fact, that he was thus treated after he had been regularlyo of their cruelties to their slaves: Oh, they're only niggers! So, in regard to General Prentiss, they might say: Oh, he's only a Yankee abolitionist! And shame mantles my brow st of victories won over the legions of secession. Such are the Vallandigham traitors. General Prentiss remained in close confinement until October 6th, and during the time he had been absent fro, in relation to the matter of exchanges by cartel, they returned, and brought with them to General Prentiss several hundred dollars, which the General divided among the officers. Our mess, consistin