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Alabama (Alabama, United States) 54 0 Browse Search
Eufaula (Alabama, United States) 23 1 Browse Search
Columbus (Georgia, United States) 20 4 Browse Search
Georgia (Georgia, United States) 18 0 Browse Search
Virginia (Virginia, United States) 14 0 Browse Search
Phillis 10 0 Browse Search
Mississippi (United States) 10 0 Browse Search
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Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) 6 0 Browse Search
Hurtville (Alabama, United States) 4 0 Browse Search
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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
Chapter 14: Repairing Damages. a mother made happy. Conclusion Just as soon as the railroads could be repaired and bridges builded anew, I made haste to get to my father's again to find how all had gone with them while our foes were marching through Georgia. I had tried for three months or more to get a letter or message of some sort to them, as they had to me, but all communication for the time being was completely broken up. I had spent many sad hours thinking of those at home, and was almost afraid to hear from them; but as soon as a train ran to Columbus, I ventured forth. I had traveled over the same road time and again, on my way to and from home, but now as I beheld the ruins of grimvis-aged war, whichever way I cast my eyes, I must confess to a somewhat rebellious and bitter feeling. There are moments in the experience of every human being when the heart overflows like the great Egyptian river, and cannot be restrained. O thou great God of Israel! I
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ellious and bitter feeling. There are moments in the experience of every human being when the heart overflows like the great Egyptian river, and cannot be restrained. O thou great God of Israel! I cried, why hast thou permitted this dire calamity to befall us? Why is it that our homes are so despoiled? And I marveled not at the captive Hebrews' mournful plaint, as by the rivers of Babylon they hung their harps on the willows. As the train slowed up on the Alabama side of the Chattahoochee River, I looked eagerly over to the opposite bank, where the home of my father was situated. For a few seconds my pulse must have ceased to throb, as I beheld the ruins of the city of Columbus. With others I took my seat in an omnibus and was driven to the river's edge, there to await the coming of the ferry-boat which had been built since all the bridges on the river had been burned by the hostile army. The scene seemed so unreal that like Abou Hassan, the caliph of fiction, I was think
Campbellton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
the river's edge, there to await the coming of the ferry-boat which had been built since all the bridges on the river had been burned by the hostile army. The scene seemed so unreal that like Abou Hassan, the caliph of fiction, I was thinking of biting my fingers to make sure I was really awake. Had I not had my coin in my hand to pay the ferryman, I should have imagined we were all shades, flitting about on the shore of the Styx! In musing silence, I could but say, O swift-flowing Chattahoochee, is it thus I behold thee? thou lowest in almost pristine loveliness. Where are your huge bridges, that linked the green hills of Alabama with the beautiful city of cottages and flowers? Where are the cotton mills and machine-shops that lined your banks, --mills which from early morn until the sun set sent forth an incessant hum? Is it thus that I behold thee, city of my fathers? My reverie was broken when the ferryboat reached her landing; but things all still seemed so strange
Macon (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
My reverie was broken when the ferryboat reached her landing; but things all still seemed so strange that I could scarcely believe I was not dreaming. I realized everything better when I saw soldiers in blue moving hither and thither. I had heard while on the train, how General Willson had ravaged, pillaged, and burnt, as he passed through Alabama. Here were his soldiers who had laid Columbus in ruins; here were they of whom I had been told that their route from Columbus to the city of Macon, one hundred miles, could be plainly traced by the curling smoke arising from burning dwellings, gin-houses, barns, bridges, and railroad ties. I was not long in getting to my father's after I had left the city of Columbus. And there was a joyous surprise in every respect, for nothing had been disturbed at his residence save some corn, fodder, and other food, which had been appropriated by raiding soldiers. I found both of my brothers home. The one who had been carried to Point Looko
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
, flitting about on the shore of the Styx! In musing silence, I could but say, O swift-flowing Chattahoochee, is it thus I behold thee? thou lowest in almost pristine loveliness. Where are your huge bridges, that linked the green hills of Alabama with the beautiful city of cottages and flowers? Where are the cotton mills and machine-shops that lined your banks, --mills which from early morn until the sun set sent forth an incessant hum? Is it thus that I behold thee, city of my fathersge that I could scarcely believe I was not dreaming. I realized everything better when I saw soldiers in blue moving hither and thither. I had heard while on the train, how General Willson had ravaged, pillaged, and burnt, as he passed through Alabama. Here were his soldiers who had laid Columbus in ruins; here were they of whom I had been told that their route from Columbus to the city of Macon, one hundred miles, could be plainly traced by the curling smoke arising from burning dwellings,
Columbus (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
inking of those at home, and was almost afraid to hear from them; but as soon as a train ran to Columbus, I ventured forth. I had traveled over the same road time and again, on my way to and from ed. For a few seconds my pulse must have ceased to throb, as I beheld the ruins of the city of Columbus. With others I took my seat in an omnibus and was driven to the river's edge, there to await tavaged, pillaged, and burnt, as he passed through Alabama. Here were his soldiers who had laid Columbus in ruins; here were they of whom I had been told that their route from Columbus to the city of Columbus to the city of Macon, one hundred miles, could be plainly traced by the curling smoke arising from burning dwellings, gin-houses, barns, bridges, and railroad ties. I was not long in getting to my father's after I had left the city of Columbus. And there was a joyous surprise in every respect, for nothing had been disturbed at his residence save some corn, fodder, and other food, which had been appropriate
Point Lookout, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
f Macon, one hundred miles, could be plainly traced by the curling smoke arising from burning dwellings, gin-houses, barns, bridges, and railroad ties. I was not long in getting to my father's after I had left the city of Columbus. And there was a joyous surprise in every respect, for nothing had been disturbed at his residence save some corn, fodder, and other food, which had been appropriated by raiding soldiers. I found both of my brothers home. The one who had been carried to Point Lookout had arrived only two days before. The one who had been taken prisoner about three months before the surrender managed to make his escape the night following the day he was captured. It was a dark, sleety night, my brother said, and he had found it quite easy to elude the sentinel. First he went, as he supposed, about a mile from the camp; then he lay down on the frozen ground with his army blanket, not daring to light a fire, for fear of recapture. When the sun rose he took his beari
ges and flowers? Where are the cotton mills and machine-shops that lined your banks, --mills which from early morn until the sun set sent forth an incessant hum? Is it thus that I behold thee, city of my fathers? My reverie was broken when the ferryboat reached her landing; but things all still seemed so strange that I could scarcely believe I was not dreaming. I realized everything better when I saw soldiers in blue moving hither and thither. I had heard while on the train, how General Willson had ravaged, pillaged, and burnt, as he passed through Alabama. Here were his soldiers who had laid Columbus in ruins; here were they of whom I had been told that their route from Columbus to the city of Macon, one hundred miles, could be plainly traced by the curling smoke arising from burning dwellings, gin-houses, barns, bridges, and railroad ties. I was not long in getting to my father's after I had left the city of Columbus. And there was a joyous surprise in every respect,
umped the steps one by one. The candle, which some one had managed to light while the sash was being raised, was let fall when about in the middle of the flight of steps, and in the then utter darkness one of my sisters stumbled over the chair that had preceded her to the bottom of the stairs, and all came pellmell into the dark hall. My brother told me afterward that he could not move for some time, he was so tightly pinioned when finally taken to his mother's heart. What a change from 1861 , when all were so buoyant and full of fiery patriotism, with never a thought of being overcome! Now ourcause was lost, all our homes more or less despoiled, the whole South seemingly almost hopelessly ruined, every little town and village garrisoned by the troops who had overcome us by great odds. Yet after all our great and sore afflictions, I found only cheerfulness and Christian resignation at the end of these troublous war times, and the hope that we might yet rise above our misfor