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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
ay dash into the city and burn the bridges on the James; then our army would be in a fix. I have expressed this apprehension to the Secretary, and asked him to arm the old men, for the defense of the bridges, public buildings, etc. He awaits events. Mr. Hunter and other public characters are looking very grave. The following dispatch was received to-day from Weldon, via Raleigh and Greensborough, N. C.: May 8th. The enemy destroyed the wire from Stony Creek to within three miles of Belfield, a distance of about fifteen miles. Our men and employees are repairing it, and we hope to have communication reopened to-morrow. W. S. Harris. Col. Preston, Superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, has written another letter to the Secretary, urging the promotion of Captain C. B. Duffield, who threatens to leave him for a position with Gen. Kumper, at Lynchburg, where he can live cheaper. IIe says he has urged the President, to no avail. The Secretary has roused himself. Since