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Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 82
, Captain, 261. Moody, Colonel, 102. Morgan, John, 259. Morgan, Senator, 74. Murtagh, Mr., (Washington,) 321. N. Nasby papers, 151. Newspapers, 154. Nicolay, 149. Norfolk, (capture,) 104, 240. Novels, 115. O. Odell, Hon. M. F., 170, 178. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? (Poem,) 60. Owen, Robert Dale, 98. P. Pardon applications, 40, 43, 132, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,250, 296, 297, 318. Patterson, General, 137. Peace Conference at Hampton Roads, 209. Phelps, General, 273. Pierpont, Rev., John, 78, 179. R. Randall, ex-Governor, (Wis.,) 305. Raymond, 95, 129. Red River disaster, 55. Religious character, 185. Root General, 70. Root Hog Story, 211. S. Scott, General, 34. Seward, Secretary, 22, 69, 223, 242; on Clay and Webster, 71; on Equestrian Statues, 71; on Emancipation, 72; on Mr. Lincoln, 81; Seward and Lincoln, 290; the last interview, 290; first knowledge of the President's death, 291. S
Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 82
84; closing sentence, 89; promised his God, &c., 90; his matured judgment upon the act of Emancipation, 90; simplicity and humility, 95; his first dollar, 96; Amnesty Proclamation, interview with Hon. Robert Dale Owen, 98; account of capture of Norfolk, 104, 240; exhausted patience illustrated; 106, 108; wounded Marylander, 109; as surveyor, 111; new clothes, 113; axes, 118, 289; never read a novel, 114; interview with Rev. Dr. Vinton, 117; telegram to friends at Chicago Convention, 120; riller, Hon. S. F., 174. Mills, Judge J. T., ( Wis.,) 305. Mix, Captain, 261. Moody, Colonel, 102. Morgan, John, 259. Morgan, Senator, 74. Murtagh, Mr., (Washington,) 321. N. Nasby papers, 151. Newspapers, 154. Nicolay, 149. Norfolk, (capture,) 104, 240. Novels, 115. O. Odell, Hon. M. F., 170, 178. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? (Poem,) 60. Owen, Robert Dale, 98. P. Pardon applications, 40, 43, 132, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,250, 296, 29
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 82
Peace Convention, 229; Henry Ward Beecher, 230; popularity with the soldiers and people, 231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieutenant Cushing, 232; last inaugural, 234; his election to the legislature in 1834, 234; never invented a story, 235; first political speech, 236; contest with Douglas, 237; affection for his step-mother, 238; reply to anti-slavery delegation from New York, 239; reply to a clergyman, 239; concerning Gov. Gamble of Missouri, 242; on Seward's poetry, 242; betrothal of Prince of Wales, 243; honesty as a lawyer. 245; attorney of the people, 245; little influence with this administration, 246; reply to Stanton's detractor, 246; the German lieutenant, 246; General Grant's whiskey, 247; no personal vices, 247; serenade speeches, 248; his own war minister, 249; illustration from Euclid 249; pigeonhearted 250; minneboohoo, 251; Hannibal's wars, 253; reports of committees 253; Brigadier-Generals 254, 260 twelve hundred thousand rebels in the field, 255; Assessor Gilbert, 255; o
Kilpatrick (search for this): chapter 82
ic boy, 176; Andersonville prisoners, 178; retaliation, 178; Fessenden, 182; McCulloch, 184; religious experience, 185-188; rebel ladies, 189; Col. Deming, 190; creeds, 190; Newton Bateman, 192; slavery, 194; prayer, 195; epitaph suggested, 196; Bible presentation, 197; Caroline Johnson, once a slave, 199; Sojourner Truth, 201-203; Frederick Douglass, 204; memorial from children, 204; New Year's Day, 1865, 205; walk de earf like de Lord, 209; Rebel Peace Commissioners, 218; slave map, 215; Kilpatrick, 216; personal description, 217, 323; opinion on the war, 219; text applied to Fremont, 220; reappointment of Fremont, 222; California lady's account of a visit at Soldiers' home, 223; on trees 224; school of events, 225; Mc-Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255; Peace Convention, 229; Henry Ward Beecher, 230; popularity with the soldiers and people, 231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieutenant Cushing, 232; last inaugural, 234; his election to the legislature in 1834, 234; never invented a story, 235; first
Petroleum V. Nasby (search for this): chapter 82
Secretary Cameron's retirement, 138; interview with P. M. Wetmore, (N. Y.,) 140; sensitiveness. 144, 145; thin skinned, 145; willingness to receive advice, 146; canvassed hams, 148; indifference to personal appearance, 148; Nicolay and Hay, 149; Nasby letters, 151; relief found in storytell-ing, 152; Greeley, 152, 153; newspaper reading, 154; newspaper gas, 155; newspaper reliable, 156; Chicago Times, 156; ingenious nonsense, 158; husked out 158; letter to Lovejoy Monument Association, 160; Ma85. McKaye, Colonel, 208. McVeagh, 242. Memory, 52. Miller, Hon. S. F., 174. Mills, Judge J. T., ( Wis.,) 305. Mix, Captain, 261. Moody, Colonel, 102. Morgan, John, 259. Morgan, Senator, 74. Murtagh, Mr., (Washington,) 321. N. Nasby papers, 151. Newspapers, 154. Nicolay, 149. Norfolk, (capture,) 104, 240. Novels, 115. O. Odell, Hon. M. F., 170, 178. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? (Poem,) 60. Owen, Robert Dale, 98. P. Pardon applica
Pollard Simmons (search for this): chapter 82
disaster, 55. Religious character, 185. Root General, 70. Root Hog Story, 211. S. Scott, General, 34. Seward, Secretary, 22, 69, 223, 242; on Clay and Webster, 71; on Equestrian Statues, 71; on Emancipation, 72; on Mr. Lincoln, 81; Seward and Lincoln, 290; the last interview, 290; first knowledge of the President's death, 291. Seymour, General, 48. Shakspeare, 49, 115, 150, 162. Shannon, Hon., Thomas, 147, 148. Sherman, General, 233. Shields and Lincoln, 302. Simmons, Pollard, 111. Sinclair, 16, 48. Sizer, Nelson, 134. Slave Map, 215. Smith, Franklin W., 259. Sojourner truth, 201-203. Soldiers' home 223 Spectator, (London,) 31. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 101. Stanton, Secretary, 33, 54, 264, 300 Stephens, Alexander, 211, 215. Stephens, Mrs. Ann S., 131. Stevens, Hon., Thaddeus, 38, 173. Stone, Dr., 81. Swayne, (Sculptor,) 59. T. Taylor, B. F., 154. Thompson, George, 75. Thompson, Rev. J. P., 143, 186, 259. Tilton, 89
Caroline Johnson (search for this): chapter 82
on, 162; apparition, 164; Mrs. Lincoln, 164, 293, 301; speech to committee from Baltimore Convention, and William Lloyd Garrison, 167; Mrs. Cropsey, 168; and soldiers, 169; reprieves, 171; a handsome President, 174; idiotic boy, 176; Andersonville prisoners, 178; retaliation, 178; Fessenden, 182; McCulloch, 184; religious experience, 185-188; rebel ladies, 189; Col. Deming, 190; creeds, 190; Newton Bateman, 192; slavery, 194; prayer, 195; epitaph suggested, 196; Bible presentation, 197; Caroline Johnson, once a slave, 199; Sojourner Truth, 201-203; Frederick Douglass, 204; memorial from children, 204; New Year's Day, 1865, 205; walk de earf like de Lord, 209; Rebel Peace Commissioners, 218; slave map, 215; Kilpatrick, 216; personal description, 217, 323; opinion on the war, 219; text applied to Fremont, 220; reappointment of Fremont, 222; California lady's account of a visit at Soldiers' home, 223; on trees 224; school of events, 225; Mc-Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255; Peace Convention, 2
267. Forrek, Edwin, 114. Frank, Hon. A., 218. Freedmen, 196. Fremont, 47, 220, 221. G. Gamble, Governor, 242. Garfield, General, 240. Garrison, 167. Gilbert, Wall Street Assessor, 255. Goldsborough, Admiral, 240. Grant, General, 56, 57, 265, 283, 292. Greeley, 152. Greene, W. T., 267. Gulliver, Rev. J. B., Reminiscences, 309. H. Halpine, Colonel, 63, 278 Hammond, Surgeon-General, 274, 275 Hanks, Dennis, 299. Harris, Hon., Ira, 175. Hay, John, 45, 149. Henderson, Rev. Mr., 320. Henry, Dr., (Oregon,) 302. Herndon, Hon., Wm. H.; analysis of Mr. Lincoln's character, 323. Higby, Hon., William, 148. Holland, Dr., 79, 191. Holmes, O. W., 58. Holt, Judge. 32, 33. Hooker, General, 233. Hospitals, 107. Hubbard, Hon. Mr., (Ct.,) 253. I. Independent, New York, 88, 230, 287. Ingenious Nonsense, 158. Inman, (Artist,) 69. J. Jackson, Stonewall, 234, 268. Johnson, Hon., Andrew, 102. Johnson, Oliver, 77. Jones, (Sculptor,) 34
Thaddeus Stevens (search for this): chapter 82
oln, Robert, 45, 300. Lincoln, Tad, 44, 91, 92, 293, 300. Lincoln, Willie, 44, 116. Lovejoy, Hon. Owen, 14, 17, 18, 20, 47, 57, 157. Lincoln's Stories. General Scott and Jones the sculptor, 34; great men, 37; Daniel Webster, 37, 131; Thad. Stevens, 38; a little more light and a little less noise, 49; tax on state banks, 53; Andy Johnson and Colonel Moody, 102; chin fly, 129; Secretary Cameron's retirement, 138; Wade and Davis' manifesto, 145; second advent, 147; nothing but a noise, 15mith, Franklin W., 259. Sojourner truth, 201-203. Soldiers' home 223 Spectator, (London,) 31. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 101. Stanton, Secretary, 33, 54, 264, 300 Stephens, Alexander, 211, 215. Stephens, Mrs. Ann S., 131. Stevens, Hon., Thaddeus, 38, 173. Stone, Dr., 81. Swayne, (Sculptor,) 59. T. Taylor, B. F., 154. Thompson, George, 75. Thompson, Rev. J. P., 143, 186, 259. Tilton, 89, 167, 196. V. Van Alen, 173. Vinton, Rev., Francis, 117. W. Wade and
Henry M. Field (search for this): chapter 82
Curtin, 82-84. Cushing, Lieutenant, 232. D. Dall, Mrs. C. H., 165. Defrees, 126. Deming, Hon. H. C., 190, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Commissioner, 282. Douglas, Hon. Stephen A., 194, 237, 249,315. Douglass, Frederick, 204. E. Elliott, (Artist,) 69. Emancipation, 21, 73, 74, 77, 78, 86, 196, 197, 269, 307. Equestrian Statues, 71. Ewing, Hon., Thomas, 37. F. Fessenden, Hon. W. P., 182. Field, Rev. H. M., 135. Florida Expedition, 48. Ford. Hon. Thomas. 296. Forney. Colonel. 267. Forrek, Edwin, 114. Frank, Hon. A., 218. Freedmen, 196. Fremont, 47, 220, 221. G. Gamble, Governor, 242. Garfield, General, 240. Garrison, 167. Gilbert, Wall Street Assessor, 255. Goldsborough, Admiral, 240. Grant, General, 56, 57, 265, 283, 292. Greeley, 152. Greene, W. T., 267. Gulliver, Rev. J. B., Reminiscences, 309. H. Halpine, Colonel, 63, 278 Hammond, Surgeon-General, 2
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