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J. B. Alley (search for this): chapter 82
Index. A. Adams, J. Q., 211. Alley, Hon. J. B., 119. All-noise Story. 212. Amnesty Proclamation, 98. Andersonville, 177. Apparition, 164. Arnold, Hon. I. N., 150, 237, 302. Ashley, Hon. Mr., 151. Ashmun, Hon., George, 284-286. Assassination, 63. B. Baker, G. E., 127. Baldwin, Judge, (Cal.,) 245. Baltimore Convention, 162. Barrett, Hon. J. H., 86, 254. Bateman, Newton, 192. Bates, Attorney-General, 55. Battle, Fair Oaks, 139. Beecher, Henry Ward, 135, 230. Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274. Bible Presentation, 199. Bingham, Hon. John A., 234. Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88. Booth, Edwin, 49. Bowen, H. C., 221. Brady, M. B., 46. Braine, Lieutenant, 94. Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 188, 235. Bulletin, (San Francisco,) 223. Burnside, 81. C. Cabinet Meeting, 55. Cameron, Secretary, 136-138, 253. Cannon, Colonel L. B., 115. Cass, General, 271. Chase, 21, 84, 85, 86, 88-90, 180, 218, 223; letter to Stanton, 180. Cheever, Rev. Dr., 14
lay, Henry, 71. Colfax, Hon., Schuyler, 14, 85, 87, 172, 177, 195, 285. Concert, Marine Band, 143, 168. Creech, 68. Creeds, 190. Crittenden, General, 46. Cropsey, 168. Curtin, 82-84. Cushing, Lieutenant, 232. D. Dall, Mrs. C. H., 165. Defrees, 126. Deming, Hon. H. C., 190, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Commissioner, 282. Douglas, Hon. Stephen A., 194, 237, 249,315. Douglass, Frederick, 204. E. Elliott, (Artist,) 69. Emancipation, 21, 73, 74, 77, 78, 86, 196, 197, 269, 307. Equestrian Statues, 71. Ewing, Hon., Thomas, 37. F. Fessenden, Hon. W. P., 182. Field, Rev. H. M., 135. Florida Expedition, 48. Ford. Hon. Thomas. 296. Forney. Colonel. 267. Forrek, Edwin, 114. Frank, Hon. A., 218. Freedmen, 196. Fremont, 47, 220, 221. G. Gamble, Governor, 242. Garfield, General, 240. Garrison, 167. Gilbert, Wall Street Assessor, 255. Goldsborough, Admiral, 240. G
John A. Bingham (search for this): chapter 82
l-noise Story. 212. Amnesty Proclamation, 98. Andersonville, 177. Apparition, 164. Arnold, Hon. I. N., 150, 237, 302. Ashley, Hon. Mr., 151. Ashmun, Hon., George, 284-286. Assassination, 63. B. Baker, G. E., 127. Baldwin, Judge, (Cal.,) 245. Baltimore Convention, 162. Barrett, Hon. J. H., 86, 254. Bateman, Newton, 192. Bates, Attorney-General, 55. Battle, Fair Oaks, 139. Beecher, Henry Ward, 135, 230. Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274. Bible Presentation, 199. Bingham, Hon. John A., 234. Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88. Booth, Edwin, 49. Bowen, H. C., 221. Brady, M. B., 46. Braine, Lieutenant, 94. Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 188, 235. Bulletin, (San Francisco,) 223. Burnside, 81. C. Cabinet Meeting, 55. Cameron, Secretary, 136-138, 253. Cannon, Colonel L. B., 115. Cass, General, 271. Chase, 21, 84, 85, 86, 88-90, 180, 218, 223; letter to Stanton, 180. Cheever, Rev. Dr., 147. Chicago Convention, 119. Christian Commission, 161. Clark,
eymour, General, 48. Shakspeare, 49, 115, 150, 162. Shannon, Hon., Thomas, 147, 148. Sherman, General, 233. Shields and Lincoln, 302. Simmons, Pollard, 111. Sinclair, 16, 48. Sizer, Nelson, 134. Slave Map, 215. Smith, Franklin W., 259. Sojourner truth, 201-203. Soldiers' home 223 Spectator, (London,) 31. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 101. Stanton, Secretary, 33, 54, 264, 300 Stephens, Alexander, 211, 215. Stephens, Mrs. Ann S., 131. Stevens, Hon., Thaddeus, 38, 173. Stone, Dr., 81. Swayne, (Sculptor,) 59. T. Taylor, B. F., 154. Thompson, George, 75. Thompson, Rev. J. P., 143, 186, 259. Tilton, 89, 167, 196. V. Van Alen, 173. Vinton, Rev., Francis, 117. W. Wade and Davis, 145. Wadsworth, General, 270. Washington, raid on, 301. Webster, 37, 71, 130. Welles, Secretary, 232. Wetmore, P. M., 140. Wilderness battles, 30. Wilkeson, 101. Willets, Rev., 187. Willis, N. P., 115. Y. Yates, Governor, 267. The End.
igid government and close construction, 254; breakers ahead, 256; counterfeit bill, 262; blasting rocks, 262; General Phelps's emancipation proclamation, 273; making ministers, 277; John Tyler 278; the Irish soldier and Jacob Thompson, 283; Jeff. Davis and the coon, 284; last story,--how Patagonians eat oysters, told to Marshal Lamon on evening of assassination, 285. M. Marine Band, 168. Massa Sam's dead, 207. McClellan, 130, 113, 227, 255. McCulloch, Hon., Hugh, 179, 185. McKaye, Colonel, 208. McVeagh, 242. Memory, 52. Miller, Hon. S. F., 174. Mills, Judge J. T., ( Wis.,) 305. Mix, Captain, 261. Moody, Colonel, 102. Morgan, John, 259. Morgan, Senator, 74. Murtagh, Mr., (Washington,) 321. N. Nasby papers, 151. Newspapers, 154. Nicolay, 149. Norfolk, (capture,) 104, 240. Novels, 115. O. Odell, Hon. M. F., 170, 178. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? (Poem,) 60. Owen, Robert Dale, 98. P. Pardon applications, 40, 43
J. C. Derby (search for this): chapter 82
84, 85, 86, 88-90, 180, 218, 223; letter to Stanton, 180. Cheever, Rev. Dr., 147. Chicago Convention, 119. Christian Commission, 161. Clark, Senator, 276. Clay, Henry, 71. Colfax, Hon., Schuyler, 14, 85, 87, 172, 177, 195, 285. Concert, Marine Band, 143, 168. Creech, 68. Creeds, 190. Crittenden, General, 46. Cropsey, 168. Curtin, 82-84. Cushing, Lieutenant, 232. D. Dall, Mrs. C. H., 165. Defrees, 126. Deming, Hon. H. C., 190, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Commissioner, 282. Douglas, Hon. Stephen A., 194, 237, 249,315. Douglass, Frederick, 204. E. Elliott, (Artist,) 69. Emancipation, 21, 73, 74, 77, 78, 86, 196, 197, 269, 307. Equestrian Statues, 71. Ewing, Hon., Thomas, 37. F. Fessenden, Hon. W. P., 182. Field, Rev. H. M., 135. Florida Expedition, 48. Ford. Hon. Thomas. 296. Forney. Colonel. 267. Forrek, Edwin, 114. Frank, Hon. A., 218. Freedmen, 196. Fr
ldren, 132; the baby did it, 133; pardon cases, 40, 43 133, 171,172, 173, 171, 175, 176, 250, 296, 319; Five Points' Sunday-School, 133; at Henry Ward Beecher's church. 134; relations with Cabinet, 135; Secretary Cameron's Report, 136; General Patterson, 137; Secretary Cameron's retirement, 138; interview with P. M. Wetmore, (N. Y.,) 140; sensitiveness. 144, 145; thin skinned, 145; willingness to receive advice, 146; canvassed hams, 148; indifference to personal appearance, 148; Nicolay a, 240. Novels, 115. O. Odell, Hon. M. F., 170, 178. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? (Poem,) 60. Owen, Robert Dale, 98. P. Pardon applications, 40, 43, 132, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,250, 296, 297, 318. Patterson, General, 137. Peace Conference at Hampton Roads, 209. Phelps, General, 273. Pierpont, Rev., John, 78, 179. R. Randall, ex-Governor, (Wis.,) 305. Raymond, 95, 129. Red River disaster, 55. Religious character, 185. Root General,
, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Commissioner, 282. Douglas, Hon. Stephen A., 194, 237, 249,315. Douglass, Frederick, 204. E. Elliott, (Artist,) 69. Emancipation, 21, 73, 74, 77, 78, 86, 196, 197, 269, 307. Equestrian Statues, 71. Ewing, Hon., Thomas, 37. F. Fessenden, Hon. W. P., 182. Field, Rev. H. M., 135. Florida Expedition, 48. Ford. Hon. Thomas. 296. Forney. Colonel. 267. Forrek, Edwin, 114. Frank, Hon. A., 218. Freedmen, 196. Fremont, 47, 220, 221. G. Gamble, Governor, 242. Garfield, General, 240. Garrison, 167. Gilbert, Wall Street Assessor, 255. Goldsborough, Admiral, 240. Grant, General, 56, 57, 265, 283, 292. Greeley, 152. Greene, W. T., 267. Gulliver, Rev. J. B., Reminiscences, 309. H. Halpine, Colonel, 63, 278 Hammond, Surgeon-General, 274, 275 Hanks, Dennis, 299. Harris, Hon., Ira, 175. Hay, John, 45, 149. Henderson, Rev. Mr., 320. Henry, Dr.
eral Patterson, 137; Secretary Cameron's retirement, 138; interview with P. M. Wetmore, (N. Y.,) 140; sensitiveness. 144, 145; thin skinned, 145; willingness to receive advice, 146; canvassed hams, 148; indifference to personal appearance, 148; Nicolay and Hay, 149; Nasby letters, 151; relief found in storytell-ing, 152; Greeley, 152, 153; newspaper reading, 154; newspaper gas, 155; newspaper reliable, 156; Chicago Times, 156; ingenious nonsense, 158; husked out 158; letter to Lovejoy Monument Memory, 52. Miller, Hon. S. F., 174. Mills, Judge J. T., ( Wis.,) 305. Mix, Captain, 261. Moody, Colonel, 102. Morgan, John, 259. Morgan, Senator, 74. Murtagh, Mr., (Washington,) 321. N. Nasby papers, 151. Newspapers, 154. Nicolay, 149. Norfolk, (capture,) 104, 240. Novels, 115. O. Odell, Hon. M. F., 170, 178. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? (Poem,) 60. Owen, Robert Dale, 98. P. Pardon applications, 40, 43, 132, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
Shakspeare (search for this): chapter 82
tarr, 228. Knox, William, (Poet,) 60. L. Lincoln, Hon. G. B., of Brooklyn, 110, 113, 234. Lincoln, Mrs. 165, 293, 301. Lincoln, President, account of Emancipation Proclamation, 20, 76, 83, 85, 90, 269, 307; his sadness, 30; love of Shakspeare, 49; memory, 52; appreciation of poetry, 59; Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? 60; opinion concerning Assassination, 62: Latin quotation, 78: exceptionable stories, 80; on Wall Street gold speculators. 84; closing sentence, 89;etary, 22, 69, 223, 242; on Clay and Webster, 71; on Equestrian Statues, 71; on Emancipation, 72; on Mr. Lincoln, 81; Seward and Lincoln, 290; the last interview, 290; first knowledge of the President's death, 291. Seymour, General, 48. Shakspeare, 49, 115, 150, 162. Shannon, Hon., Thomas, 147, 148. Sherman, General, 233. Shields and Lincoln, 302. Simmons, Pollard, 111. Sinclair, 16, 48. Sizer, Nelson, 134. Slave Map, 215. Smith, Franklin W., 259. Sojourner truth, 201-
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