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Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) 110 0 Browse Search
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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
ds of the enemy. General Johnston is doing well in Georgia. Oh, that he may use up Sherman entirely! We are on their eastern borders most severely; the same of Georgia and Florida. Alabama has had much to bear. The Misvery much the same. Some cheering intimations from Georgia. Hood has made movements on Sherman's flank, and Ficularly at Dutch Gap. Sherman is moving across Georgia in direction of Milledgeville, looking towards Savae being made by the Governors of South Carolina and Georgia to arrest him. Beauregard, too, has made a short, sIt may be a woman's thought, but I believe that had Georgia one tithe of the experience of the ruined, homeless their bitter fruits! that the people of patriotic Georgia have not been rendered unfit for the sacrifices and now uncertain mails may bring information that all Georgia and South Carolina are aroused to their awful condito Grant, and Early to Lee, and Sherman has crossed Georgia with little opposition or loss. Our last news is,
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
on $8 per pound, butter $15, etc. Our old friends from the lower part of Essex, Mr.--‘s parishioners for many years, sent over a wagon filled most generously with all manner of necessary things for our larder. We have no right to complain, for Providence is certainly supplying our wants. The clerks' salaries, too, have been raised to $250 per month, which sounds very large; but when we remember that flour is $300 per barrel, it sinks into insignificance. February 28th, 1864. Our hearts aher part. We had always objected to her applying for an office, because we were afraid of the effect of sedentary employment on her health; but now it seems necessary to us, as the prices of provisions and house-rent have become so very high. Providence has dealt most mercifully with us from the beginning of the war: at first it seemed to be the pleasure of our friends as well as ourselves that we should be with them; then, when it became evident that the war would continue, Mr.-- obtained an
Portsmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
gust 14th, 1864. Norfolk, poor Norfolk nothing can exceed its long-suffering, its night of gloom and darkness. Unlike Winchester, it has no bright spots — no oasis in its blank desert of wretchedness. Like Alexandria, it has no relief, but must submit, and drag on its chain of servility, till the final cry of victory bursts its bonds, and makes it free. I have no time to write of all I hear and know of the indignities offered to our countrymen and countrywomen in Alexandria, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and other places which remain incarcerated in the sloughs of Federal tyranny. God help them, and give us strength speedily to break the chain that binds them. August 15, 1864. An account from my relatives, of the raid of the 19th of June into the village of Tappahannock, has lately reached me. The village had been frequently visited and pillaged before, and both sides of the beautiful Rappahannock, above and below, had been sadly devastated; but the last visit seems to carry with
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
yed the armed hand of Abraham, and he could not fire another shot. Father and son were thus captured. Harry escaped in a day or two; but the father was tied and dragged along at a rapid pace towards the Maryland line. When he could no longer walk a step, they allowed him to get into a wagon with nothing to rest upon but some old iron, rough tools, etc. Thus they hastened him to Cumberland, Maryland, where they handcuffed him and put him into solitary confinement; thence he was hurried to Wheeling, where he was again, with his manacles on, shut up in a dungeon, seven feet by ten, with nothing to relieve the sufferings incident to such a fate, nothing to expect or hope for, but the bitterest cruelty. From this dreadful captivity he was released two or three weeks ago, and reached the house of his daughter, in this city, with health, bad for years, now worse than ever, and constitution entirely broken by hard and cruel bondage. Cheered by freedom, and the society of his children who
Pamunkey (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
H., and his grave had been marked by Mrs. N. ; but young Pringle (the name of the brothers) had been carried to neither place. Mr. Pringle had seen in a New York paper an account given by a Yankee officer of several wounded Confederates who had been captured, and having died on their way to the White house, they were buried by the roadside, and he had some reason to believe that his brother was among them. It was then remembered that there were three graves on the opposite side of the Pamunky River, and one was marked with the name Tingle. It was an excessively warm Sunday morning; but as the young soldier's furlough only extended to the following day, there was no time to be lost. Dr. B. and the brother set out upon their melancholy mission, having obtained a cart, one or two men, and given an order at a neighbouring carpenter's shop for a coffin. After crossing the river they found the three graves, at the place designated, in the county of King William. The one marked Tingle
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
oings, and it is marvellous in our eyes. We went to church this evening and returned thanks. June 5, 1864. Our daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dr.-- , came from Charlottesville this evening. The regular communication being cut off, she went up to Lynchburg, taking that route to Richmond; but the Government having impressed the cars, she was obliged to take a freight-train, and was fortunate in finding a friend coming down in the same way, who acted as her escort. At Burkesville (shall I record i him. The war news seems encouraging. Many persons are very despondent, but I do not feel so-perhaps I do not understand the military signs. Our men below Richmond have certainly had many successes of late. Sheridan, instead of capturing Lynchburg, as he promised, is retreating down the Valley. In the South, the army of Tennessee is in Sherman's rear, and Forrest still carries every thing before him. General Price seems to be doing well in Missouri; Arkansas and Texas seem to be all rig
Washington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
ate bonds. Our army, it is said, is fighting at or near Newbern, North Carolina. I trust they are following up the Plymouth victory. Tuesday morning, may 3, 1864. Yesterday passed as usual. We attended Mr. Peterkin's prayer-meeting before breakfast, which we generally do, and which was very interesting. Then came by market for our daily supplies; and at nine I commenced my labour in the office, while Mr.went to his hospital, which occupies a great deal of his time. Washington, North Carolina, has been evacuated by the Federals, who have retired to Newbern. All quiet on the Rapidan. Six steamers have run the blockade within a few days, laden with ammunition, etc. Surely God is with us. It is a delightful thing to contemplate that so many of our officers of high position, who are leading and giving an example to our soldiers, should be God-fearing men; from the President and General Lee down, I believe a majority of them are professing Christians. On Sunday I saw Gene
Essex (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
The armies are mud-bound — I wish they could continue so. I dread the approach of Spring, with its excitements and horrors. Prices of provisions have risen enormously-bacon $8 per pound, butter $15, etc. Our old friends from the lower part of Essex, Mr.--‘s parishioners for many years, sent over a wagon filled most generously with all manner of necessary things for our larder. We have no right to complain, for Providence is certainly supplying our wants. The clerks' salaries, too, have beten, lest they should get sick ; so I tries to get them to go to sleep; and sometimes the woman in the next room will bring the children her leavings, but she is monstrous poor. When I gave her meat for her children, taken from the bounty of our Essex friends, tears of gratitude ran down her cheeks ; she said they had not seen meat for so long. Poor thing, I promised her that her case should be known, and that she should not suffer so again. A soldier's widow shall not suffer from hunger in
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
lovely grand-daughter, Mrs. W. H F. Lee, who passed away last winter, at an early age, while her husband was prisoner of war. Near them is the grave of the Hon. Benjamin Watkins Leigh; of Judge and Mrs. Stanard, and of their gifted son; of dear Mrs. Henningham Lyons and her son James, from whose untimely end she never recovered; of our sweet friend, Mrs. Lucy Green. Then there is the handsome monument of Mrs. Abraham Warwick and the grave of her son, dear Clarence, who died so nobly at Gaines's Mill in 1862. His grave seems to be always covered with fresh flowers, a beautiful offering to one whose young life was so freely given to his country. Again I stood beside the tombs of two friends, whom I dearly loved, Mrs. Virginia Heth and Mrs. Mary Ann Barney, the lovely daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gwathney, whose graves are also there. Then the tomb of our old friend, Mr. James Rawlings, and those of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne and their daughter, Mary Burnet. Just by them
Ashland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
lt that all was right. In a very short time families had retired to their chambers, and quietness reigned in this hitherto perturbed street. For ourselves, we were soon asleep. To-day General Stuart telegraphs that the enemy were overtaken at Ashland by Lomax's Brigade, and handsomely repulsed. We have just heard that they have taken the road to Dover's Mills, and our men are in hot pursuit. Thursday, may 12, 1864. The cannon is now roaring in our ears. It cannot be more than three pitiable to see how the rations are being reduced by degrees. The Government is exerting itself for the relief of the soldiers. God have mercy upon and help us! June 4, 1864. There has been skirmishing for some days. One day a fight at Ashland, another at Cold Harbour; but yesterday the heaviest cannonading I ever heard continued all day, until after dark. The fighting was between Bethesda Church and Cold Harbour. We were well fortified, and General Lee reports great success to our
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