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Newell Gleason (search for this): chapter 164
No. 157. reports of Col. Newell Gleason, Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry, commanding Second brigade. Hdqrs. Second Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 16, 1864. Sir: In compliance with orders, I have the honor to report the part taken by the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, in the campaign extending from May 7 to August 6, 1864. This brigade-composed of the Ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Col. G. Kammerling; Second Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers, Col. James George; Eighty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Col. N. Gleason; Seventy-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. W. O'Brien; One hundred and first Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan; One hundred and fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins; Thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Maj. Joseph L. Budd-under command of Col. F. Van Derveer, Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, left Ringgold, Ga., May 7, 1864, and moved with
Samuel L'Hommedieu (search for this): chapter 164
nnesota and Thirty-fifth Ohio Regiments will bear a proportional average with the above regiments, including 1 officer in each regiment killed. The members of the brigade staff-Capt. Clinton A. Cilley, acting assistant adjutant-general; Capt. Samuel L'Hommedieu, assistant inspector-general; Capt. Sanford Fortner, provost-marshal; Capt. M. D. Ellis, topographical engineer; Lieut. C. C. Colborn, acting aide-de-camp; Lieut. W. H. Osborn, acting commissary of subsistence; Lieut. W. H. Conner, acting assistant quartermaster--have faithfully discharged the duties of their respective departments. Captains Cilley and L'Hommedieu having been absent since July 15, Captains Fortner and Ellis have performed their duties, the former that of acting assistant adjutantgeneral, the latter acting inspector, in a highly efficient manner. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. Gleason, Colonel Eighty-seventh Indiana Vols., Comdg. Brigade. Maj. James A. Lowrie, Assistant Ad
G. Kammerling (search for this): chapter 164
No. 157. reports of Col. Newell Gleason, Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry, commanding Second brigade. Hdqrs. Second Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 16, 1864. Sir: In compliance with orders, I have the honor to report the part taken by the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, in the campaign extending from May 7 to August 6, 1864. This brigade-composed of the Ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Col. G. Kammerling; Second Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers, Col. James George; Eighty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Col. N. Gleason; Seventy-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. W. O'Brien; One hundred and first Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan; One hundred and fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins; Thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Maj. Joseph L. Budd-under command of Col. F. Van Derveer, Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, left Ringgold, Ga., May 7, 1864, and moved with th
Thomas Doan (search for this): chapter 164
Indiana Volunteers, Col. N. Gleason; Seventy-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. W. O'Brien; One hundred and first Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan; One hundred and fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins; Thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Maj. Joseph L. Budd-under command om unjust to discriminate. I cannot, however, fail to commend the faithful conduct of Lieut. Col. W. O'Brien, commanding Seventy-fifth Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan, One hundred and first Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. J. W. Bishop, Second Minnesota Veteran Volunteers; Lieut. Col. E. P. Hammond, Eighty-seventh Indianrmy Corps, since last report (to August 6, 1864), of which this is a continuation. My command — the One hundred and first Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan; Eighty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. E. P. Hammond; Seventy-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Maj. C. J. McCole; One hundred and fift
Cora C. Colborn (search for this): chapter 164
killed. The members of the brigade staff-Capt. Clinton A. Cilley, acting assistant adjutant-general; Capt. Samuel L'Hommedieu, assistant inspector-general; Capt. Sanford Fortner, provost-marshal; Capt. M. D. Ellis, topographical engineer; Lieut. C. C. Colborn, acting aide-de-camp; Lieut. W. H. Osborn, acting commissary of subsistence; Lieut. W. H. Conner, acting assistant quartermaster--have faithfully discharged the duties of their respective departments. Captains Cilley and L'Hommedieu havine other officers and enlisted men of my command. All have nobly done their duty. The brigade staff-Capt. Clinton A. Cilley, assistant adjutant-general; Capt. M. D. Ellis, acting inspector-general; Capt. Sanford Fortner, provost-marshal; Lieut. Cora C. Colborn, acting aide-decamp; Lieut. W. H. Osborn, acting commissary of subsistence; Lieut. W. H. Conner, acting assistant quartermaster--have my thanks for the prompt and efficient discharge of their various duties, rendering such assistance as t
James A. Lowrie (search for this): chapter 164
former that of acting assistant adjutantgeneral, the latter acting inspector, in a highly efficient manner. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. Gleason, Colonel Eighty-seventh Indiana Vols., Comdg. Brigade. Maj. James A. Lowrie, Assistant Adjutant-General. Hdqrs. Second Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps, Atlanta, a., September--, 1864. Sir: In compliance with orders, I have the honor to report the part taken by the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth vost-marshal; Lieut. Cora C. Colborn, acting aide-decamp; Lieut. W. H. Osborn, acting commissary of subsistence; Lieut. W. H. Conner, acting assistant quartermaster--have my thanks for the prompt and efficient discharge of their various duties, rendering such assistance as to make the command of this brigade a pleasure. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. Gleason, Colonel Eighty-seventh Indiana Vols., Comdg. Brig. Maj. James A. Lowrie, Assistant .Adjutant-General.
L. F. Daugherty (search for this): chapter 164
h Ohio was sent forward as skirmishers to hold said works with the intention of moving the front line of the brigade to said position. This regiment executed this movement in a very commendable manner, but not without considerable loss. Capt. L. F. Daugherty was instantly killed and several enlisted men wounded. Captain Daugherty was a worthy officer, having nearly completed his term of service. My brigade being relieved by a brigade from the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, which camCaptain Daugherty was a worthy officer, having nearly completed his term of service. My brigade being relieved by a brigade from the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, which came forward and occupied the position held by the Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, I moved a short distance to the right, and remained in reserve in rear of our division. We were severely shelled during the engagement with the Twentieth Corps on our left, and had several casualties in the brigade. Lieut. Col. William O'Brien, Seventy-fifth Indiana, received a wound in the hand which resulted in the amputation of two fingers. July 21, moved forward, driving the enemy's skirmishers, and took positi
erformed their duties, the former that of acting assistant adjutantgeneral, the latter acting inspector, in a highly efficient manner. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. Gleason, Colonel Eighty-seventh Indiana Vols., Comdg. Brigade. Maj. James A. Lowrie, Assistant Adjutant-General. Hdqrs. Second Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps, Atlanta, a., September--, 1864. Sir: In compliance with orders, I have the honor to report the part taken by the Second Brigade,ost-marshal; Lieut. Cora C. Colborn, acting aide-decamp; Lieut. W. H. Osborn, acting commissary of subsistence; Lieut. W. H. Conner, acting assistant quartermaster--have my thanks for the prompt and efficient discharge of their various duties, rendering such assistance as to make the command of this brigade a pleasure. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, N. Gleason, Colonel Eighty-seventh Indiana Vols., Comdg. Brig. Maj. James A. Lowrie, Assistant .Adjutant-General.
Charles G. Edwards (search for this): chapter 164
ful conduct of Lieut. Col. W. O'Brien, commanding Seventy-fifth Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan, One hundred and first Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. J. W. Bishop, Second Minnesota Veteran Volunteers; Lieut. Col. E. P. Hammond, Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins, One hundred and fifth Ohio Volunteers, and Maj. Joseph L. Budd, Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers; also Maj. C. J. McCole, commanding Seventy-fifth Indiana Volunteers since July 20, and Maj. Charles G. Edwards, commanding One hundred and fifth Ohio Volunteers, in support of the skirmish line during the advance on August 5, and Maj. R. C. Sabin, Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, commanding skirmish line, all of whom have handled their respective commands with promptness and ability. These officers deserve great credit for their gallant, strict, and faithful execution of orders on all occasions. There are many line officers and enlisted men who deserve special mention, but the limits of
George T. Perkins (search for this): chapter 164
rs, Lieut. Col. W. O'Brien; One hundred and first Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Thomas Doan; One hundred and fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins; Thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Maj. Joseph L. Budd-under command of Col. F. Van Derveer, Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, left Ringgold, Ga., May first Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. J. W. Bishop, Second Minnesota Veteran Volunteers; Lieut. Col. E. P. Hammond, Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteers; Lieut. Col. George T. Perkins, One hundred and fifth Ohio Volunteers, and Maj. Joseph L. Budd, Thirty-fifth Ohio Volunteers; also Maj. C. J. McCole, commanding Seventy-fifth Indianaiana Volunteers, Lieut. Col. E. P. Hammond; Seventy-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Maj. C. J. McCole; One hundred and fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, Lieut. Col. G. T. Perkins; Second Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers, Lieut. Col. J. W. Bishop, the latter regiment rejoining the brigade August 20-remained in position as indi
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