Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Philip Kearney or search for Philip Kearney in all documents.

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l, July 26. Governor Morgan of New York issued a proclamation, in accordance with the request of President Lincoln, calling for twenty-five thousand men to serve for three years or during the war.--(Doc. 123.) Private G. W. Fox, a member of the Twenty-fourth Regiment of New York, was shot by the rebels, while performing picket duty near Ball's Cross Roads, Va. He died soon after.--N. Y. Evening Post, July 26. General McClellan arrived at Washington, from Western Virginia.--Philip Kearney of Newark, N. J., was appointed Brigadier-General in the Federal army.--General Fremont arrived at St. Louis, Mo., this morning, and made his Headquarters at the residence of the late Colonel Brant.--The Fourteenth Regiment of Ohio State Militia returned to Toledo from Western Virginia, their term of enlistment having expired.--The Tenth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Henry I. Briggs, embarked from Boston for Washington.--N. Y. Times, July 26. Gen
Times, August 5. Beriah Magoffin, Governor of Kentucky, issued a proclamation commanding all persons having arms belonging to the State, that have been unlawfully seized, to immediately deliver them up, that they may be returned to the State Arsenal, at Frankfort.--(Doc. 157.) The Senate of the United States confirmed numerous army appointments. Among them are Major-Generals McClellan, Fremont, Dix, and Banks; and Brigadier-Generals Hooker, Curtis, McCall, Sherman, Lander, Kelly, Kearney, Pope, Heintzelman, Porter, Stone, Reynolds, Hunter, Franklin, Rosecrans, Buell, Mansfield, McDowell, and Meigs.--Philadelphia Inquirer, August 5. The Twenty-ninth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel John K. Murphy, left Hestonville, West Philadelphia, for the seat of war.--Philadelphia Press, August 3. Mrs. Lincoln having kindly consented to receive and distribute the havelocks made by the ladies of Katonah and Bedford, Westchester, N. Y., a case was
mitted into the Confederacy.--Norfolk Day Book, November 17. David Maxey, who lived about five miles from Hardyville and ten miles from Green River Bridge, Ky., was killed in his own house by some of the Southern cavalry scouting in that neighborhood. They chased their victim to the second story of his house, and shot him twice, causing instant death.--Louisville Journal, December 20. This morning eight men, three from the Second and five from the Fourth New Jersey regiments in Gen. Kearney's brigade, General Franklin's division, near Washington, D. C., left their respective companies, which were on picket duty at Edsall's Hill, Va., and went to a house between Burke's station and Annandale. While there, apparently in obedience to a signal by the occupant, a body of about a hundred and fifty rebel cavalry suddenly came upon them, and three who were in the house were taken prisoners. Their names were Dennis H. Williamson, who was wounded; Cornelius Lowe, and Hiram R. Parson
across the line to the rebels was prohibited; that every person detected in the attempt would be put at hard labor in Fort Norfolk, and the property seized and sold for the benefit of the poor. Also, that in order they should resume their place in the Union, with the full enjoyment of all their rights as citizens of the United States, an election would be immediately ordered, enabling them to return a member to represent them in the next House of Representatives. The schooner Medora, of Baltimore, Md., laden with borax, medical stores, military uniforms, shoes, blankets, ammunition, etc., supposed to be intended for the rebel army, was captured by a company of Union troops under the command of Captain Kearney, while lying at anchor near Hackett's Point, Md. A fight took place near Lebanon, Tenn., between the Ninety-third Ohio infantry, Colonel Charles Anderson, acting as the guard of a forage train, and a force of rebels, resulting in the retreat of the latter.--(Doc. 64.)