Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Matamoras (Ohio, United States) or search for Matamoras (Ohio, United States) in all documents.

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ued an order organizing the National Guard of the State.--the Fifty-sixth and Fifth regiments of New York militia, left home for Harrisburgh, Pa.--the ship Conrad, was captured by the privateer Alabama. A detachment of Jenkins's rebel force on their retreat from Chambersburgh, entered McConnellsburgh, Pa., surprising the citizens and capturing a large number of horses and cattle, besides helping themselves to such provisions and wearing apparel as they could find in the stores. After thoroughly rifling the town, they left, taking the road to Hancock, Maryland.--the brig Isabella Thompson, having on board a cargo of turpentine and cotton, was captured by the Union gunboat United States, commanded by R. W. Mead, Jr.--the British schooner Glenn, of Yarmouth, N. S., from Matamoras for Nassau, being six hundred miles out of her course, was overhauled by the National steamer Cumbria, and her papers not being satisfactory, a prize crew was put on board, and she was ordered to New York.