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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 38 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Charles C. Grover or search for Charles C. Grover in all documents.

Your search returned 19 results in 3 document sections:

While this was going on in one portion of General Grover's command, the remainder, if not so hotly aces. The column on the right was composed of Grover's division and Weitzel's brigade, under commanieutenant-Colonel Perlee, and two regiments of Grover's division — the Twenty-fourth Connecticut andnd General Paine's — were under command of General Grover, who, as has been before stated, planned tuated. I have thus far been speaking of General Grover's command exclusively, and the plan above Previously the columns of the main body of General Grover's command were formed in the woods skirtinfore the engagement became general between General Grover's command and the enemy, Generals Augur aneedingly severe, and scarcely less so with General Grover's. General Dwight's. loss in killed and wo considerably short of that number. Under General Grover's command probably the most desperate fighbeen made. The right wing, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Grover, and composed of Emory's old division, u[7 more...]<
e less conspicuous. Nothing can be more amusing than the notion the rebels seem to have of their utter invincibility. I mentioned before how my quondam friend, the captain, said he did not believe, even then, that Vicksburgh had capitulated. Another amusing instance came to my knowledge. News having reached us on the seventh instant of the fall of Vicksburgh, Colonel Nelson, commanding the colored regiment on our right, received official intelligence of the same from his commander, General Grover. It appears that Colonel Nelson's approaches upon the enemy had got so very close-only twenty feet apart — that, by mutual concession, they had stopped the murderous work of perpetually shooting at each other, and the officers and men used to come out from the opposite sides and have quite a pleasant confab. This had gone on for three days, hourly expecting the order for an assault. When Nelson got his delightful information, happening to meet a rebel colonel, he told him the fact
ely; privates, William J. Rackliff, leg, severely; Charles L. Towle. thigh, severely; George E. Dorothy, leg, slightly: John H. Stevens, arm, severely; Sergeant Ora M. Nason, prisoner; privates, Frank Swan, prisoner; Luke T. Shattuck, prisoner; William H. Maxim, missing. Company G.--Sergeants, William Brown, thigh, severely; George W. Davis, arm, slightly; privates, H. C. Webber, arm, severely; John E. Fossett, arm, severely; James Perry, leg, severely; Charles H. Arnold, prisoner; Charles C. Grover, prisoner; Henry Derocher, prisoner; Corporals Orren Austin, missing; A. P. Herrick, missing; Private, Samuel E..Frost, missing. Company H.--Corporal Eben Farrington, killed; private, Albert Corson, killed; Color-Sergeant William Livermore, side, slightly; Corporals John Bacon, leg and arm, severely; J. F. Stanley, arm, slightly; privates, George Dickson, leg, slightly; William T. Preble, leg, slightly; C. Major, missing; P. F. Rowe, missing. Company I.--Sergeants N. W. Jones, ki