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False River (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
the Thirtieth Massachusetts volunteers, went up from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson in the Richmond, they having volunteered to go across the point opposite Port Hudson, and carry despatches from below to the Admiral, who was to be at the mouth of False River on Wednesday morning. Captain Roe. and Lieutenant Herbert of the signal corps accompanied the expedition. During the sail up an additional mast was put above the main topmast of the Richmond, with a crow's nest in the top, from which it was rflowed with water to a depth ranging from three to thirty feet. It was a novel scene. Silently they paddled through the forest — the only noises heard were the voices of numberless birds and the low rustling of the leaves. Arriving near the False River, the boats were hid in the bushes, and the party waded waist-deep through the water a mile further in, where they struck the old State Levee, following which for a short distance, they came out into the open road in full sight of the enemy's b
Natchitoches (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
but we struck a different road from the one we came on, and reached our boats in safety, having encountered but one of the enemy's pickets, who was mounted, and quickly fled on our firing at him. We got back to the Richmond at noon, having thus in twenty-four hours accomplished an object full of importance and danger, and one which Yankee pluck and perseverance alone could accomplish. The Admiral is well, and has seen considerable service since passing the port. He reports heavy batteries erected at Grand Gulf, which fired on him in going up and coming down. There are batteries also at Warrenton, just below Vicksburgh. The ram Switzerland is with him. He is now blockading the mouth of Red River, down which a large amount of the enemy's supplies come. He reports that the rebels have only four days provisions at Port Hudson, and is of opinion that there are not more than fifteen thousand troops there, and that if invested it must fall in a week's time at most.--New Orleans Era.
Grand Gulf (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
but we struck a different road from the one we came on, and reached our boats in safety, having encountered but one of the enemy's pickets, who was mounted, and quickly fled on our firing at him. We got back to the Richmond at noon, having thus in twenty-four hours accomplished an object full of importance and danger, and one which Yankee pluck and perseverance alone could accomplish. The Admiral is well, and has seen considerable service since passing the port. He reports heavy batteries erected at Grand Gulf, which fired on him in going up and coming down. There are batteries also at Warrenton, just below Vicksburgh. The ram Switzerland is with him. He is now blockading the mouth of Red River, down which a large amount of the enemy's supplies come. He reports that the rebels have only four days provisions at Port Hudson, and is of opinion that there are not more than fifteen thousand troops there, and that if invested it must fall in a week's time at most.--New Orleans Era.
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
but we struck a different road from the one we came on, and reached our boats in safety, having encountered but one of the enemy's pickets, who was mounted, and quickly fled on our firing at him. We got back to the Richmond at noon, having thus in twenty-four hours accomplished an object full of importance and danger, and one which Yankee pluck and perseverance alone could accomplish. The Admiral is well, and has seen considerable service since passing the port. He reports heavy batteries erected at Grand Gulf, which fired on him in going up and coming down. There are batteries also at Warrenton, just below Vicksburgh. The ram Switzerland is with him. He is now blockading the mouth of Red River, down which a large amount of the enemy's supplies come. He reports that the rebels have only four days provisions at Port Hudson, and is of opinion that there are not more than fifteen thousand troops there, and that if invested it must fall in a week's time at most.--New Orleans Era.
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
y's staff, and Lieutenant Tenney, Quartermaster of the Thirtieth Massachusetts volunteers, went up from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson in the Richmond, they having volunteered to go across the point opposite Port Hudson, and carry despatches from below Port Hudson, and carry despatches from below to the Admiral, who was to be at the mouth of False River on Wednesday morning. Captain Roe. and Lieutenant Herbert of the signal corps accompanied the expedition. During the sail up an additional mast was put above the main topmast of the RichmonHerbert went up the levee a couple of miles to reconnoitre. They found that the enemy were crossing cavalry over from Port Hudson, Returning to the Richmond, the welcome signal-guns were heard from the Hartford, whose masts were plainly visible fro down which a large amount of the enemy's supplies come. He reports that the rebels have only four days provisions at Port Hudson, and is of opinion that there are not more than fifteen thousand troops there, and that if invested it must fall in a
Baton Rouge (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
iral Farragut. The rebel papers up the river trumped up a very ingenious theory some time ago, by which the writers proved — to their own great satisfaction — that Colonel Ellet was lost, with every body else on board the ram Lancaster, while attempting to pass the batteries at Vicksburgh. On Tuesday morning, April fourteenth, Lieutenants H. B. Skinner and C. C. Dean of General Dudley's staff, and Lieutenant Tenney, Quartermaster of the Thirtieth Massachusetts volunteers, went up from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson in the Richmond, they having volunteered to go across the point opposite Port Hudson, and carry despatches from below to the Admiral, who was to be at the mouth of False River on Wednesday morning. Captain Roe. and Lieutenant Herbert of the signal corps accompanied the expedition. During the sail up an additional mast was put above the main topmast of the Richmond, with a crow's nest in the top, from which it was proposed to signal over the trees covering the point with t
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
the river trumped up a very ingenious theory some time ago, by which the writers proved — to their own great satisfaction — that Colonel Ellet was lost, with every body else on board the ram Lancaster, while attempting to pass the batteries at Vicksburgh. On Tuesday morning, April fourteenth, Lieutenants H. B. Skinner and C. C. Dean of General Dudley's staff, and Lieutenant Tenney, Quartermaster of the Thirtieth Massachusetts volunteers, went up from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson in the Richmon accomplish. The Admiral is well, and has seen considerable service since passing the port. He reports heavy batteries erected at Grand Gulf, which fired on him in going up and coming down. There are batteries also at Warrenton, just below Vicksburgh. The ram Switzerland is with him. He is now blockading the mouth of Red River, down which a large amount of the enemy's supplies come. He reports that the rebels have only four days provisions at Port Hudson, and is of opinion that there are
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
New-Orleans, April 18. Much interest is felt in the fortunes of Admiral Farragut by every loyal man in the country, and his assured safety is a source of congratulation among good men everywhere. Not the least gratifying intelligence in this news is the fact that the renowned Colonel Ellet of the ramfleet is in command of the Switzerland, with Admiral Farragut. The rebel papers up the river trumped up a very ingenious theory some time ago, by which the writers proved — to their own greatn, and in a few minutes the expedition started. Beside the above-mentioned officers, Mr. Shaw, Acting Master of the Richmond, and Mr. Gabandau, Private Secretary to Admiral Farragut, who came down a week ago, and returned to the Richmond from New-Orleans, put in here to accompany us over. Also Mr. Graves, Purser's Clerk of the Albatross, accompanied the expedition. A negro was taken along as a guide. The party was well armed, and started about noon. They struck the woods some two miles b
from Port Hudson, Returning to the Richmond, the welcome signal-guns were heard from the Hartford, whose masts were plainly visible from the crow's nest. They were quickly answered by Captain Alden, and in a few minutes the expedition started. Beside the above-mentioned officers, Mr. Shaw, Acting Master of the Richmond, and Mr. Gabandau, Private Secretary to Admiral Farragut, who came down a week ago, and returned to the Richmond from New-Orleans, put in here to accompany us over. Also Mr. Graves, Purser's Clerk of the Albatross, accompanied the expedition. A negro was taken along as a guide. The party was well armed, and started about noon. They struck the woods some two miles below the river, embarked in two skiffs, and for five miles proceeded through the woods, overflowed with water to a depth ranging from three to thirty feet. It was a novel scene. Silently they paddled through the forest — the only noises heard were the voices of numberless birds and the low rustling of
New-Orleans, April 18. Much interest is felt in the fortunes of Admiral Farragut by every loyal man in the country, and his assured safety is a source of congratulation among good men everywhere. Not the least gratifying intelligence in this news is the fact that the renowned Colonel Ellet of the ramfleet is in command of the Switzerland, with Admiral Farragut. The rebel papers up the river trumped up a very ingenious theory some time ago, by which the writers proved — to their own great satisfaction — that Colonel Ellet was lost, with every body else on board the ram Lancaster, while attempting to pass the batteries at Vicksburgh. On Tuesday morn a few minutes the expedition started. Beside the above-mentioned officers, Mr. Shaw, Acting Master of the Richmond, and Mr. Gabandau, Private Secretary to Admiral Farragut, who came down a week ago, and returned to the Richmond from New-Orleans, put in here to accompany us over. Also Mr. Graves, Purser's Clerk of the Albatross
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