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Harrisburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
an invasion of Pennsylvania, the 26th Regiment, P. V. M., was organized and mustered into the United States service at Harrisburg, under the command of Colonel W. W. Jennings of that city. Company A of this regiment, to which I belonged,, was compoburg, and of citizens of the town; one other company came from Hanover, but a few miles distant. On June 23d we left Harrisburg for Gettysburg, to be used, I believe, as riflemen among the hills near Cashtown. A railroad accident prevented this p, under Meade, but where was it? Our colonel, left to his own resources, wisely decided to make an effort to return to Harrisburg, and immediately struck off from the pike, the Confederates capturing many of our rear-guard after a sharp skirmish, anarlisle road, where after an engagement they were repulsed with some loss. After many vicissitudes, we finally reached Harrisburg, having marched 54 out o f 60 consecutive hours, with a loss of some 200 men. It should be added that Gettysburg, sm
Cashtown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
her company came from Hanover, but a few miles distant. On June 23d we left Harrisburg for Gettysburg, to be used, I believe, as riflemen among the hills near Cashtown. A railroad accident prevented this plan from being carried into effect, and kept us from reaching Gettysburg until the 26th, by which time General Early had reached Cashtown. In accordance with orders received from Major Granville O. Haller, Acting aide-de-camp to General Couch, commanding the Department of the Susquehanna.--editors. in command of the post, we were marched out on the Chambersburg pike at 10 A. M., June 26th, for a distance of about three and a half miles, accompanieeneral Early's troops a few miles distant. Early says in his report: I sent General Gordon with his brigade and White's battalion of cavalry on the pike through Cashtown toward Gettysburg, and moved with the rest of the command to the left through Hilltown to Mummasburg. The object of this movement was for Gordon to amuse and sk
Reading, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
nel, left to his own resources, wisely decided to make an effort to return to Harrisburg, and immediately struck off from the pike, the Confederates capturing many of our rear-guard after a sharp skirmish, and sending their cavalry in pursuit of us. These latter overtook us in the afternoon at Witmer's house, about four and a half miles from Gettysburg on the Carlisle road, where after an engagement they were repulsed with some loss. After many vicissitudes, we finally reached Harrisburg, having marched 54 out o f 60 consecutive hours, with a loss of some 200 men. It should be added that Gettysburg, small town as it was, had already furnished its quota to the army. Moreover, on the first day of the battle hundreds of the unfortunate men of Reynolds's gallant corps were secreted, sheltered, fed, and aided in every way by the men and women of the town. Reading, Pa., November 2d, 1886. Hall's Sattery on the First day resisting the Confederate advance on the Chambersburg road.
Carlisle, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
he toils; what should be done? We would gladly have marched to join the Army of the Potomac, under Meade, but where was it? Our colonel, left to his own resources, wisely decided to make an effort to return to Harrisburg, and immediately struck off from the pike, the Confederates capturing many of our rear-guard after a sharp skirmish, and sending their cavalry in pursuit of us. These latter overtook us in the afternoon at Witmer's house, about four and a half miles from Gettysburg on the Carlisle road, where after an engagement they were repulsed with some loss. After many vicissitudes, we finally reached Harrisburg, having marched 54 out o f 60 consecutive hours, with a loss of some 200 men. It should be added that Gettysburg, small town as it was, had already furnished its quota to the army. Moreover, on the first day of the battle hundreds of the unfortunate men of Reynolds's gallant corps were secreted, sheltered, fed, and aided in every way by the men and women of the town
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
Citizens of Gettysburg in the Union army. by H. M. M. Richards, Company A, 26TH Pennsylvania Militia. Forears we have heard it asserted that the people of Gettysburg were lacking in patriotism because they did not sological Seminary and the Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg, and of citizens of the town; one other company ces distant. On June 23d we left Harrisburg for Gettysburg, to be used, I believe, as riflemen among the hilng carried into effect, and kept us from reaching Gettysburg until the 26th, by which time General Early had rd a troop of horse, also raised, I understand, in Gettysburg. Having halted, our colonel, accompanied by Majoon of cavalry on the pike through Cashtown toward Gettysburg, and moved with the rest of the command to the le Witmer's house, about four and a half miles from Gettysburg on the Carlisle road, where after an engagement t loss of some 200 men. It should be added that Gettysburg, small town as it was, had already furnished its
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
nel, left to his own resources, wisely decided to make an effort to return to Harrisburg, and immediately struck off from the pike, the Confederates capturing many of our rear-guard after a sharp skirmish, and sending their cavalry in pursuit of us. These latter overtook us in the afternoon at Witmer's house, about four and a half miles from Gettysburg on the Carlisle road, where after an engagement they were repulsed with some loss. After many vicissitudes, we finally reached Harrisburg, having marched 54 out o f 60 consecutive hours, with a loss of some 200 men. It should be added that Gettysburg, small town as it was, had already furnished its quota to the army. Moreover, on the first day of the battle hundreds of the unfortunate men of Reynolds's gallant corps were secreted, sheltered, fed, and aided in every way by the men and women of the town. Reading, Pa., November 2d, 1886. Hall's Sattery on the First day resisting the Confederate advance on the Chambersburg road.
Mummasburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
ed by Major Robert Bell, who commanded a troop of horse, also raised, I understand, in Gettysburg. Having halted, our colonel, accompanied by Major Bell, rode to the brow of an elevation distant several hundred yards, and there saw General Early's troops a few miles distant. Early says in his report: I sent General Gordon with his brigade and White's battalion of cavalry on the pike through Cashtown toward Gettysburg, and moved with the rest of the command to the left through Hilltown to Mummasburg. The object of this movement was for Gordon to amuse and skirmish with the enemy while I should get on his flank and rear so as to capture his whole force. We, a few hundred men at the most, were in the toils; what should be done? We would gladly have marched to join the Army of the Potomac, under Meade, but where was it? Our colonel, left to his own resources, wisely decided to make an effort to return to Harrisburg, and immediately struck off from the pike, the Confederates capturing
McAllister (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
ense of his home during the battle; but these are not all. Upon the first indication of an invasion of Pennsylvania, the 26th Regiment, P. V. M., was organized and mustered into the United States service at Harrisburg, under the command of Colonel W. W. Jennings of that city. Company A of this regiment, to which I belonged,, was composed of students from the Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg, and of citizens of the town; one other company came from Hanover, but a few miles distant. On June 23d we left Harrisburg for Gettysburg, to be used, I believe, as riflemen among the hills near Cashtown. A railroad accident prevented this plan from being carried into effect, and kept us from reaching Gettysburg until the 26th, by which time General Early had reached Cashtown. In accordance with orders received from Major Granville O. Haller, Acting aide-de-camp to General Couch, commanding the Department of the Susquehanna.--editors. in command o
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
f Gettysburg in the Union army. by H. M. M. Richards, Company A, 26TH Pennsylvania Militia. For twenty-three years we have heard it asserted that the people of Gettysburg were lacking in patriotism because they did not spring to arms en masse, and assist in repelling the invaders. I am glad to see young Weakley cited, in addition to old John Burns, as one who volunteered in the defense of his home during the battle; but these are not all. Upon the first indication of an invasion of Pennsylvania, the 26th Regiment, P. V. M., was organized and mustered into the United States service at Harrisburg, under the command of Colonel W. W. Jennings of that city. Company A of this regiment, to which I belonged,, was composed of students from the Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg, and of citizens of the town; one other company came from Hanover, but a few miles distant. On June 23d we left Harrisburg for Gettysburg, to be used, I believe, as riflem
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 4.41
ia Militia. For twenty-three years we have heard it asserted that the people of Gettysburg were lacking in patriotism because they did not spring to arms en masse, and assist in repelling the invaders. I am glad to see young Weakley cited, in addition to old John Burns, as one who volunteered in the defense of his home during the battle; but these are not all. Upon the first indication of an invasion of Pennsylvania, the 26th Regiment, P. V. M., was organized and mustered into the United States service at Harrisburg, under the command of Colonel W. W. Jennings of that city. Company A of this regiment, to which I belonged,, was composed of students from the Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg, and of citizens of the town; one other company came from Hanover, but a few miles distant. On June 23d we left Harrisburg for Gettysburg, to be used, I believe, as riflemen among the hills near Cashtown. A railroad accident prevented this plan from
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