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rles H. Odell, Capt. Chester H. Southworth, Col. J. T. Lockman; 134th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Allen H. Jackson, Capt. Clinton C. Brown; 154th N. Y., Col. P. H. Jones, Lieut.-Col. Daniel B. Allen, Maj. Lewis D. Warner, Lieut.-Col. Daniel B. Allen, Maj. L. D. Warner; 27th Pa., Relieved for muster-out May 23d. Lieut.-Col. August Riedt; 73d Pa., Maj. Charles C. Cresson; 109th Pa., Capt. Frederick L. Gimber, Capt. Walter G. Dunn, Capt. Hugh Alexander, Capt. William Geary. Third Brigade, Col. David Ireland, Col. William Rickards, Jr., Col. George A. Cobham, Jr., Col. David Ireland: 60th N. Y., Col. Abel Godard, Capt. Thomas Elliott, Col. Abel Godard, Capt. Thomas Elliott; 78th N. Y., Consolidated with 102d New York July 12th. Lieut.-Col. Harvey S. Chatfield, Col. Herbert von Hammerstein; 102d N. Y., Col. James C. Lane, Maj. Lewis R. Stegman, Capt. Barent Van Buren, Col. Herbert von Hammerstein; 137th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Koert S. Van Voorhis; 149th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Charles B. Randall, Col.
ne 8th 94,310560112,908 112,819 July 1st88,0865945 12,039106,070 August 1st75,6595499 10,51791,675 September 1st67,67446909,394 81,758 Losses: killed, 4423; wounded, 22,822; captured or missing, 4442 = 31,687. (Major E. C. Dawes, of Cincinnati, who has made a special study of the subject, estimates the Union loss at about 40,000, and the Confederate loss at about the same.) The Confederate Army. Army of Tennessee, General Joseph E. Johnston, General John B. Hood. Escort, Capt. Guy Dreux. Hardee's Corps, Lieut.-Gen. William J. Hardee, In command of his own and Lee's corps August 31st-September 2d. Maj.-Gen. P. R. Cleburne. Escort, Capt. W. C. Raum. Cheatham's division, Maj.-Gen. B. F. Cheatham, Brig.-Gen. George Maney, Brig.-Gen. John C. Carter. Escort, Capt. T. M. Merritt. Maney's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George Maney, Col. George C. Porter: 1st and 27th Tenn., Col. H. R. Feild, Capt. W. C. Flournoy, Lieut.-Col. John L. House; 4th Tenn. (Confed.) and 24th
Francis H. Lowry (search for this): chapter 5.39
L. Demarest, Capt. Edwin Childs; 3d Tenn., Col. William Cross, Maj. R. H. Dunn, Col. Wm. Cross, Maj. R. H. Dunn; 6th Tenn., Col. J. A. Cooper, Maj. Edward Maynard, Capt. Marcus D. Bearden, Capt. William Ausmus; 91st Ind. (transferred to Third Brigade, Second Division, August llth), Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Butterfield, Col. John Mehringer. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Milo S. Hascall, Col. John R. Bond, Col. William E. Hobson, Col. J. R. Bond: 107th Ill., Maj. Uriah M. Laurance, Lieut.-Col. Francis H. Lowry; 23d Mich., Lieut.-Col. Oliver L,. Spaulding, Maj. William W. Wheeler; 45th Ohio (transferred to First Brigade, June 8th, and to Second Brigade, First Division, Fourth Corps, June 22d), Col. Benjamin P. Runkle, Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Butterfield, Capt. John H. Humphrey; 111th Ohio, Col. John R. Bond, Lieut.-Col. Isaac R. Sherwood; 118th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Thomas L. Young, Capt. Edgar Sowers, Capt. William Kennedy, Capt. Rudolph Reul, Capt. Edgar Sowers. Third Brigade (joined May 28th and
Charles Cruft (search for this): chapter 5.39
o divisions and corps. Brig.-Gen. William F. Barry (chief-of-artillery). Army of the Cumberland, Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas. Escort, I, 1st Ohio Cav., Lieut. Henry C. Reppert. Artillery: See batteries attached to divisions and corps. Brig.-Gen. John M. Brannan (chief-of-artillery). Fourth Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. Oliver O. Howard, Maj.-Gen. David S. Stanley. first division, Maj.-Gen. David S. Stanley, Brig.-Gen. William Grose, Brig.-Gen. Nathan Kimball. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles Cruft, Col. Isaac M. Kirby: 21st Ill., Non-veterans attached to 101st Ohio till June 4th and 9th, respectively. when regiments rejoined from veteran furlough. Maj. James E. Calloway, Capt. William H. Jamison; 38th Ill., Non-veterans attached to 101st Ohio till June 4th and 9th, respectively. when regiments rejoined from veteran furlough. Lieut.-Col. William T. Chapman; 31st Ind., Col. John T. Smith; 81st Ind., Lieut.-Col. William C. Wheeler; 1st Ky., Ordered home for muster-out M
Frank S. Curtiss (search for this): chapter 5.39
. Cyrus M. Browne; 111th Ill., Transferred to Second Brigade August 4th. Col. James S. Martin, Maj. William M. Mabry, Col. J. S. Martin; 116th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Anderson Froman, Capt. Thomas White, Capt. John S. Windsor; 127th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Frank S. Curtiss, Capt. Alexander C. Little, Lieut.-Col. F. S. Curtiss,Capt. Charles Schryver; 6th Mo., Lieut.-Col. Delos Van Deusen; 8th Mo., Four companies relieved for muster-out June :16th, and five companies June 25th, Company K remaining. LieuLieut.-Col. F. S. Curtiss,Capt. Charles Schryver; 6th Mo., Lieut.-Col. Delos Van Deusen; 8th Mo., Four companies relieved for muster-out June :16th, and five companies June 25th, Company K remaining. Lieut.-Col. David C. Coleman, Capt. Hugh Neill, Capt. John W. White; 57th Ohio, Col. Americus V. Rice, Lieut.-Col. Samuel R. Mott. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. A. J. Lightburn, Col. Wells S. Jones, Brig.-Gen. J. A. J. Lightburn, Col. Wells S. Jones, Brig.-Gen. J. A. J. Lightburn, Col. Wells S. Jones: 83d Ind., Col. Benjamin J. Spooner, Capt. George H. Scott, Capt. Ben. North; 30th Ohio, Joined from veteran furlough May 22d, and transferred to First Brigade August 4th. Col. Theodore Jones; 37th
William McCrory (search for this): chapter 5.39
The opposing forces in the Atlanta campaign. May 3d-September 8th, 1864. The Union Army. Major-General William T. Sherman. Headquarters Guard: 7th Co. Ohio Sharp-shooters, Relieved two co's 10th Ohio Inf. May 20th. Lieut. William McCrory. Artillery: See batteries attached to divisions and corps. Brig.-Gen. William F. Barry (chief-of-artillery). Army of the Cumberland, Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas. Escort, I, 1st Ohio Cav., Lieut. Henry C. Reppert. Artillery: See batteries attached to divisions and corps. Brig.-Gen. John M. Brannan (chief-of-artillery). Fourth Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. Oliver O. Howard, Maj.-Gen. David S. Stanley. first division, Maj.-Gen. David S. Stanley, Brig.-Gen. William Grose, Brig.-Gen. Nathan Kimball. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles Cruft, Col. Isaac M. Kirby: 21st Ill., Non-veterans attached to 101st Ohio till June 4th and 9th, respectively. when regiments rejoined from veteran furlough. Maj. James E. Calloway, Capt. William H.
Isaac N. Alexander (search for this): chapter 5.39
es C. Walcutt: 40th lll., Joined June 3d. Lieut.-Col. Rigdon S. Barnhill, Maj. Hiram W. Hall, Capt. Michael Galvin, Capt. William. Steward; 103d Ill., Maj. Asias Willison, Col. Willard A. Dickerman, Lieut.-Col. George W. Wright, Capt. Franklin C. Post; 97th Ind., Col. Robert F. Catterson, Lieut.-Col. Aden G. Cavins; 6th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Alex. J. Miller, Maj. Thomas J. Ennis, Capt. William H. Clune, Lieut.-Col. A. J. Miller; 46th Ohio, Maj. Henry H. Giesy, Capt. Joshua W. Heath, Col. Isaac N. Alexander. Third Brigade, Discontinued August 4th, and troops transferred to First [Brigade. Col. John M. Oliver: 48th Ill., Col. Lucien Greathouse, Maj. Edward Adams; 99th Ind., Col. Alex. Fowler, Lieut.-Col. John M. Berkey, Capt. Josiah Farrar, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Berkey; 15th Mich., Lieut.-Col. Austin E. Jaquith, Lieut.-Col. Fred. S. Hutchinson; 70th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. De Witt C. Loudon, Maj. William B. Brown, Capt. Louis Love, Capt. Henry L. Philips. Artillery, Capt. Henry H. Griffiths, M
John W. Phillips (search for this): chapter 5.39
apt. Thomas J. Key: Ark. Battery, Capt. T. J. Key, Lieut. J. G. Marshall; Ala. Battery, Capt. R. W. Goldthwaite; Miss. Battery, Lieut. . H. Shannon, Lieut. H. N. Steele. Martin's Battalion: Mo. Battery, Lieut. C. W. Higgins, Capt. H. M. Bledsoe, Lieut. R. L. Wood; S. C. Battery, Lieut. R. T. Beauregard, Lieut. J. A. Alston; Ga. Battery, Lieut. W. G. Robson, Capt. Evan P. Howell. Cobb's Battalion, Maj. Robert Cobb: Ky. Battery, Lieut. R. B. Matthews; Tenn. Battery, Capt. J. W. Mebane, Lieut. J. W. Phillips; La. Battery, Lieut. W. C. D. Vaught, Capt. C. I. Slocomb, Lieut. J. A. Chalaron. Palmer's Battalion: Ala. Battery, Capt. C. L. Lurmsden; Ga. Battery, Capt. R. W. Anderson; Ga. Battery, Capt. M. W. Havis. Hood's (or Lee's) Corps, Lieut.-Gen. John B. Hood, Maj.-Gen. C. L. Stevenson, Maj.-Gen. B. F. Cheatham, Lieut.-Gen. S. D. Lee. Hindman's division, Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Brig.-Gen. John C. Brown, Maj.-Gen. Patton Anderson, Maj.-Gen. Edward Johnson. Escort: B, 3d Ala. Cav.
John J. Ward (search for this): chapter 5.39
. S. H. Terral. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. S. C. Williams. Waddell's Battalion: Ala. Battery, Capt. W. D. Emery; Ala. Battery, Lieut. F. A. O'Neal, Capt. R. H. Bellamy; Mo. Battery, Capt. O. W. Barret, Lieut. William Brown. Myrick's Battalion, Maj. J. D. Myrick: La. Battery, Capt. A. Bouanchaud, Lieut. E. C. Legendre; Miss. Battery, Capt. J. J. Cowan, Lieut. G. H. Tompkins; Tenn. Battery, Capt. R. L. Barry, Lieut. E., L. Watkins. Storrs's Battalion, Maj. George S. Storrs: Ala. Battery, Capt. John J. Ward, Lieut . G. . Weaver; Miss. Battery, Capt. J. A. Hoskins; Mo. Battery, Capt. Henry Guilbor, Lieut. A. W. Harris, Sergt. Raymond Burke. Preston's (or Truehart's) Battalion, Maj. W. C. Preston, Maj. D. Truehart: Ala. Battery, Lieut. C. W. Lovelace; Ala. Battery, Lieut. Seth Shepard, Capt. E. Tarrant; Miss. Battery, Capt. J. H. Yates. cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. W. H. Jackson. Armstrong's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. F. C. Armstrong: 1st Miss., Col. R. A. Pinson; 2d Miss., Maj. J. J. Perry; 2
J. A. Andrews; Jaques's Battalion, Maj. J. Jaques. Cockrell's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. F. M. Cockrell, Col. Elijah Gates, Brig.-Gen. F. M. Cockrell: 1st and 3d Mo. (dismounted cav.), Col. Elijah Gates, Lieut.-Col. D. T. Samuels, Col. Elijah Gates; 1st and 4th Mo., Col. A. C. Riley, Lieut.-Col. H. A. Garland; 2d and 6th Mo., Col. P. C. Flournoy; 3d and 5th Mo., Col. James McCown. Sears's Brigade, Col. W. S. Barry, Brig.-Gen. C. W. Sears: 4th Miss., Col. T. N. Adaire; 35th Miss., Lieut.-Col. R . . Shotwell, Col. W. S. Barry; 36th Miss., Col. W. W. Witherspoon; 39th Miss., Lieut.-Col. W. E. Ross, Maj. R. J. Durr; 46th Miss., Col. W. H. Clark; 7th Miss. Batt'n, Capt. W. A. Trotter, Capt. J. D. Harris. Cantey's (or Walthall's) division, Brig.-Gen. James Cantey, Maj.-Gen. E. C. Walthall. Quarles's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William A. Quarles: 1st Ala., Col. S. L. Knox; 42d Tenn., Col. Isaac N. Hulme, Capt. A. M. Duncan; 46th and 55th Tenn., Col. R. A. Owens, Lieut.-Col. G. B. Black; 48th Tenn., L
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