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Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
he withdrawal of the Army of the Potomac from the Peninsula. Relieved of all danger in the latter direction, he moved in heavy force and pushed the Army of Virginia across the Rappahannock before the other great army lent it any aid; and now, at the beginning of September, he saw both armies which had threatened him, shattered and disordered behind the strong fortifications of the National capital, where McClellan concentrated them to defend that capital from an expected assault. From Fortress Monroe to the head waters of the James and the Rappahannock, and far up the Potomac and the intervening country, as well as the whole valley of the Shenandoah to its northern entrance at Harper's Ferry, there were no National troops, and the harvests in all that region were poured into the Confederate granary. The Republic now seemed to be in great peril, and the loyal people were very anxious. Long before the disastrous termination of the campaign on the Peninsula, thoughtful men were los
New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
t of bullets; and when his ammunition was almost exhausted, Caldwell, aided by a part of Brooks's brigade, as gallantly came to his support and relief. Hill was now re-enforced by about four thousand men, under R. H. Anderson, and the struggle was fierce for a while, the Confederates trying to seize a ridge on the National left for the purpose of turning that flank. This was frustrated by a quick and skillful movement by Colonel Cross with his Fighting Fifth See note 2, page 410. New Hampshire. He and the Confederates had a race for the ridge along parallel lines, fighting as they ran. Cross won it, and being re-enforced by the Eighty-first Pennsylvania, the Confederates were driven back with a heavy loss in men, and the colors of the Fourth North Carolina. An effort to flank the right at the same time was checked by French, Brooks, and a part of Caldwell's force, Colonel Francis C. Barlow performed eminent service at this point in the struggle. With the Sixty-first and
Hazel River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
llows:--The First, Second, and Fifth Corps, reserve artillery, and general Headquarters, at Warrenton; Ninth Corps on the line of the Rappahannock, in the vicinity of Waterloo; the Sixth Corps at New Baltimore; the Eleventh Corps at New Baltimore, Gainesville, and Thoroughfare Gap ;--Sickles's division of the Third Corps, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, from Manassas Junction to Warrenton Junction; Pleasanton across the Rappahannock at Amisville, Jefferson, &c., with his pickets at Hazel River, facing Longstreet, six miles from Culpepper Court-House; and Bayard at Rappahannock Station. --See McClellan's Report, page 237. Burnside's sense of the magnitude of his trust made him exceedingly cautious, and instead of going forward to the point of a great battle, to which McClellan's movements seemed tending, with promises of success, At that time Lee's army was in a perilous position. A great part of It, as we have observed, was under Longstreet, in the vicinity of the Rapid
Dumfries, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
A little later both he and Longstreet were ordered to Fredericksburg, when the division of D. The. Hill was sent to Port Royal to oppose the passage of gun-boats, which had appeared there. The rest of Jackson's division was disposed so as to support Hill. The cavalry brigade of General W. H. F. Lee was stationed near Port Royal, and the fords of the Rappahannock above Fredericksburg were closely watched. On the 28th of November, Wade Hampton crossed and made a reconnaissance as far as Dumfries and Occoquan, and captured two hundred Nationals and some wagons; and at about the same time a part of Beales's regiment of Lee's brigade dashed across the Rappahannock in boats, below Port Royal, and captured some prisoners. Hill and some of Stuart's horse-artillery had a skirmish with the gun-boats at Port Royal on the 5th of December, and compelled them to retire.--Lee's Report, volume I. of the Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, pages 88 and 89. Its left was composed of Longstre
Ford, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ply with that commander's requisition for intrenching tools, that he might fortify his position; so, on the 12th, when McLaws' advance appeared on the crest of the Elk Mountain, two or three miles northward, and soon commenced skirmishing, McLaws and Anderson had evacuated Pleasant Valley on the day when Jackson captured Martinsburg. McLaws at once ordered Kershaw to take his own and Barksdale's brigades up a rough mountain road to the crest of the Elk Mountain, and to follow the ridge to Ford's position on Maryland Heights. Ford had only a slight breast-work of trees, with an abatis in front of it, near the crest, for defense. He repelled an assault in force at an early hour on the 13th, but when it was renewed a little later, by Kershaw, some of his troops gave way and fled in great confusion. They were rallied, but the Confederates had secured such vantage-ground that, under cover of darkness, at two o'clock the next morning, Ford, hopeless of aid from Miles, spiked his guns a
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
y on the left, was mortally wounded by a shell, and died that night. He was only twenty-eight years of age, and was on the eve of marriage. His loss was widely felt. General Gibbon was wounded and taken from the field. Bayard's brigade was famous for good deeds throughout the war. It was distinguished for gallantry in the following engagements before the death of its first leader:--Woodstock, Harrisonburg, Cross Keys, Cedar Mountain, Brandy Station, Rappahannock Station, Gainesville, Bull's Run, Warrenton, and Fredericksburg. After Bayard's death the brigade, was formed into a division, under General Gregg, and served throughout the campaigns in Virginia under Stoneman, Pleasanton, and Sheridan. A portrait of the gallant Bayard, and a picture of the Bayard Badge, will be found in the third volume of this work. Smith's corps, twenty-one thousand strong, was near and fresh, and had not been much engaged in the battle throughout the day. The army signal-telegraph was used with
South Mountain, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
McClellan's advantages, 468. advance upon South Mountain, 469. battle on South Mountain, 470. strSouth Mountain, 470. struggle at Crampton's Gap Toombs and Cobb, the Georgia traitors, 471. Harper's Ferry invested, 472. e right and center toward Turner's Gap, in South Mountain, in front of Middletown, Burnside leading rition met the eyes of the Confederates on South Mountain. Stuart had reported the previous eveningrmly for a long time, but, Wise's House, South Mountain battle-field. this is a view of Wise's d when Doubleday took his Battle-Feld on South Mountain. this little picture shows the appearance of that portion of the battle-field on South Mountain, where General Reno was killed, as it appeaoncentrate it. He withdrew his troops from South Mountain across Pleasant Valley and Elk Ridge, and observed the Confederates retreating from South Mountain, on the morning of the 15th, Sept. he ordyer, had a station on Red Ridge, a spur of South Mountain, which overlooked the Signal-Station on
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ooker, Brooks, and Newton were named for ignominious dismissal from the service, and Generals Franklin, W. F. Smith, Cochran, and Ferrero, and Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Taylor, were to be relieved from duty in the Army of the Potomac. Generals Franklin and Smith, without the knowledge of Burnside, wrote a joint letter to the President on the 21st of December, expressing their belief that Burnside's plan of campaign could not succeed, and substantially recommending that of McClellan, by the James River and the country on its borders. The President replied that they were simply suggesting a plan fraught with the old difficulty, and he appeared to be astonished, as Franklin had distinctly advised bringing the army away from the Peninsula. He was competent to issue the order on his own responsibility; but, in compliance with judicious advice, he submitted it to the President. Mr. Lincoln was perplexed. He appreciated the patriotism and soldierly qualities of Burnside, yet he could not c
Mansfield, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
sharp contest, commenced with Meade's Pennsylvania Reserves, near the house of D. Miller, and which lasted until dark, the Confederates were driven back. Hooker's men rested that night on their arms upon the ground they had won from their foe. Mansfield's corps (divisions of Joseph K. F. Mansfield. Williams and Greene) crossed the Antietam during the evening in Hooker's track, and bivouacked on Poffenberger's farm, a mile in his rear. The night of the 16th was passed by both armies wsuff was instantly forwarded at the double-quick, and passed across the cornfield in the face of a terrible storm of shot and shell. It fought desperately for half an hour unsupported, when its leader fell severely wounded. In the mean time Mansfield's corps had been ordered up to the support of Hooker, and while the divisions of Williams and Greene, of that corps, were deploying, the veteran commander was mortally wounded. The. charge of his corps then devolved on General Williams, who le
Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
main body, to turn the position of the Confederates. At the same time twenty-five thousand cavalry, with four guns, were to cross at Kelley's Ford, and sweep through the country in the rear of Lee's army, to cut its communications with Richmond, raiding along the line of the Virginia Central and Orange and Alexandria railways to Lynchburg, destroying tracks and bridges, and the locks of the James River Canal, as circumstances might allow, and then, turning eastward, strike the Richmond and Danville road, cross the Notta-way River, and after destroying important portions of the road between Weldon and Battle of Fredericksburg. Petersburg, join General Peck, then in command at Suffolk. At the same time other bodies of mounted men were to sweep over the country, to distract the Confederates and conceal the real object of the general movement. These movements had just commenced when Burnside received a dispatch from the President, Dec. 30, 1862. directing him not to enter upon
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