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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
men, when he was alarmed by intelligence James G. Blunt. that General James G. Blunt, then commandGeneral James G. Blunt, then commanding in Kansas, was threatening his line of retreat with a strong force while the commands of Loan anddenly turned his face southward, and, eluding Blunt while covered with darkness, he fled back intomber was estimated at about fifteen thousand. Blunt and Totten approached at different points, whereating toward Huntsville, in Madison County. Blunt was sent after Cooper, while Schofield, with htwenty thousand men at the close of November. Blunt, with the First division, was then at Lindsay'ntains, and took a good position on a height. Blunt, with his entire force, assailed him vigorouslnt fifteen miles northward. Informed of this, Blunt sent to Herron, then in Missouri, for assistanary battle of Prairie Grove. Reports of Generals Blunt and Herron, and General Hindman. The Nati when he first attacked Herron's cavalry. General Blunt estimated the Confederate loss at about 3,[16 more...]