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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
Battery was planted on an eminence, between the Missouri and Kansas troops; and Dubois's Battery, supported by Steele's battalion, was placed about eighty yards to th in time to allow Totten to punish them severely, and full half an hour his and Dubois's Battery made a continual roar. In the mean time, Plummer's battalion, in the The latter, perceiving their peril, retreated in good order, while shells from Dubois's Battery, thrown with precision, fell among the pursuers with such fearful effrvening ridges. Meanwhile the support of Steele's Battery was transferred from Dubois's to Totten's. These had just formed in battle line when a very heavy body of Cas the signal for a renewal of the conflict, and they were speedily silenced by Dubois, supported by Osterhaus and a remnant of the First Missouri. The battle raged ritical moment Captain Granger dashed forward from the rear with the support of Dubois's Battery, consisting of portions of the First Kansas, First Missouri, and Firs