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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
a greater portion of the bridge. The Confederates ran wildly about the village with blazing firebrands, spreading destruction in all directions. Even the venerable parish church, built in colonial times, and standing out of danger from the conflagration of the village, was not spared; it having been fired, according to testimony subsequently given, by the special order of the drunken Magruder. The troops employed for the purpose were all Virginians, under the respective commands of Captains Goode, Phillips, Sullivan, and Curtis; the whole under the control of Colonel J. J. Hodges. Many of these troops were citizens of Hampton, and set fire to their own property, to prevent, as they said, its being occupied by Northern Vandals. The cruelty of this destruction was at first charged upon the Union troops, but the truth was soon known, and the odium fixed where it belonged. Magruder contented himself with this performance, and withdrew his forces to Big Bethel and Yorktown. It
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
North Carolina--*W. N. H. Smith, Robert R. Bridgers, Owen R. Keenan, T. D. McDowell, Thomas S. Ashe, Arch. H. Arrington, Robert McClean, William Lander, B. S. Gaither, A. T. Davidson. South Carolina--*John McQueen, *W. Porcher miles, L. M. Ayer, *Milledge L. Bonham, James Farrow, *William W. Boyce. Tennessee--Joseph T. Heiskell, William G. Swan, W. H. Tebbs, E. L. Gardenshire, *Henry S. Foote, *Meredith P. Gentry, *George W. Jones, Thomas Meneese, *J. D. C. Atkins, *John V. Wright, David M. Currin. Texas--*John a Wilcox, *C. C. Herbert, Peter W. Gray, B. F. Sexton, M. D. Graham, Wm. B. Wright. Virginia--*M. R. H. Garnett, John R. Chambliss, James Lyons, *Roger A. Pryor, *Thomas S. Bococke, John Goode, Jr., J. P. Holcombe, *D. C. De Jarnett, *William Smith, *A. E. Boteler, John R. Baldwin, Walter R. Staples, Walter Preston, Albert G. Jenkins, Robert Johnson, Charles W. Russell. those marked with the * had been members of the United States Congress. tail-piece — Congreve rocke