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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
r Williamsburg Hooker bears the Brunt, 380. Kearney's troops on the field, 381. Hancock's flank he divisions of Generals Joseph Hooker and Philip Kearney, and on the Winn's Mill road, which joins five o'clock, when the gallant and dashing Philip Kearney came up with his division, with orders frooker's worn and fearfully thinned regiments. Kearney pressed to the front, and Hooker's troops withousand seven hundred of their companions. Kearney deployed Berry's brigade to the left of the W support. The battle, which was lagging when Kearney arrived, was renewed with spirit, and the Nater prevented all direct forward movement, and Kearney ordered the Thirty-eighth New York (Scott Lifneteen officers. It did not quite accomplish Kearney's full desire, and he ordered the left wing oced some confusion and misapprehension. When Kearney arrived on the field he ranked Hooker; and alt his horse at two o'clock, and at five, when Kearney and Hancock were about giving the blow that w
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
on the Richmond and York River railway; that Kearney's division of Heintzelman's corps was on the posed between him and Heintzelman, and pushed Kearney back to the border of the flooded White Oak SChickahominy, came up during the evening; and Kearney's brigades, that had been driven to the Whiteooker's division, bore the brunt, assisted by Kearney, and resulted in a loss to the Nationals of f's division; Hooker was at Sumner's left, and Kearney was at the right of McCall. Longstreet and had brought some of the troops of Hooker and Kearney to the field of action just at dark, and soonn the right of Porter; next on the right were Kearney and Hooker; next Sedgwick and Richardson; nexy fire of artillery was opened upon Couch and Kearney, and D. H. Hill, believing that he heard the y's American Conflict, note 43, page 167. General Kearney said, in the presence of several officers--I, Philip Kearney, an old soldier, enter my solemn protest against this order for X retreat. We o[1 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
the time of the evacuation of Manassas. General Kearney had ordered the gallant Hidden to move foe in parallel roads to Greenwich, followed by Kearney's division of Heintzelman's corps, with ordersame time from Greenwich to the Junction, and Kearney was directed to make his way to Bristow Statiis force he pushed on according to orders. Kearney drove Jackson's rear-guard out of Centreville Centreville with the divisions of Hooker and Kearney toward Gainesville, to be followed by Reno, wdvanced to attack at five o'clock in the Philip Kearney. morning, August 29. and at seven a furiothe sanguinary struggle until near noon, when Kearney's t division arrived on the field by the Sudlt the cost of Thirty per cent. Of its force. Kearney, meanwhile, had struck Jackson's left at the Reno's force in confusion. Seeing this, General Kearney advanced with his division and renewed the battle of Chantilly, among them were Generals Kearney and Stevens, and Major Tilden, of the Thi[9 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
nside submitted his plan of attack the next morning, which was for the whole force on the south bank of the Rappahannock to advance, and, by sudden assaults along the whole line, attempt to penetrate and carry the fortified heights occupied by the Confederates. Wall at the foot of Marye's height. The Right and Left Grand Divisions, under Sumner and Franklin, were to perform the perilous work; and, to give Franklin sufficient strength, two divisions from Hooker's command (his own and Kearney's) were sent to reenforce him, making his whole number about fifty-five thousand men, or one-half of the effective force of the army. It was expected that Franklin would make the main attack at dawn, and that upon its results would depend the movements of Sumner; but he did not receive his promised instructions until after sunrise, and then they were so open to misinterpretations that he was puzzled to know precisely how to, act. They seemed, however, to demand that he should keep his wh