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Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
tember 2], the telegraph gave information of the fact to the. Government, whereupon the President, on the same day, publicly tendered the thanks of the nation to General. Sherman, and the gallant officers and soldiers under his command. Orders were issued for the firing of National salutes at the principal arsenals, and the 11th day of September was designated as one for offering solemn national thanksgiving for the signal success of General Sherman in Georgia, and of Admiral Farragut. at Mobile. The services of the latter will be narrated presently. On the 8th General Sherman issued a stirring congratulatory address to his army, telling them of the thanks they had received from the nation, recounting their exploits, and assuring them that if they continued faithful, it required no prophet to foretell that our country will, in time, emerge from this war, purified by the fires of war, and worthy its great founder, Washington. Two days afterward, General Sherman, satisfied that th
Talladega (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ton's chief channels of supplies for his army, he asked permission to lead the expedition. It was granted, and when Johnston crossed the Chattahoochee and Sherman began maneuvering against Atlanta, the latter telegraphed orders to Rousseau to move. That active officer instantly obeyed. He left Decatur, Alabama, at the head of well-appointed cavalry, on the 10th, July. pushed rapidly southward crossed the Coosa at the Ten Islands, fought and defeated General Clanton, and passing through Talladega, reached the railway twenty-five miles west of Opelika on the 16th, and broke it up to the latter place. He also destroyed several miles of the track of branch railways. Then, turning northward, he reached Marietta on the 22d, with a loss, during the raid, of only about thirty men. On the 20th, the armies had all closed in, converging toward Atlanta. At about four o'clock that day, the Confederates, under Hood, sallied swiftly from their works in heavy force, and struck Hooker's cor
Jeff Davis (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
oved uniformly at the word of command, turning over long spaces, like sward or land-furrows: Then knocking the ties loose from the rails, the former were piled up, the latter laid upon them, and a fire kindled under, which, burning away, soon caused the rails to bend so badly as to be unfit for use. In this way many miles were quickly destroyed, at various places, on our march. When there was time, the heated rails were bent around trees, and some were twisted into what the raiders called Jeff Davis's neck-ties, as seen on page 239. To that business the Union commander devoted only one day; and on the 29th he threw his army forward to the Macon road. Schofield moved cautiously, because he was nearest Atlanta, and reached the road at Rough and Ready Station, ten miles from that city. Thomas struck it at Couch's, and Howard, crossing the Flint River half a mile from Jonesboroa, approached it at that point. He encountered strong and entirely unexpected opposition, while Schofield felt
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
honorable custody of a peaceful ordnance sergeant: seized and made prisoners of war the very garrisons sent to protect your people against negroes and Indians, long before any overt act by the (to you) hateful Lincoln Government; tried to force Kentucky and Missouri into rebellion in spite of themselves; falsified the vote of Louisiana; turned loose your privateers to plunder unarmed ships; expelled Union families by the thousand; burned their houses, and declared by act of Congress the confisc from the front of Petersburg and Richmond, to assume the command of the cavalry of the army, and he was sent back to Nashville, with various dismounted detachments, with orders to collect and put in fighting order all the mounted men serving in Kentucky and Tennessee, and report to General Thomas. Thus the latter officer was furnished with strength believed to be sufficient to keep Hood out of Tennessee; and he was invested with unlimited discretionary powers in the use of his material. Sherm
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
, and pushed on to Fayetteville. There he captured five hundred of Hood's wagons and two hundred and fifty men, and killed and carried away about a thousand mules. Pressing on, he struck and destroyed the Macon railway at the appointed time and place, but Stoneman was not there. McCook had no tidings of him; so, being hard pressed by Wheeler's cavalry, he turned to the southwest and struck the West Point road again at Newman's Station. There he was met by a heavy body of infantry from Mississippi, on its way to assist Hood at Atlanta. At the same time his rear was closely pressed by Confederate cavalry, and he was compelled to fight great odds. He did so gallantly, and fought his way out, but with the loss of his prisoners, and five hundred of his own men, including Colonel Harrison, who was made a captive. Stoneman, in the mean time, attempting to do too much, failed in nearly all things. At the last moment before leaving, he obtained General Sherman's consent to go farther
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
, in preparation for a great struggle. Cannon on the summit of Great Kenesaw completely commanded the beautiful town of Marietta. There Johnston, with the Chattahoochee River at his back, determined to make a vigorous stand. The scene was enchanting, said Sherman, in his report; too beautiful to be disturbed by the harsh clamorss cavalry in front of Kenesaw, was ordered to rapidly throw his whole force by his right down to and threaten Nickajack Creek and Turner's Ferry, across the Chattahoochee River. Stoneman was directed to push on, at the same time, with his cavalry, to the river below Turner's, and thus seriously threaten Johnston's rear. The movemre we lodged again that night, and on the following morning May 18, 1866. went on to Atlanta, passing through heavy fortifications on the right bank of the Chattahoochee River, near the railway bridge, and then among others more thickly strewn around the ruined city. We spent a greater portion of two days in and about Atlanta,
Florence, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
nt over the Cumberland Mountains by way of the Sequatchie, and appeared at McMinnville, Murfreesboroa, and Lebanon. Rousseau, Steedman, and Granger, in Tennessee, were on the alert, and they soon drove the raider into Northern Alabama by way of Florence. Although he had destroyed much property, his damage to Sherman's communications was so slight, that the latter said, in writing from Atlanta on the 15th of September: 1864. Our roads and telegraphs are all repaired, and the cars run with reguforce at thirty-five thousand infantry and ten thousand cavalry. By the first of November, Hood made his appearance near the Tennessee River, in the vicinity of Decatur, and passing on to Tuscumbia, laid a pontoon bridge across that stream at Florence. Then Sherman turned his force toward Atlanta, preparatory to taking up his march for the sea. The Army of the Tennessee moved back to the south side of the Coosa, to the vicinity of Smyrna Camp-ground. The Fourteenth Corps moved to Kingston,
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. The opposing armies in Northern Georgia, 374Northern Georgia, 374. Sherman's advance battle of Resaca, 375. the Nationals in possession of Resaca flight and pursal Joseph E. Johnston, then at Dalton, in Northern Georgia, Johnston's army was composed of abouts, and compelling Operations in Tennessee, Georgia, and Northern Alabama. Johnston to contraderate killed was General W. H. T. Walker, of Georgia. On the day after the battle July 23, 18hat Jefferson Davis hastened from Richmond to Georgia to view the situation, and in a speech at Mac896. he instructed him to draw Sherman out of Georgia, for his presence there was causing alarming ereignty, so destructive of National unity in Georgia, that caused Davis to visit that State. InChattanooga, and, moving through the heart of Georgia, capture one or more of the important seaportll reduced to ashes, excepting the Ruins of Georgia military Institute, Marietta. broken ruins d[9 more...]
Pine Mountain (United States) (search for this): chapter 14
nications in his rear being now secure, he moved on to Big Shanty June 9. where before him arose the Twin Mountain of Kenesaw (Big and Little), with Lost and Pine mountains forming with it a triangle, on each of which the Confederates had signal-stations. Batteries covered their summits, and thousands of men were busy in the darand maneuvering, and drawing his lines close to those of the Confederates, Sherman made disposition for breaking through those of Johnston between Kenesaw and Pine mountains. Hooker was on the right and, front of his line, Howard on its left and front, and Palmer between it and the railway. Under cover of a heavy cannonade, the familiar to our guide. To the westward we looked off over the wooded country to Dallas and New Hope Church. Farther to the north and northwest were Lost and Pine mountains and the Allatoona hills; and eastward, away beyond Atlanta, at a distance of thirty-six miles, arose, seemingly from a level country covered with forest, the
Van Wert (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
latoona Pass, in a very strong position among rugged hills, where he was not molested for two or three days, because Sherman gave his army rest on the right bank of the Etowah, while supplies were brought forward to that point for the next stage of the campaign. Sherman determined to flank Johnston out of his new position, by moving far to the right, and concentrating his troops at Dallas. Thomas advanced along the road from Kingston, while McPherson moved farther to the right by way of Van Wert. Schofield went eastward of both, so as to come in on Thomas's left. The Confederate leader quickly perceived his peril, and prepared to avert it. As the latter was moving toward Dallas from Burnt Hickory, Hooker's corps in the advance, Geary's division of that corps was met May 25, 1864. near Pumpkinvine Creek, by Confederate cavalry. These he pushed over that stream, and saved a bridge they had fired. Following them eastward two miles, he came upon the foe in strong battle order. A
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