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Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
Selma, 516. capture of Selma, 517. destruction of property in Selma, 518. capture of Montgomery and Columbus, 519. La Grange's expedition to West Point capture of Fort Tyler, 520. Croxton's destructive raid, 521. the author's journey from Savannah to Montgomery, 522. a day at Montgomery the State capital, 523. at Selma, Mobile, and New Orleans, 524. departure for Port Hudson and Vicksburg, 525. The repossession of Alabama was an important part of General Grant's comprehensive plan s; and he destroyed a vast amount of property of every kind. He lost seven hundred and twenty-five men, of whom ninety-nine were killed. The writer visited the theater of events described in this chapter in the spring of 1866. He arrived at Savannah from Hilton Head See page 488. the first week in April, and after visiting places of historic interest there, left that city on an evening train April 5. for Augusta and farther west. Travel had not yet been resumed, to a great extent. The
A. W. Hubbard (search for this): chapter 19
s, and other property used by the Confederates, were destroyed; and some of the soldiery, breaking through all restraints, ravaged the town for awhile. Wilson now prepared to move eastward into, Georgia, by way of Montgomery. He. directed Major Hubbard to construct a pontoon bridge over the Alabama River, at Selma, which had been made brimful by recent rains, and then he Ruins of Confederate Foundery. this was the appearance of a portion of the city of Selma, when the writer sketched ievidently expected to recapture the prisoners Wilson had taken at Selma, and was arrogant in manner and speech. The latter returned; but in consequence of the flood, which had three times swept away the pontoon bridge, 870 feet in length, which Hubbard had thrown across the river, Wilson's army did not make the passage of the stream until the 10th. April, 1865. McCook had rejoined him on the 5th, and now the whole army, excepting Croxton's brigade, on detached service, moved upon Montgomery,
Edward Hatch (search for this): chapter 19
ere the Confederates had extensive iron founderies. The march of Cheatham toward the Carolinas, with a part of Hood's broken army, and the employment of the remainder at Mobile, made nearly the whole of Thomas's force in Tennessee, disposable, and Wilson left Chickasaw Landing, on the Tennessee River, on the 22d of March, with about thirteen thousand men, composing the divisions of Long, Upton and McCook. Knipe's division, we have seen, went with the Sixteenth Army Corps to New Orleans. Hatch's division was left at Eastport. He had six batteries. His men were all mounted excepting fifteen hundred, who were detailed as an escort to the supply and baggage trains of two hundred and fifty wagons. There was also a light pontoon train of thirty boats, carried by fifty six-mule wagons. Each man was well provided on the basis of a sixty days campaign, it being ordered that men and animals should subsist, as far as possible, on the country. Each man was provided with five days light
J. B. Moore (search for this): chapter 19
m Fort Gaines to Danley's Ferry. Meanwhile, a feint on Mobile was made to attract attention while the main body was concentrating at Fish River. This was done by Moore's brigade of the Sixteenth Corps, which landed, with artillery, on Cedar Point, on the west side of the bay, under fire of the squadron. They drove away the Confee the pursuers were ordered to cross the bay and rejoin the corps, which they did on the 23d. March, 1865. The movement had created much uneasiness in Mobile, for Moore's force was reported there to be from four thousand to six thousand strong. While these movements were in progress on the borders of the bay, General Steele, wi in the assault. The center was feeling the storm from the Works more seriously than the left. Dennison's brigade, of Veatch's division, and those of Spicely and Moore, of Andrews's division, were nobly braving the hail as they pushed onward in a charge, so soon as Garrard was fairly at work. Steadily they pressed forward, men f
heaven was soon made inaudible to the armies, by the roar of cannon. Hawkins's division first skirmished heavily toward the works, when Garrard sent one-third of his command, This division, composed of the brigades of General Gilbert and Colonels Rinaker and Harris. was the strongest in Canby's army. under a heavy fire of the Seventeenth Ohio Battery, and in the face of a storm of shells, to discover the safest avenues for an attack in force. These gained a point within fifty yards of the nually making headway, inspirited by the voice of Garrard, who was in the thickest of the fight. At length, the obstructions were cleared, and while Harris's brigade was passing the ditch and climbing the face of the works, those of Gilbert and Rinaker turned the right of the fort and entered it, capturing General Thomas and a thousand men. In an instant, a loud cheer arose, and several National flags were unfurled over the parapets. While the struggle was going on upon the left, the whole
Jefferson Davis (search for this): chapter 19
blushing honeysuckle, and the delicate pink of the the red-bud and peach blossom. It was eight o'clock in the evening before we arrived at Montgomery, and found lodgings at the Exchange Hotel, from whose balcony, the reader may remember, Jefferson Davis harangued the populace early in 1861, after a speech at the railway station, in which he said, concerning himself and fellow-conspirators:--We are determined to maintain our position, and make all who oppose us smell Southern powder and feelut the broken walls of the warehouses along the brow of the river bluff. From the cupola of that Capitol, we had a very extensive view of the country around, the winding Alabama River, and the city at our feet; and from the portico, where Jefferson Davis was inaugurated Provisional President of the Confederate States of America, we could look over nearly the whole. of the town. Montgomery must have been a very beautiful city, and desirable place of residence, before the war. We spent a
s's division of negro troops, and Lucas's cavalry, had been marching from Pensacola to Blakely, ten miles north of Mobile, destroying, on the way, the railroad at Pollard, and inducing the belief that Canby's real objective was Montgomery, and not Mobile. He encountered very little opposition, excepting from squads of Confederate cavalry. These fell back before him, until he reached Pringle's Creek, where he had a sharp fight March 25. with about eight hundred Alabama cavalry, under General Clanton. These were routed by a charge, with a loss of about two hundred of their number killed and wounded, and two hundred and seventy-five made prisoners. Among the latter was their leader. Steele found very little opposition after that until he reached the front of Blakely, April 1. where he received supplies from General Canby, sent in seventy-five wagons in charge of General J. C. Veatch. On the 25th of March, the. Thirteenth and Sixteenth Corps advanced from Fish River, on Mobile,
D. Leadbetter (search for this): chapter 19
ng movement was intrusted to General J. H. Wilson, the eminent cavalry leader, under the direction of General Thomas. Mobile, at the beginning of 1865, was thoroughly fortified by three continuous lines of earth-works around the entire city. The first was constructed by Captain C. T. Lieurner, in 1862, at an average distance of three miles out from the business streets, and comprised fifteen redoubts. In 1863, after the fall of Vicksburg, when an attack upon Mobile was expected, General D. Leadbetter See page 174, volume I., and page 38, volume II. constructed a second line of works, which passed through the suburbs of the city, comprising sixteen inclosed and strong redoubts. It was then estimated that a garrison of ten thousand effective men might, with these fortifications, defend Mobile against a besieging army of forty thousand men. In 1864, a third line of earth-works was constructed by Lieutenant-Colonel V. Sheliha, about half-way between the other two, and included ni
Stonewall Jackson (search for this): chapter 19
anders's Ferry on the west fork of the Black Warrior, by way of Russellville and Mount Hope, to Jackson, in Walker County. Long went by devious ways to the same point, and McCook, taking the Tuscalohat Forrest was now on his front in heavy force; that one of that leader's divisions, under General Jackson, was moving easterly from Tuscaloosa, with all the wagons and artillery of the Confederate osed himself between it and Forrest's train. Informed, also, by the intercepted dispatch, that Jackson was about to fight Croxton, and from a subsequent dispatch from the latter to himself, that, instead of going on to Tuscaloosa, he should endeavor to fight Jackson and prevent his joining Forrest, Wilson ordered McCook to move rapidly, with La Grange's brigade, to Centreville, cross the Cahawb push on by way of Scottsville to assist Croxton in breaking up Jackson's column. McCook found Jackson at Scottsville, well posted, with intrenchments covering his column. Croxton had not come up,
conquered city. Generals Forrest, Roddy, and Armstrong, with about one-half of their followers, fled eastward on the Burnsville or river road, by the light of twenty-five thousand bales of blazing cotton, which they had set on fire. They were pursued until after midnight, and in that chase the Confederates lost four guns and many men made prisoners. Wilson's loss in the capture of Selma was about 500 men. His gains were the important post, 32 guns (all field-pieces, except a 30-pounder Parrott), 2,700 prisoners, including 150 officers, several flags, and a large amount of stores of every kind. General Winslow was assigned to the command of the city, with orders to destroy every thing that might benefit the Confederate cause. Selma soon presented the spectacle of a ghastly ruin. Ten thousand bales of cotton, not consumed, were fired and burnt; and all the founderies, arsenals, machine-shops, ware-houses, and other property used by the Confederates, were destroyed; and some o
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