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Napoleon | 104 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Napoleon (Ohio, United States) | 24 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Jena (Thuringia, Germany) | 22 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Emil Schalk, A. O., The Art of War written expressly for and dedicated to the U.S. Volunteer Army.. Search the whole document.
Found 17 total hits in 11 results.
Napoleon (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Austria (Austria) (search for this): chapter 5
Boudet (search for this): chapter 5
Marmont (search for this): chapter 5
Bernadotte (search for this): chapter 5
Napoleon (search for this): chapter 5
Example of battle with center and one wing reinforced: battle of Wagram, July 6, 1809.
The army of Napoleon amounted to 150,000 combatants, that of the Archduke Charles to 120,000.
On the nights of the 4th and 5th of July the French crossed the Danube, and took on the 5th the position F F ; on the 6th they advanced in the position F‘ F‘ F‘. In consequence of this, the Austrians proceeded to the attack by taking the position A A. Their right wing, consisting of 50,000 men, advanced to the attack of Napoleon's left wing, which he had refused; this consisted of one division, commanded by General Boudet.
This left for the Austrian center and left wing but 70,000 men, against which Napoleon had concentrated nearly twice that number.
The length of his front for center and left wing was about 11,000 yards, the accumulation of forces amounting, therefore, to from 11 to 12 men for every yard.
Massenas's corps, with Bernadotte's, is opposite to Aderklaa.
Oudinot's corps, with Lan<
Oudinot (search for this): chapter 5
Davoust (search for this): chapter 5
July 6th, 1809 AD (search for this): chapter 5
Example of battle with center and one wing reinforced: battle of Wagram, July 6, 1809.
The army of Napoleon amounted to 150,000 combatants, that of the Archduke Charles to 120,000.
On the nights of the 4th and 5th of July the French crossed the Danube, and took on the 5th the position F F ; on the 6th they advanced in the position F‘ F‘ F‘. In consequence of this, the Austrians proceeded to the attack by taking the position A A. Their right wing, consisting of 50,000 men, advanced to the attack of Napoleon's left wing, which he had refused; this consisted of one division, commanded by General Boudet.
This left for the Austrian center and left wing but 70,000 men, against which Napoleon had concentrated nearly twice that number.
The length of his front for center and left wing was about 11,000 yards, the accumulation of forces amounting, therefore, to from 11 to 12 men for every yard.
Massenas's corps, with Bernadotte's, is opposite to Aderklaa.
Oudinot's corps, with Lan<
July 4th (search for this): chapter 5
Example of battle with center and one wing reinforced: battle of Wagram, July 6, 1809.
The army of Napoleon amounted to 150,000 combatants, that of the Archduke Charles to 120,000.
On the nights of the 4th and 5th of July the French crossed the Danube, and took on the 5th the position F F ; on the 6th they advanced in the position F‘ F‘ F‘. In consequence of this, the Austrians proceeded to the attack by taking the position A A. Their right wing, consisting of 50,000 men, advanced to the attack of Napoleon's left wing, which he had refused; this consisted of one division, commanded by General Boudet.
This left for the Austrian center and left wing but 70,000 men, against which Napoleon had concentrated nearly twice that number.
The length of his front for center and left wing was about 11,000 yards, the accumulation of forces amounting, therefore, to from 11 to 12 men for every yard.
Massenas's corps, with Bernadotte's, is opposite to Aderklaa.
Oudinot's corps, with La<