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Charleston (South Carolina, United States) 898 0 Browse Search
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Norwich (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
Royal 360,382 61 22,566 50 337,816 11 Philadelphia Oct. 13, 1865 Unadilla, Augusta, Housatonic, America, G. W. Blunt ($10,000 decreed to Memphis and Quaker City).   Rice, 103 casks of 3,510 34 896 33 2,614 01 New York May 28, 1863 Albatross, Norwich.   Rice, 1,253 bags of 4,134 92 1,098 87 3,036 35 do Jan. 23, 1863 Albatross. Schooner Revere 3,335 73 1,744 87 1,590 86 do Sept. 15, 1863 Monticello, Maratanza, Mahaska. Schooner Reindeer 10,147 90 1,644 70 8,503 20 do Jan. 11, 1864 Ar 86 1,275 91 8,938 95 do Oct. 17, 1862 Dale. Steamer Salvor 38,250 94 To claimants.3,029 19 31,842 57 do Jan. 14, 1863 Keystone State. 3,379 18 Schooner Sarah 21,454 10 1,671 22 19,782 88 do Nov. 26, 1863 Keystone State, Seneca, Norwich, Alabama, James Adger, Shepherd Knapp, Roebuck. Schooner Susan Jane 12,558 35 2,763 66 9,794 69 do April 23, 1864 Pawnee. Schooner Sally Mears 2,800 00 1,427 45 1,372 55 Washington Oct. 19, 1863 Quaker City. Sloop S. W. Green 232 50 109 55 1
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
  Union. (Waiting for prize list.)   Cotton, 12 bales; 8 barrels turpentine 3,766 83 507 58 3,259 25 do Aug. 25, 1865 Magnolia.   Cotton, 4 bales     46 40 New Orleans Sept. 1, 1865 Cayuga.   Cotton, 42 bales and 11 bags 26,580 54 2,364 00 24,216 54 Key West Aug. 25, 1865 Clyde.   Cotton, 50 bales     1,939 37 New Orleans Sept. 1, 1865 Gertrude.   Cotton, 89 bales     3,510 38 do Sept. 1, 1865 Cornubia.   Cotton, 78 bales 45,626 01 2,077 91 43,548 10 Boston Aug. 9, 1865 Vicksburg.   Cotton, 4 bales 2,701 44 192 45 2,508 99 do Aug. 16, 1865 Keystone State.   Cotton, 44 bales 20,484 00 508 15 19,975 85 do Aug. 16, 1865 Quaker City.   Cotton, 90 bales 66,955 68 3,767 78 63,187 90 Philadelphia Aug. 21, 1865 Connecticut, Keystone State. Steamer Cora 6,140 00 861 03 5,278 97 New Orleans Aug. 21, 1865 Quaker City.   Cotton, 35 bales     17,575 20 New York Sept. 1, 1865 Governor Buckingham, Niphon.   Cotton, 156 sacks, etc.     15,150 00 do
Kensington (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
62 Corwin, Currituck. Steamer Diamond 29,683 10 1,958 08 27,725 02 do Jan. 11, 1864 Stettin. Schooner Dart 2,390 84 520 95 1,869 89 Key West Oct. 21, 1863 Kensington, Rachel Seaman. Schooner David Crockett 14,462 73 1,389 77 13,072 96 Philadelphia Oct. 5, 1865 America, Flag, Canandaigua, Flambeau. Sloop, D. Sargent 5,41862 Sciota. Schooner Magnolia 41,731 61 3,199 02 38,532 59 do Oct. 8, 1863 Hatteras. Sloop Maria 4,849 37 722 25 4 127 12 do Oct. 17, 1863 Rachel Seaman, Kensington. Schooner Margaret 378 73 160 95 217 78 do Oct. 6, 1862 Tahoma, Hendrick Hudson. Schooner Martha Ann 1,498 02 714 44 783 58 Washington Oct. 1, 1863 Samuel E. B Hale. Schooner Volante 1,355 11 144 20 1,210 91 Key West Nov. 17, 1864 Beauregard. Schooner Velocity, cargo of 621 85 179 47 442 38 do Mar. 29, 1863 Kensington, Rachel Seaman. Steamer Vixen 58,127 00 3,031 02 55,095 98 New York Mar. 14, 1865 Rhode Island. Schooner Wm. Mallory 7,526 19 1,557 29 5,968 90 Key West O
Fort Morgan (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
rk July 28, 1864 Quaker City. Schooner Lily 9,019 94 1,074 50 7,945 44 New Orleans July 28, 1864 Owasco. Schooner Laura 6,843 01 871 94 5,971 07 do July 28, 1864 Owasco. Steamer Little Ada 44,489 95 1,580 69 42,909 26 Boston Feb. 16, 1865 Gettysburg. Steamer Lady Sterling 509,354 64 9,463 35 494,891 29 New York Feb. 7, 1865 Calypso, Eolus. Schooner Louisa 5,491 49 1,227 36 4,264 13 New Orleans Feb. 14, 1865 Chocura. Schooner Lone 2,631 60 723 59 1,908 01 do Feb. 14, 1865 Fort Morgan. Steamer Lucy 268,948 20 6,534 72 262,413 48 Boston Mar. 9, 1865 Santiago de Cuba. Schooner Leartad 43,261 72 4,380 79 38,880 93 Key West Mar. 22, 1865 San Jacinto. Schooner Linda 1,237 65 171 50 1,066 15 do Mar. 22, 1865 Beauregard, Norfolk Packet. Schooner Lowood 34,555 03 5,948 70 28,606 33 New Orleans April 22, 1865 Chocura. Steamer Laura 36,052 92 1,589 90 34,463 02 Key West April 22, 1865 Stars and Stripes, Hendrick Hudson. Sloop Lydia 1,302 17 224 76 1,077 41 do A
Osage (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
  Cotton, 179 bales. 38,312 98 1,866 85 36,446 13 Springfield April 23, 1864 Osage.   Cotton, 10 bales 2,351 52 231 66 2,119 86 Boston April 23, 1864 Niphon. 1865 Pittsburg.   Cotton, 10 bales 2,202 48 168 86 2,033 62 do Mar. 1, 1865 Osage, Choctaw, Champion, Fort Hindman.   Cotton, 3 bales Waiting for prize lis502 16 do Mar. 1, 1865 Black Hawk, Eastport, Lafavette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Fort Hindman, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound Ci3 do   Marmora.   Cotton, 10 bales 4,115 70 267 37 3,848 33 do July 25, 1864 Osage.   Cotton, 16 bales Waiting for prize list of the W. H. Brown 7,479 08 40Black Hawk, Fort Hindman, Cricket, Eastport, Lafavette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound City, Essex, LexBlack Hawk, Fort Hindman, Cricket, Eastport, Lafayette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound City, Essex, Lex
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
Schooner Artist 6,416 42 1,421 54 4,994 85 Philadelphia Jan. 19, 1865 Bermuda. Schooner Annie Verden 25,445 68 2,598 31 22,847 37 New Orleans Feb. 21, 1865 Mobile. Schooner Albert Edward 44,461 82 4,183 34 40,278 48 do Feb. 14, 1865 Katahdin. Steamer Armstrong 251,382 26 7,321 53 244,060 73 New York April 20, 1865 R. 3, 1865 Tallahatchie. Schooner Cora Smyser 6,877 92 1,073 12 5,864 80 do April 22, 1865 Sciota.   Cotton, 60 bales and 2 bags     12,655 66 do Feb. 21, 1865 Mobile.   Cotton, 38 bales     8,487 62 do Feb. 21, 1865 Arostook.   Cotton, 83 bales     16,388 07 do Feb. 21, 1865 Sciota.   Cotton, 67 bales 27,034 89 2,270 and cargo 216,619 79 5,249 22 211,370 57 Boston Dec. 2, 1864 Quaker City, Keystone State. Schooner Emma 32,122 15 3,727 88 28,394 27 New Orleans Feb. 21, 1865 Mobile. Steamer Ella and Annie 185,500 01 5,486 62 181,013 79 Boston Feb. 24, 1865 Niphon. Steamer Emma Henry 294,869 01 5,973 92 288,895 09 New York Feb. 28, 1
Granite City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
prize list of Annie Williams. 597 62 143 66 453 96 Key West   Annie Williams. Steamer Alonzo Childs 5,000 00 275 91 4,724 09 Springfield Mar. 29, 1864 Baron De Kalb. Schooner Anita 75,489 99 5,650 70 69,839 29 New Orleans April 12, 1864 Granite City. Schooners Active and Blue Bell 875 10 172 71 702 39 do April 12, 1864 Owasco, Cayuga. Steamer Alabama 131,364 10 10,412 60 120,951 50 do April 23, 1864 San Jacin to, Eugene, Tennessee. Steamer Alice Vivian 237,300 81 20,240 28 217,06do Mar. 29, 1864 Fort Henry.   Cotton, 27 bales, cargo of sch. Mary Ann 8,910 75 978 07 7,932 68 New Orleans April 23, 1864 Antona.   Cotton, 3 bales and 2 crates Waiting for prize list of the Granite City. 1,095 22 238 59 856 63 do   Granite City.   Cotton, 179 bales. 38,312 98 1,866 85 36,446 13 Springfield April 23, 1864 Osage.   Cotton, 10 bales 2,351 52 231 66 2,119 86 Boston April 23, 1864 Niphon. Schooner Corse 5,850 66 754 51 5,096 15 Key West Jan. 7, 1865 Rachel Seaman<
Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
Smith. Schooner British Queen. 2,108 31 999 90 1,108 41 do Nov. 25, 1862 Mount Vernon. Boats, 3 sail, and cargoes 1,463 89 277 00 1,186 89 Washington   Reliancnville.   Cotton, 22 biles 14,559 47 534 75 14,024 72 Boston Dec. 2, 1864 Mount Vernon.   Cotton, 88 bales     17,455 63 Philadelphia Jan. 7, 1865 Keystone StatCricket. Steamer Kate 31,180 00 1,890 42 29,289 58 New York Feb. 16, 1864 Mount Vernon, Iroquois, James Adger, Niphon. Sloop Kate 3,572 22 442 22 3,130 00 Key W 2, 1863 Alabama. Brig Napier 4,702 57 1,005 79 3,696 78 do June 28, 1864 Mount Vernon, Mystic, Chippewa, Stars and Stripes. Sloop (no name Waiting for prizenderson. Schooner Rising Dawn 3,212 70 1,213 69 1,999 01 do Jan. 11, 1864 Mount Vernon. Schooner Rose 7,778 40 758 92 7,019 48 Key West Oct. 16, 1862 Sagamore, ker City. Schooner St. George 4,573 64 2,015 65 2,557 99 do Feb. 29, 1864 Mount Vernon. Steamer Secesh 19,080 46 1,394 77 17,685 69 Philadelphia Feb. 18, 1864 C
Cumberland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
3,661 05 414 37 3,246 68 do June 20, 1865 San Jacinto. Brig H. C. Brooks 51,982 52 5,467 83 46,514 69 New York July 18, 1863 Harriet Lane, Minnesota, Wabash, Cumberland, Susquehanna, Monticello, Pawnee. Steamer Henry Lewis 37,337 76 4,041 62 33,296 14 do Nov. 25, 1863 R. R. Cuyler, Massachusetts, New London. Schooner HannHettiwan 13,455 37 1,997 52 11,457 85 do Feb. 29, 1864 Ottowa, Housatonic, Flambeau. Bark Hiawatha 269,319 27 29,615 56 239,703 71 do Feb. 6, 1864 Minnesota, Cumberland, Perry, Keystone State, Star (now called Monticello). Schooner Harriet Ryan 1,718 53 824 68 893 85 Philadelphia Oct. 17, 1862 Pawnee. Schooner Havelock 2,list.) Steamer Wando 415,690 83 6,203 94 409,486 89 Boston Sept. 23, 1865 Fort Jackson. Steam-tug Young America 13,500 00 219 72 13,280 28 do Oct. 5, 1865 Cumberland. Steamer Young Republic 422,341 99 10,822 20 411,519 79 do Aug. 24, 1865 Grand Gulf. Schooner Zavalla 4,125 14 1,296 15 2,828 99 New York Aug. 14, 1863 Hu
Osceola, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
lf. Sloop Buffalo. 13,328 85 2,416 37 10,912 48 Philadelphia Nov. 23, 1864 Braziliera. Boat and cargo 390 25 201 78 188 47 New Orleans Feb. 2, 1865 Tallahatchie. Boats, 2, and 4 bales of cotton 2,700 00 261 45 2,438 55 do Mar. 27, 1865 Commodore. Steamer Bloomer     1,700 00 do Oct. 3, 1865 Potomac. Schooner Belle 26,586 74 3,430 19 23,156 25 do April 20, 1865 Virginia. Steamer Blenheim 55,778 22 3,655 77 52,122 45 New York June 19, 1865 Tristam Shandy, Lillian, Britannia, Osceola, Gettysburg. Schooner Badger 10,824 32 947 89 9,886 43 Key West June 29, 1865 Adela. Boat and sundries 194 22 90 82 103 40 do   San Jacinto. (Waiting for prize list.) Boat, no name 891 67 123 61 768 06 do Aug. 16, 1865 Ino. Schooner Baigorry 61,568 43 4,315 65 57,272 58 do Aug. 16, 1865 Bainbridge. Schs. Comet, J. J. Crittenden, and sloop America 2,600 00 322 85 2,277 15 New York Oct. 22, 1863 Commodore Perry, Morse, Underwriter, General Putnam, Whitehead. Schooner Capta
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