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Farmington (Mississippi, United States) 389 39 Browse Search
G. T. Beauregard 161 7 Browse Search
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Booneville (Mississippi, United States) 146 14 Browse Search
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) 141 11 Browse Search
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) 132 12 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). Search the whole document.

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Mount Pleasant (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
o 75 cavalry in town, but as soon as they observed our approach put themselves in readiness to leave. They left principally in the direction of Florence and Mount Pleasant, and, their horses being fresh, but few could be overtaken, though they were pursued some 8 miles in both directions by our cavalry. Two of the enemy were seg) with every demonstration of joy and treated with the utmost kindness and consideration. Fearing that that portion of the rebel cavalry that fled toward Mount Pleasant might be part of a larger band in that direction, and might seriously embarrass, if not capture, portions of our train, I dispatched Major Foster, of the cavalry, with two companies, to scout the country as far as Mount Pleasant, and then to join his regiment at Savannah; since which time I have received no tidings from him, but presume he has joined his regiment some time since. The remainder of the cavalry, with myself and staff, bivouacked near Lawrenceburg the night of the 4th,
Florence, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
they left in the morning and join the other two regiments of my brigade. I then proceeded with the cavalry as fast as the roads would permit, and, when getting within about onefourth of a mile from town, ordered a charge upon the town, which was splendidly executed by Lieutenant-Colonel Murray at the head of his men. I learned that there were 50 to 75 cavalry in town, but as soon as they observed our approach put themselves in readiness to leave. They left principally in the direction of Florence and Mount Pleasant, and, their horses being fresh, but few could be overtaken, though they were pursued some 8 miles in both directions by our cavalry. Two of the enemy were severely wounded, as evidenced by the blood upon their horses which fell into our hands. The result of the expedition was the breaking up of the secession rendezvous at that point, the capture of 6 cavalry horses and saddles, about 4,000 pounds of fine bacon, a dozen or two shot-guns and squirrel rifles, and 2 drums.
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
in the neighborhood with which to transport the captured bacon, started early the next morning, and about noon overtook the infantry of my brigade, who were en route for this place. The next day (6th) we began to hear the fire of the gunboats, and presuming an engagement had taken place, we took three days rations in our haversacks, and leaving our train in charge of the brigade quartermaster, with a sufficient guard, we pushed ahead by forced marches, and made our way to Savannah and Pittsburg Landing at 12 o'clock on the night of the 7th, and early the next morning I had my whole brigade in its present position, in the advance, ready to fight the enemy should he again attack, or for any other duty that might be assigned it. When the general considers that two regiments of my brigade thus made a detour some 30 miles out of the way, and that for 20 miles back of Savannah the road was completely blockaded by the teams of the other divisions of General Buell's army that had precede
Savannah, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
ions of our train, I dispatched Major Foster, of the cavalry, with two companies, to scout the country as far as Mount Pleasant, and then to join his regiment at Savannah; since which time I have received no tidings from him, but presume he has joined his regiment some time since. The remainder of the cavalry, with myself and in our haversacks, and leaving our train in charge of the brigade quartermaster, with a sufficient guard, we pushed ahead by forced marches, and made our way to Savannah and Pittsburg Landing at 12 o'clock on the night of the 7th, and early the next morning I had my whole brigade in its present position, in the advance, ready to ht be assigned it. When the general considers that two regiments of my brigade thus made a detour some 30 miles out of the way, and that for 20 miles back of Savannah the road was completely blockaded by the teams of the other divisions of General Buell's army that had preceded his own, and that notwithstanding all this my bri
Waynesborough (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
April 4, 1862.-skirmish at Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Report of Brig. Gen. Milo S. Hascall, U. S. Army. Hdqrs. Fifteenth Brigade, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, April 12, 1862. Agreeably to the order of General Wood, I proceeded on the morning of the 4th instant from our camp, 23 miles beyond Waynesborough and about 60 miles from this place, with two regiments of my brigade, to wit, the Twenty-sixth Ohio and the Seventeenth Indiana, together with a detachment of about 600 of the Third Ohio Cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, of that regiment, and marched for Lawrenceburg. The general had been informed that about 500 of the enemy's cavalry were at that point, with the intention of making a descent upon our train after the troops had passed. My instructions were to proceed cautiously to Lawrenceburg, a distance of about 14 miles from our camp, and capture the enemy, if possible, and to disperse him at all events. It happened that the day was very rainy and exceedingly
Lawrenceburg (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
April 4, 1862.-skirmish at Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Report of Brig. Gen. Milo S. Hascall, U. S. Army. Hdqrs. Fifteenth Brigade, Army of der Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, of that regiment, and marched for Lawrenceburg. The general had been informed that about 500 of the enemy's caroops had passed. My instructions were to proceed cautiously to Lawrenceburg, a distance of about 14 miles from our camp, and capture the ene every house we passed, to prevent any one taking information to Lawrenceburg of our approach, but when getting about 2 miles from there we hag and returning, my command being everywhere received (except at Lawrenceburg) with every demonstration of joy and treated with the utmost kinremainder of the cavalry, with myself and staff, bivouacked near Lawrenceburg the night of the 4th, and having procured wagons in the neighbortant. This latter part concerning the march after the affair at Lawrenceburg, though not strictly speaking part of this report, I have nevert
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
April 4, 1862.-skirmish at Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Report of Brig. Gen. Milo S. Hascall, U. S. Army. Hdqrs. Fifteenth Brigade, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, April 12, 1862. Agreeably to the order of General Wood, I proceeded on the morning of the 4th instant from our camp, 23 miles beyond Waynesborough and about 60 miles from this place, with two regiments of my brigade, to wit, the Twenty-sixth Ohio and the Seventeenth Indiana, together with a detachment of about 600 of the Third Ohio Cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, of that regiment, and marched for Lawrenceburg. The general had been informed that about 500 of the enemy's cavalry were at that point, with the intention of making a descent upon our train after the troops had passed. My instructions were to proceed cautiously to Lawrenceburg, a distance of about 14 miles from our camp, and capture the enemy, if possible, and to disperse him at all events. It happened that the day was very rainy and exceedingly
William H. Schlater (search for this): chapter 20
rived on the battle-field only twelve hours after the other portions of his division, I think he will unite with me in saying that it is entitled to as much credit as any that took part in the glorious achievements of the 6th and 7th instant. This latter part concerning the march after the affair at Lawrenceburg, though not strictly speaking part of this report, I have nevertheless thought that justice to my brigade, under all circumstances, demanded this statement from me in this connection, and its indorsement by the general commanding the division, who is aware of all the circumstances. It is proper for me to add here that in all my operations after being detached for the Lawrenceburg affair to the time of my arrival here I received most efficient aid and co-operation from all my field and staff officers. All which is respectfully submitted. Milo S. Hascall, Brigadier-General, Commanding Fifteenth Brigade. Captain Schlater, Assistant Adjutant-General, Sixth Division.
C. H. Murray (search for this): chapter 20
amp, 23 miles beyond Waynesborough and about 60 miles from this place, with two regiments of my brigade, to wit, the Twenty-sixth Ohio and the Seventeenth Indiana, together with a detachment of about 600 of the Third Ohio Cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, of that regiment, and marched for Lawrenceburg. The general had been informed that about 500 of the enemy's cavalry were at that point, with the intention of making a descent upon our train after the troops had passed. My instruction the other two regiments of my brigade. I then proceeded with the cavalry as fast as the roads would permit, and, when getting within about onefourth of a mile from town, ordered a charge upon the town, which was splendidly executed by Lieutenant-Colonel Murray at the head of his men. I learned that there were 50 to 75 cavalry in town, but as soon as they observed our approach put themselves in readiness to leave. They left principally in the direction of Florence and Mount Pleasant, and, th
Milo S. Hascall (search for this): chapter 20
April 4, 1862.-skirmish at Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Report of Brig. Gen. Milo S. Hascall, U. S. Army. Hdqrs. Fifteenth Brigade, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, April 12, 1862. Agreeably to the order of General Wood, I proceeded on the morning of the 4th instant from our camp, 23 miles beyond Waynesborough and about 60 miles from this place, with two regiments of my brigade, to wit, the Twenty-sixth Ohio and the Seventeenth Indiana, together with a detachment of about 600 of the Third nd its indorsement by the general commanding the division, who is aware of all the circumstances. It is proper for me to add here that in all my operations after being detached for the Lawrenceburg affair to the time of my arrival here I received most efficient aid and co-operation from all my field and staff officers. All which is respectfully submitted. Milo S. Hascall, Brigadier-General, Commanding Fifteenth Brigade. Captain Schlater, Assistant Adjutant-General, Sixth Division.
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