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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. Search the whole document.

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Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
Gen. Benham, who guarded our immense accumulation of supplies at City Point. Humphreys crossed Hatcher's run at the Vaughan road; while Warren, moving farther to the left, crossed four miles below, where the stream, since its junction with Gravelly run, has become Rowanty creek; thence moving up by the Quaker road to strike the Boydton plank-road. Sheridan moved nearly south to Dinwiddie C. H.; where, at 5 P. M., he halted for the night. Warren's corps alone encountered any serious resisenemy in force, with every prospect of routing him. Warren received order after order to hasten to Sheridan's rescue, and had sent Ayres's division through the mire and darkness; but Ayres, moving on the Boydton plank-road, had been stopped at Gravelly run, where the bridge was gone; and it was 2 A. M. before he had rebuilt and got across it; hurrying on to Dinwiddie; where he arrived at daybreak; April 1. just as the last of the Rebels--a picket of cavalry — were hurrying off to join their d
White Oak (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
cts a General advance by our left Griffin's fight at the White Oak road Sheridan advances to five Forks falls back to Dinwhe night in front of the Rebel intrenchments covering the White Oak road. Humphreys — moving in an extended line, over a denn had pushed forward skirmishers on his left to seize the White Oak road beyond the Rebel right, and had ordered Ayres to advecoiled; taking refuge behind his intrenchments along the White Oak road; having lost heavily by his assault, mainly in prisoushrod Johnson's divisions of infantry westward along the White Oak road to Five Forks, where they fell upon Devin's divisionn his rear — to advance the 5th corps on our right to the White Oak road, so as to be fully on the enemy's left flank, and that northward. Ayres's division advanced nearest to the White Oak road and the Rebel defenses, with Crawford's on its righthing him at daybreak, and had been directed to follow the White Oak road eastward toward Petersburg, and attack the enemy at
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 34
ity of any further effusion of blood by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States army known as the Army of Northern Virginia. U. S. Grant, Lt.-General. Gen. R. E. Lee. ers surrendered shall be disqualified for taking up arms again against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged. I will meet you, or will designate officers to meet any officers ew to surrender the Army of Northern Virginia; but, as far as your proposal may affect the Confederate States forces under my command, and tend to the restoration of peace, I should be pleased to meet officers to give their individual paroles not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged; and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for thhis done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside.
Ford, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
used flank in the rear, capturing 1,500 more; and Crawford — resisted only by skirmishers — pressed forward rapidly to the Ford road, running northward from their center, precluding their retreat toward Lee; and then, turning southward on that road, of our army, while Griffin's own division (now Bartlett's) supported McKenzie's cavalry, which had pushed northward up the Ford road to Hatcher's run. And now, as darkness fell, by Grant's order, our guns in position before Petersburg opened from k when Gen. Humphreys came up and reclaimed Miles's division: when Sheridan desisted, returned to Five Forks, and took the Ford road out to Hatcher's run, where he crossed the 5th corps and moved rapidly toward Sutherland's depot, to strike in flank -ward, the position of the 5th (Griffin's) corps at Sutherland's, 10 miles west of Petersburg, with Sheridan's cavalry at Ford's, 10 miles farther west, barring his way up the south bank of the Appomattox, with nearly all the residue of Grant's forc
Wall Street (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
sly awaited — which had seemed so often just at hand, and the next moment farther off than ever — so intensely longed for by the Millions' who had for years been constrained to endure the taunts of Northern sympathizers with the Rebels, and the heart-sickness of hope deferred. These instantly and undoubtingly comprehended that the fall of Richmond was a death-blow to the Rebellion, and rejoiced over it accordingly. In New York, an impromptu gathering of many thousands immediately filled Wall-street, and listened, with cheers and thanks-giving, to dispatches, addresses, &c.; while the bells of Trinity and St. Paul's chimed melodiously with the general joy and praise. So in Washington and other great cities, the popular feeling of relief and gratitude found many modes of expression, wherein the readers of next day's journals will detect no unmanly exultation over the fallen, and scarcely a word bespeaking wrath or bitterness, or demanding vengeful inflictions on those whose unhallowe
Alleghany Mountains (United States) (search for this): chapter 34
ight about. The loss in this affair on our side was nearly 2,000; that of the Rebels was about 1,000. The ground taken by the 2d corps was held, and our left thus permanently extended to Hatcher's run. The Rebels in Northern Virginia evinced the greater activity during the Winter. Aside from sundry inconsiderable but annoying dashes through our lines at several points, by the alert, ubiquitous guerrilla, Moseby, Gen. Rosser, with a mounted force, slipped across the main range of the Alleghanies into West Virginia; surprising Beverly, Randolph county; which was held by a garrison of 700, who were caught Jan. 11. sound asleep, with pickets only 300 yards from their camp; 400 of them made prisoners, the residue dispersed, and much spoil secured in the shape of horses, commissary's and quarter-master's stores. All that could be carried off in their haste was taken; the residue destroyed. Lt. McNiel, with a squad of Rebel cavalry, dashed into Cumberland, Md., about 3 A. M.;
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
s and treacherous quicksands of eastern Georgia, or the flooded swamps of South Carolina. Had Lee's effective force (by his muster-rolls, 64,000 men — but suppose the number available for such a campaign but 50,000), swelled by such reenforcements as Hardee, Beauregard, Wheeler, and Hoke, might have afforded him, been hurled upon Sherman, as he confidently approached Savannah, Columbia, or Fayetteville, it is indeed possible that the blow — so closely resembling that dealt to Cornwallis at Yorktown by Washington and Rochambeau — might have been effectively, countered (as theirs was not) by the hurried movement southward by water of corps after corps of the Army of the Potomac; yet the necessity of stopping Sherman's career was so indubitably manifest and vital that it seems strange that every thing was not staked on a throw where success would have kindled new hope in so many sinking hearts, while defeat could only have been what inaction was — ruin. But any suggestion of the abando
Burkesville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
r Grant was now at liberty to throw forward his left to the Appomattox; while it was morally certain that his cavalry would soon clutch the railroad junction at Burkesville, which had now become the jugular vein of the gasping Confederacy. At 10 1/2 A. M., therefore, he telegraphed to Davis in Richmond a dispatch, containing very idly westward by roads considerably south of Amelia C. H., had struck the Danville railroad at Jetersville, while his advance had swept down that road nearly to Burkesville, scattering by the way such portions of the Rebel cavalry as had fled west-ward from their discomfiture at Five Forks. At Deep creek, a considerable force of iir late enemies, now fellow-countrymen, to stay their hunger until provisions from our trains could be drawn for them. Then, while most of our army returned to Burkesville, and thence, a few days later, to Petersburg and Richmond, the work of paroling went on, under the guardianship of Griffin's and Gibbon's infantry, with McKenzi
Wilmington River (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
to Hicksford the few Rebels encountered were driven, while the road was effectually destroyed down to that point — some 20 miles. Hicksford had been fortified, and was strongly held by the enemy; while our troops, having started with but four days rations, were constrained to hasten their return. No considerable loss was suffered, nor (otherwise than in destroying the railroad) inflicted. The withdrawal of most of our naval force from the James, to participate in the operations against Wilmington, tempted the authorities in Richmond again to try their luck upon the water. Their three ironclads — the Virginia, Fredericksburg, and Richmond — with five wooden steamers, and three torpedo-boats, dropped Jan. 23, 1865. silently down from the city under cover of darkness, passing Fort Brady at midnight, responding to its fire, and dismounting a 100-pounder in its battery; then passing out of its range, and breaking the chain in front of the obstructions placed in the channel by Gen. B<
Vaughan (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
rossed Hatcher's run; when, facing northward, they advanced, feeling for the enemys right. Sheridan was on our extreme left, at the head of nearly 10,000 cavalry, acting under orders directly from Gen. Grant. The 9th (Parke's) and one of Ord's divisions were left to hold our extended lines under the command of Gen. Parke: all dismounted troopers being ordered to report to Gen. Benham, who guarded our immense accumulation of supplies at City Point. Humphreys crossed Hatcher's run at the Vaughan road; while Warren, moving farther to the left, crossed four miles below, where the stream, since its junction with Gravelly run, has become Rowanty creek; thence moving up by the Quaker road to strike the Boydton plank-road. Sheridan moved nearly south to Dinwiddie C. H.; where, at 5 P. M., he halted for the night. Warren's corps alone encountered any serious resistance this day. Approaching the Confederate lines, Griffin's division, leading, was sharply assailed; but held its ground a
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