Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Julius Bing or search for Julius Bing in all documents.

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Mr. Julius Bing's Adventures. Washington, Thursday, Aug. 1, 1861. Mr. Julius Bing, a GermMr. Julius Bing, a German by birth, a British subject by naturalization, and a litterateur by profession, arrived here to-ld commence, and the number of our troops. Mr. Bing assured Gen. Beauregard that he was a naturald courteously assented. On the same grounds, Mr. Bing requested to be released, and Senator Clingma. At first an arrangement was made to take Mr. Bing as a passenger on an ammunition wagon to Centent received?] Finally, on Wednesday night Mr. Bing started in charge of a railroad conductor, wht Manassas, and insisted upon letting him go. Mr. Bing refused at first, but finally was prevailed uesirous. The two somehow never met again. Mr. Bing spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Richmon recognize his Government. On Monday night Mr. Bing left Richmond by the train for Fredericksburgde his way here, via Alexandria, to-night. Mr. Bing says that on the whole our prisoners are well[1 more...]